Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

I see another left wing nugget gives jake a thanks.

noose4 (Today)

Jake if I was you and I had all these left wing nut cases agreeing with meI would have to rethink my political views.

bigreb is funny! He is a far far right wannabe poseur conservative who is truly a reactionary. Keep posting, bigreb, just like gstarz and the others who want to destroy America, so we can really see what you are all about. :lol:
Speaking of Conservative poseurs, WHAT UP JANE?:razz:
I, too, like listening to both sides. What I can't stand is having to defend myself all the time because of people like Rush
The reality is that liberals have zero tolerance for anyone who disagree with them. Rush's tame compared to Michael Moore, Chris Matthews, Rachel Meadows, Al Franken and a plethora of liberals. And far tamer then Air America or Keith Olberman.

You need to stop apologizing for what you don't need to apologize for and allowing them to hold your side to a standard when they hold their own side to none at all.
Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?

No dumb ass. I said you will hear two sides of the story on his show. I never said he covers both sides. On most liberal shows, you will never hear a conservative ever. Some you will hear a carefully selected one or a tightly controlled situation. I used to listen to Sam Greenfield until he was taken off the air. The only time you heard a conservative was when he yelled at them for lying to his screener about what they were going to say and he wasn't going to have a liar on the show. Well, if they didn't lie, they didn't get past the screener, so he wasn't going to have a CONSERVATIVE on his show. I have never heard a conservative or a conservative opinion on Air America.

Actually your solution of his covering liberal views sucks, it's a terrible idea. Liberals should cover liberal views, like on FoxNews, Hannity callers, Boortz Callers and on Rush. The liberal media does what you suggest in reverse. Liberals tell us what we "need to know" about what conservatives think. Guess what, they don't.
It's not jealousy, liberals just believe that only liberal perspectives should be told. Rush speaks well for Conservatives. He likes to yank liberal chains, but he's a good guy. The funniest thing is when he even says he's yanking their chains to get upset and then they do.

As a libertarian I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social issues and the war. But my comment was that he's entertaining and has an entertaining show. That's why he's #1 in the ratings, not because he's conservative. Liberal shows are entertaining because they are wacko, hypocritical and illogical. But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs.

People say this all the time:

"But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs"

That is the exact same thing I hear from every person on the left or right.

"The other side is partisan. The guys on my side tell both sides of the story!"

Wrong. Both sides only tell their side of the story. They're all partisan hacks.
I thanked you for this one because I love your avatar. Looks like a real camel fucker.

As for the post, you're tripping. Pay more attention.
Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?

No dumb ass. I said you will hear two sides of the story on his show. I never said he covers both sides. On most liberal shows, you will never hear a conservative ever. Some you will hear a carefully selected one or a tightly controlled situation. I used to listen to Sam Greenfield until he was taken off the air. The only time you heard a conservative was when he yelled at them for lying to his screener about what they were going to say and he wasn't going to have a liar on the show. Well, if they didn't lie, they didn't get past the screener, so he wasn't going to have a CONSERVATIVE on his show. I have never heard a conservative or a conservative opinion on Air America.

Actually your solution of his covering liberal views sucks, it's a terrible idea. Liberals should cover liberal views, like on FoxNews, Hannity callers, Boortz Callers and on Rush. The liberal media does what you suggest in reverse. Liberals tell us what we "need to know" about what conservatives think. Guess what, they don't.

My solution? Do you have any idea what my solution is? Please stop putting words in my mouth.

In fact, I'm not asking for a change in any manner. My only comment was that I do not like Rush because I do not appreciate the hatred he splatters all over the airwaves. I do not find that entertaining. Seems you are one of those who I talked about when I said:

Then, why do I get the impression that his fans are jumping down my throat because I said I don't find him entertaining?

To give you an idea of the kind of political shows I enjoy, I would point to Hannity and Colmes on Fox and Crossfire before that dimwit Carlson Tucker? ruined the show.

I simply do not like Rush. Sorry if that offends you. Don't like Rachel Maddow either, or Al Franken or Michael Savage either

Rush has his followers and his detractors.

And, he is the first to admit he is partisan.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

His number 1 status, however, indicates that many people do find him entertaining.

Stalin was pretty popular too... Just saying...

Stalin was responsible for the death of 25 million Russians.

Rush is responsible for the peace of mind of 25 million listeners.

Yeah, you could say they're kind of similar.
Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

I see another left wing nugget gives jake a thanks.

noose4 (Today)

Jake if I was you and I had all these left wing nut cases agreeing with meI would have to rethink my political views.

bigreb is funny! He is a far far right wannabe poseur conservative who is truly a reactionary. Keep posting, bigreb, just like gstarz and the others who want to destroy America, so we can really see what you are all about. :lol:

Maybe so but in this case he is right. Rush is worth millions and has the audience he does not because he is in a union. It is because he is providing a point of view they want to hear.
Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

I see that ditto-heads have their own separate language too. What, pray-tell is a "driveby"?

Actually Drivebys is an old term.

They're the press that does hit pieces on issues and people they feel are worth taking a shot at.

They raise all kinds of hell and leave behind a mess and move on to the next target they feel is worth laying waste to.

The current term is The State Run Media. CBS, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CNN, The Associated Press, The New York Times, The L.A. Times, USATODAY, The Huffington Post. Then there's the Radicals like Media Matters, Daily Kos, Center For American Progress, and others.
Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

I see another left wing nugget gives jake a thanks.

noose4 (Today)

Jake if I was you and I had all these left wing nut cases agreeing with meI would have to rethink my political views.

bigreb is funny! He is a far far right wannabe poseur conservative who is truly a reactionary. Keep posting, bigreb, just like gstarz and the others who want to destroy America, so we can really see what you are all about. :lol:

JakeStarkey, hero of the left......
I simply do not like Rush. Sorry if that offends you. Don't like Rachel Maddow either, or Al Franken or Michael Savage either

You said what you didn't, but you didn't mean what you said you did. Whatever. I don't give a rats ass if you like Rush. You said you're tired of defending your side from him, then you say I don't know what you think. I don't, but I know what you said you think. But your statement he's full of "hate" means you are either a liberal or manipulated by them. Like who you like. I disagree with Rush on a lot, but he's entertaining and if you say "hate" you have an agenda. Or you're a pussy manipulated by people with an agenda. Those are the only two choices.
Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?


Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

What is telling is that it does not seem like hate to so many conservatives.

Yet, it appears that you agree that he only gives one side of the story.


Here's the difference genius, while FNC ,Rush, Beck, Hannity freely admit they are conservatives, the main stream media collectively refuses to admit it's liberal bias.
The most galling of all was the liberal Air America presenting itself as a balanced outlet for news and commentary. Clearly, Air America was liberal. And we see what happened to that pile of goo.
Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

I see that ditto-heads have their own separate language too. What, pray-tell is a "driveby"?
The reporting of unsubstantiated non researched stories.
For example......a few years ago a womens advocacy group released a statement stating over 300,000 deaths per year were attributed to bulemia(SP) in women.....That's over 5,700 per week!!!! The drive by part was the report was picked up and published by major news outlets including the NY Times....The fact that NO ONE bothered to check the figures and do the required confirmation of at least three credible sources. Of course real journalists decided to check out the story and it turned out to be false.
This is an example of "drive-by media"....

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