Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

I don't criticize oil companies...

But if they gush oil into our waters, I don't apologize either

Cool, but that wasn't the question. You are criticizing Rush for being a hypocrite. He had to join a union to do the job he did. You advocate he have no say in the political process because it's hypocrisy to join a union, even if forced to.

The question isn't whether you criticize oil companies, it's do you criticize liberals who do criticize oil companies and buy gas anyway. Do you call them hypocrites as you say that about Rush?

Rush got his cushy, no work job through the union..Just like all union employees

You don't think he was hired because of his good looks and pleasant personality do you?
Lie much?:eusa_liar:


Everyone knows that union workers are lazy, overpaid and underworked. Because of Rushs high profile, that proves he has mob connections

Don't you listen to EIB?

Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.

b-b-b-b-but I thought the MSM was run by the liberals? :confused:

Everyone knows that union workers are lazy, overpaid and underworked. Because of Rushs high profile, that proves he has mob connections

Don't you listen to EIB?

Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.

b-b-b-b-but I thought the MSM was run by the liberals? :confused:

Rush got his cushy, do nothin union job because his Uncle Nunzio pulled strings and got him hired over a more qualified candidate

As a union worker, Rush can't be fired and only has to actually show up for a couple hours a day

Everyone knows that union workers are lazy, overpaid and underworked. Because of Rushs high profile, that proves he has mob connections

Don't you listen to EIB?

Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.

b-b-b-b-but I thought the MSM was run by the liberals? :confused:

what does your reply have to do with my comment. of course the MSM is run by liberals.
Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.

b-b-b-b-but I thought the MSM was run by the liberals? :confused:

Rush got his cushy, do nothin union job because his Uncle Nunzio pulled strings and got him hired over a more qualified candidate

As a union worker, Rush can't be fired and only has to actually show up for a couple hours a day

Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.
So Public Workers should expect to be compensated for their education and/or experience? You destroy public sector unions, private ones are next. Then all our wages get cut to a dollar a day and you won't have a say about it because Republicans took away your rights. You talk bad about Republicans, you get killed. This is their ultimate goal.

If you like having a salary, benefits and a house. You better support unions. If not, get use to slums.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, the liberal DRAAAAAAMA!:eusa_hand:
We've got a 4000+ square foot house, with an awesome ocean view, and never worked a union job.

8% of all workers are unionized these days..........Yeah, the 92% of those who aren't are just a sufferin' away!


Lib paranoia sure is entertaining!

Put 2 and 2 together, you take away people fighting for worker's rights. Workers rights cease to exist. Your nice little house will be gone. Bye Bye when you aren't allowed to make any money like Republican dream lands like Honduras and Somolia.

At least our dream lands of england, france, norway and sweden actually have the best education, healthcare, and quality of life. Thats something we should strive for, you want to destroy America.
Touche. Still a private union though. I dont have an issue with private unions. Though Id never want to be in one. And they UAW was part of the reason the automotive industry tanked. The private union still has a vested interest in the corporation succeeding. The public union only has interest in themselves.
Where does it say in the Constitution that government workers are 2nd class citizens, prohibited from organizing and being recognized by their employeer!

Where does it say that a govenor can arbitrarily pick and choose which public sector unions he/she wishes to recognize?
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b-b-b-b-but I thought the MSM was run by the liberals? :confused:

Rush got his cushy, do nothin union job because his Uncle Nunzio pulled strings and got him hired over a more qualified candidate

As a union worker, Rush can't be fired and only has to actually show up for a couple hours a day

Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.

Heard your rambling the first time...
I am not going to try to read 632 posts in this thread, but I want to know... is this one of those deals that in order to work in the field one must be a member of the prevailing union no if's, and's or but't about it, where paying union dues are voluntary until you decide not to pay the union dues?

If so, I completely understand their hatred of the union.

I am not going to try to read 632 posts in this thread, but I want to know... is this one of those deals that in order to work in the field one must be a member of the prevailing union no if's, and's or but't about it, where paying union dues are voluntary until you decide not to pay the union dues?

If so, I completely understand their hatred of the union.

yup thats what it is and the libs are going apoplectic

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