Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

I see the jealousy regarding Fox News' ratings compared to liberal cable news media, and the jealousy of Rush's success versus NPR is alive and well.

That what this long thread is really about. Just read the libs' posts.

Now they want to claim a little piece of the success? I guess if my side was so grotesquely faltering like the left's is, I might try and take some credit as well.

But probably not. Because that would make me look stupid.

It's not jealousy, liberals just believe that only liberal perspectives should be told. Rush speaks well for Conservatives. He likes to yank liberal chains, but he's a good guy. The funniest thing is when he even says he's yanking their chains to get upset and then they do.

As a libertarian I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social issues and the war. But my comment was that he's entertaining and has an entertaining show. That's why he's #1 in the ratings, not because he's conservative. Liberal shows are entertaining because they are wacko, hypocritical and illogical. But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs.
Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

I see another left wing nugget gives jake a thanks.

noose4 (Today)

Jake if I was you and I had all these left wing nut cases agreeing with meI would have to rethink my political views.


He has the best show on the radio

Then radio truly sucks.


Sad, very sad. I like listening to all sides. I love Airhead America, it's a hoot. I am libertarian so I tend to agree with Neil Boorz the most, though we have some differences. Such as he's for the wars and I'm against them.

Rush is a quality show, it's sad you can only measure a show's quality by how angry and liberal they are.

Rush is full of hatred and that is why I can no longer listen to him even though generally, I identify with his positions. It is not the issues that I have a problem with. It is rather, the hatred he spews out in the guise of entertainment. I don't find that my opponents are terrible people just because they and I do not agree on a particular subject. Nor do I find that his methods do anything to improve the country let alone the quality of debate upon the issues. Rush makes the discussion of an issue impossible because of the demonizing he does. It is impossible to have a discussion with a liberal on a particular issue because they identify you with the likes of Rush making you the enemy and the chances of quality discussion becomes out of the question.

I like Boortz too. He happens to be my favorite "talking head" although I have not listened to his program in a while.

I, too, like listening to both sides. What I can't stand is having to defend myself all the time because of people like Rush.

I see the jealousy regarding Fox News' ratings compared to liberal cable news media, and the jealousy of Rush's success versus NPR is alive and well.

That what this long thread is really about. Just read the libs' posts.

Now they want to claim a little piece of the success? I guess if my side was so grotesquely faltering like the left's is, I might try and take some credit as well.

But probably not. Because that would make me look stupid.

It's not jealousy, liberals just believe that only liberal perspectives should be told. Rush speaks well for Conservatives. He likes to yank liberal chains, but he's a good guy. The funniest thing is when he even says he's yanking their chains to get upset and then they do.

As a libertarian I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social issues and the war. But my comment was that he's entertaining and has an entertaining show. That's why he's #1 in the ratings, not because he's conservative. Liberal shows are entertaining because they are wacko, hypocritical and illogical. But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs.

Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?

It's not jealousy, liberals just believe that only liberal perspectives should be told. Rush speaks well for Conservatives. He likes to yank liberal chains, but he's a good guy. The funniest thing is when he even says he's yanking their chains to get upset and then they do.

As a libertarian I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social issues and the war. But my comment was that he's entertaining and has an entertaining show. That's why he's #1 in the ratings, not because he's conservative. Liberal shows are entertaining because they are wacko, hypocritical and illogical. But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs.

People say this all the time:

"But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs"

That is the exact same thing I hear from every person on the left or right.

"The other side is partisan. The guys on my side tell both sides of the story!"

Wrong. Both sides only tell their side of the story. They're all partisan hacks.
I see the jealousy regarding Fox News' ratings compared to liberal cable news media, and the jealousy of Rush's success versus NPR is alive and well.

That what this long thread is really about. Just read the libs' posts.

Now they want to claim a little piece of the success? I guess if my side was so grotesquely faltering like the left's is, I might try and take some credit as well.

But probably not. Because that would make me look stupid.

It's not jealousy, liberals just believe that only liberal perspectives should be told. Rush speaks well for Conservatives. He likes to yank liberal chains, but he's a good guy. The funniest thing is when he even says he's yanking their chains to get upset and then they do.

