Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

fi core is screen actors
not radio
at least thats what i got

It is both

Union Financial Core

You keep repeating this mindless point as if you know what you're talking about. If you read your link, it summarizes it this way:

--- "you become a 'fee paying non-member'"

You pay for the union, but you're not a "member." It is a distinction without a difference.

Even then, it protects him from firing himself. It does not require stations to carry him, it does not require AFTRA to not boycott them, it does not require AFTRA members to work for stations that carry him. Your big point is he can pay union dues and not fire himself. Wow, you are really onto something there. I guess when your only toy is an empty paper towel roll, that toy is invaluable to you...

He started out owning his own company?

You keep repeating this mindless point as if you know what you're talking about. If you read your link, it summarizes it this way:

--- "you become a 'fee paying non-member'"

You pay for the union, but you're not a "member." It is a distinction without a difference.

Even then, it protects him from firing himself. It does not require stations to carry him, it does not require AFTRA to not boycott them, it does not require AFTRA members to work for stations that carry him. Your big point is he can pay union dues and not fire himself. Wow, you are really onto something there. I guess when your only toy is an empty paper towel roll, that toy is invaluable to you...

He started out owning his own company?
No. So to your point, the stations he worked for before he could have technically not joined the union, but paid the union dues. As I pointed out, a distinction without a difference. The Union doesn't consider it a difference, they are OK with it. You still have a non-point.
Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.
You keep repeating this mindless point as if you know what you're talking about. If you read your link, it summarizes it this way:

--- "you become a 'fee paying non-member'"

You pay for the union, but you're not a "member." It is a distinction without a difference.

Even then, it protects him from firing himself. It does not require stations to carry him, it does not require AFTRA to not boycott them, it does not require AFTRA members to work for stations that carry him. Your big point is he can pay union dues and not fire himself. Wow, you are really onto something there. I guess when your only toy is an empty paper towel roll, that toy is invaluable to you...

He started out owning his own company?
No. So to your point, the stations he worked for before he could have technically not joined the union, but paid the union dues. As I pointed out, a distinction without a difference. The Union doesn't consider it a difference, they are OK with it. You still have a non-point.

Yes there is a difference, in one you are a union member and in the other you are not a member, some one that hates unions like the right wing god Rush would surely want to stand by his ideals and not be a union member wouldnt he?

The union does consider it a difference, they dont like Fi core but cant do anything about it.
At least our dream lands of england, france, norway and sweden actually have the best education, healthcare, and quality of life. Thats something we should strive for, you want to destroy America.

Then why don't you move?

Instead of trying to transform the USA into a European social democracy - just move.

No one is moving anywhere. What you are having trouble with is that America is becoming younger, darker in color, less religious, and less interested in the past. You are not going to have the America you want, uncensored2008. You name calling may make you feel better, but you are of the past, not the future. Get used to it.
I see the jealousy regarding Fox News' ratings compared to liberal cable news media, and the jealousy of Rush's success versus NPR is alive and well.

That what this long thread is really about. Just read the libs' posts.

Now they want to claim a little piece of the success? I guess if my side was so grotesquely faltering like the left's is, I might try and take some credit as well.

But probably not. Because that would make me look stupid.
Anyone that makes any sweeping comment about "Libs" do this or "Libs" do that isn't worth listening to usually.
Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

As if you were a critical thinker.

Go ahead, make fun of what you don't understand.

My guess you hear of it through third parties anyway.
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No one is moving anywhere.

Then one should assume that you fascists are lying when you speak of the superior life. After all, if life were superior, you would move

What you are having trouble with is that America is becoming younger, darker in color, less religious, and less interested in the past.

It is?

And here I thought it had to do with the diminishing liberty afforded the citizenry, the establishment of and effective aristocracy and the relentless march toward the merging of government corporate power structures, particularly under Dear Leader.

You are not going to have the America you want, uncensored2008.

Nor are you, JakeStarkey - though North Korea is pretty damned close to what you seek.

You name calling may make you feel better, but you are of the past, not the future. Get used to it.

Is that right? Not like the progressive ideas you espouse - circa 1848....
I think Rush is worth every dollar he makes. ;)

He has the best show on the radio

Then radio truly sucks.


Sad, very sad. I like listening to all sides. I love Airhead America, it's a hoot. I am libertarian so I tend to agree with Neil Boorz the most, though we have some differences. Such as he's for the wars and I'm against them.

Rush is a quality show, it's sad you can only measure a show's quality by how angry and liberal they are.
At least our dream lands of england, france, norway and sweden actually have the best education, healthcare, and quality of life. Thats something we should strive for, you want to destroy America.

Then why don't you move?

Instead of trying to transform the USA into a European social democracy - just move.

No one is moving anywhere. What you are having trouble with is that America is becoming younger, darker in color, less religious, and less interested in the past. You are not going to have the America you want, uncensored2008. You name calling may make you feel better, but you are of the past, not the future. Get used to it.

In other words less American and more Mexican


Another third world country growing up before our eyes.

Makes me wanna move.

I've been in enough shitholes during my time in the service. Guess it's time we let you lefties turn this place into another one.
You need a lesson on how to appreciate what you have.
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Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

I see another left wing nugget gives jake a thanks.

noose4 (Today)

Jake if I was you and I had all these left wing nut cases agreeing with meI would have to rethink my political views.

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