As a libertarian I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social issues and the war. But my comment was that he's entertaining and has an entertaining show. That's why he's #1 in the ratings, not because he's conservative. Liberal shows are entertaining because they are wacko, hypocritical and illogical. But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs.

Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?


Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.
Then radio truly sucks.


Sad, very sad. I like listening to all sides. I love Airhead America, it's a hoot. I am libertarian so I tend to agree with Neil Boorz the most, though we have some differences. Such as he's for the wars and I'm against them.

Rush is a quality show, it's sad you can only measure a show's quality by how angry and liberal they are.

Rush is full of hatred and that is why I can no longer listen to him even though generally, I identify with his positions. It is not the issues that I have a problem with. It is rather, the hatred he spews out in the guise of entertainment. I don't find that my opponents are terrible people just because they and I do not agree on a particular subject. Nor do I find that his methods do anything to improve the country let alone the quality of debate upon the issues. Rush makes the discussion of an issue impossible because of the demonizing he does. It is impossible to have a discussion with a liberal on a particular issue because they identify you with the likes of Rush making you the enemy and the chances of quality discussion becomes out of the question.

I like Boortz too. He happens to be my favorite "talking head" although I have not listened to his program in a while.

I, too, like listening to both sides. What I can't stand is having to defend myself all the time because of people like Rush.


Wow. No one can hate anymore?

I hate Obama's policies, I hate the puppet masters that lead the Democrats, I hate the way liberals dismiss the Constitution as an antiquated piece of paper. There are many more things I could list.

I do not buy into the whole "tone down the rhetoric".

Not toning it down worked well in November.
It's not jealousy, liberals just believe that only liberal perspectives should be told. Rush speaks well for Conservatives. He likes to yank liberal chains, but he's a good guy. The funniest thing is when he even says he's yanking their chains to get upset and then they do.

As a libertarian I tend to agree with him on fiscal issues and disagree with him on social issues and the war. But my comment was that he's entertaining and has an entertaining show. That's why he's #1 in the ratings, not because he's conservative. Liberal shows are entertaining because they are wacko, hypocritical and illogical. But you can only listen to so much of them because you will only hear one side ever. Theirs.

Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?


Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

What is telling is that it does not seem like hate to so many conservatives.

Yet, it appears that you agree that he only gives one side of the story.

Has Rush changed his format since the last time I listened? Is he giving two sides of the story?


Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

What is telling is that it does not seem like hate to so many conservatives.

Yet, it appears that you agree that he only gives one side of the story.


He's an entertainer, not a journalist.
Sad, very sad. I like listening to all sides. I love Airhead America, it's a hoot. I am libertarian so I tend to agree with Neil Boorz the most, though we have some differences. Such as he's for the wars and I'm against them.

Rush is a quality show, it's sad you can only measure a show's quality by how angry and liberal they are.

Rush is full of hatred and that is why I can no longer listen to him even though generally, I identify with his positions. It is not the issues that I have a problem with. It is rather, the hatred he spews out in the guise of entertainment. I don't find that my opponents are terrible people just because they and I do not agree on a particular subject. Nor do I find that his methods do anything to improve the country let alone the quality of debate upon the issues. Rush makes the discussion of an issue impossible because of the demonizing he does. It is impossible to have a discussion with a liberal on a particular issue because they identify you with the likes of Rush making you the enemy and the chances of quality discussion becomes out of the question.

I like Boortz too. He happens to be my favorite "talking head" although I have not listened to his program in a while.

I, too, like listening to both sides. What I can't stand is having to defend myself all the time because of people like Rush.


Wow. No one can hate anymore?

I hate Obama's policies, I hate the puppet masters that lead the Democrats, I hate the way liberals dismiss the Constitution as an antiquated piece of paper. There are many more things I could list.

I do not buy into the whole "tone down the rhetoric".

Not toning it down worked well in November.

Hate does not win others to your side which is the ultimate goal.

As to whether or not it worked well in November, we will have to wait at least until 2012 as to whether or not it actually did work. The win in November in my opinion was more of a statement on Obama's failures than on the right's competencies. Much as Obama's win in 2008 was a statement upon the failures of the Bush Admin.

Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

What is telling is that it does not seem like hate to so many conservatives.

Yet, it appears that you agree that he only gives one side of the story.


He's an entertainer, not a journalist.

Fine, then maybe he should learn to sing and become entertaining? ;)

I'm sorry, but I do not find his style to be entertaining, but then I never found Woody Allen to be entertaining either. I guess it is up to the viewer as to whether or not something is actually entertaining.

What is telling is that it does not seem like hate to so many conservatives.

Yet, it appears that you agree that he only gives one side of the story.


He's an entertainer, not a journalist.

Fine, then maybe he should learn to sing and become entertaining? ;)

I'm sorry, but I do not find his style to be entertaining, but then I never found Woody Allen to be entertaining either. I guess it is up to the viewer as to whether or not something is actually entertaining.


Rush has his followers and his detractors.

And, he is the first to admit he is partisan.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

His number 1 status, however, indicates that many people do find him entertaining.
Rush gives you the side the Drivebys refuse to.

They give one side and Rush fills in what they leave out.

Sorry if that seems like hate to you.

And this simple fact is why he's number one.

I see that ditto-heads have their own separate language too. What, pray-tell is a "driveby"?
Rush has his followers and his detractors.

And, he is the first to admit he is partisan.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

His number 1 status, however, indicates that many people do find him entertaining.

Stalin was pretty popular too... Just saying...
He's an entertainer, not a journalist.

Fine, then maybe he should learn to sing and become entertaining? ;)

I'm sorry, but I do not find his style to be entertaining, but then I never found Woody Allen to be entertaining either. I guess it is up to the viewer as to whether or not something is actually entertaining.


Rush has his followers and his detractors.

And, he is the first to admit he is partisan.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

His number 1 status, however, indicates that many people do find him entertaining.

And I don't listen any longer. However, I would never ask that he be removed from the airwaves. I used to like his show. I preferred Hannity to Limbaugh by a long shot, but Rush was something I listened to.

But later it became discouraging because, I began to realize that liberal people (I'm talking about everyday people not the elite in politics) are not "the bad guys". Many of them have good intentions and make good sense, in fact, probably about the same proportions as conservatives. When you break down their position, if you really think about it, they tend to want many of the same things we want... i.e. fewer abortions. They are not evil because they identify as liberal, nor are they stupid, immoral or what have you. Generally, they want the same thing you do, they simply see a different way to get there.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

Then, why do I get the impression that his fans are jumping down my throat because I said I don't find him entertaining? :eusa_shhh:

Intense is right: Rush is worth his $ because he pleases his audience. That much of his audience simply can't engage in critical thinking is another matter altogether.

I see another left wing nugget gives jake a thanks.

noose4 (Today)

Jake if I was you and I had all these left wing nut cases agreeing with meI would have to rethink my political views.

bigreb is funny! He is a far far right wannabe poseur conservative who is truly a reactionary. Keep posting, bigreb, just like gstarz and the others who want to destroy America, so we can really see what you are all about. :lol:
Fine, then maybe he should learn to sing and become entertaining? ;)

I'm sorry, but I do not find his style to be entertaining, but then I never found Woody Allen to be entertaining either. I guess it is up to the viewer as to whether or not something is actually entertaining.


Rush has his followers and his detractors.

And, he is the first to admit he is partisan.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

His number 1 status, however, indicates that many people do find him entertaining.

And I don't listen any longer. However, I would never ask that he be removed from the airwaves. I used to like his show. I preferred Hannity to Limbaugh by a long shot, but Rush was something I listened to.

But later it became discouraging because, I began to realize that liberal people (I'm talking about everyday people not the elite in politics) are not "the bad guys". Many of them have good intentions and make good sense, in fact, probably about the same proportions as conservatives. When you break down their position, if you really think about it, they tend to want many of the same things we want... i.e. fewer abortions. They are not evil because they identify as liberal, nor are they stupid, immoral or what have you. Generally, they want the same thing you do, they simply see a different way to get there.

People that don't like his style simply don't have to listen.

Then, why do I get the impression that his fans are jumping down my throat because I said I don't find him entertaining? :eusa_shhh:


They are haters, Immie. Most Americans from responsible right of center to responsible left of center almost never hate. The far left and the far right engage in it to pull the center to pieces so their wack ways have a chance.

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