Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

This is just how silly the right is.

If I make money legally I am allowed to buy whatever I want with this money.

No one on the left has ever argued against this.

You pretend we have because you are dishonest.

And those CEO that you bash don't they make their money legally?
Can you please post public statements from rightwing union members like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Ronald Reagan demanding that their respective unions slash the pensions and benefits these fine gentleman received as a result of their union membership?

That's like asking a liberal for proof they support social security. You can only ask this question if you hate them and you are being an ass about it. Anyone who listens to with even a limited open mind knows they opposed forced union membership and would want their roles limited.

I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.
you only seem to say that when its YOU having the rishes


Oh the HYPOCRISY! :rofl:
I thought Libs were anti-rich...so what is TM doing with a beach house? Turn it over to the homeless, hypocrite!

I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.

You're only anti rich when it's the other guy such as the CEO's
You can depend on the right to go after the little guy.

Now dont ask them to touch the big guy with anything but kid gloves.

The left is all about sticking it to the big guy and wealth redistribution...
So you are a hypocrite if you managed to save money to provide you luxuries like a beach house. Get to redistributing, TM! Turn that house over to the homeless! We all know that people with money are suspect and haven't paid an appropriate amount of money to the state. Because if they manage to accumulate anything, then they are doing it on the backs of the poor.

Where has the left ever enforced wealth redistribution?

The redistribution of wealth over the last 30 years was perpetrated by the right and it went to the wealthiest 4% of Americans

and truth matters seems to have reaped the benifits from that redistribution
I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.
You have more than I do....You must have gamed the system.

Gimmie your money, you greedy pig!

Maybe you're a lazy fuck that lacks drive and motivation, so says the right about people who aren't rich, plus you have class envy to boot, sound familiar?

It doesn't matter everybody has a right to wealth and everybody must be equal. give me half of everything you own so you and I will be equal.
You have more than I do....You must have gamed the system.

Gimmie your money, you greedy pig!

Maybe you're a lazy fuck that lacks drive and motivation, so says the right about people who aren't rich, plus you have class envy to boot, sound familiar?
Fuck you....You probably have more than I do, too.

You're fucking lucky...Gimme your fucking money, you greedy bastard!

Isn't that what unions are for to make sure everybody in the union is treated financially equal?
They pretend its what the left does.

The funny thing is I would vote to raise my own taxes to fix this country.

They would rather see it sold off to the highest bidder

There's no requirement to give extra, and there's nothing that says you can't give more. Just send the government more money.
Maybe you're a lazy fuck that lacks drive and motivation, so says the right about people who aren't rich, plus you have class envy to boot, sound familiar?
Fuck you....You probably have more than I do, too.

You're fucking lucky...Gimme your fucking money, you greedy bastard!

Suck a dick and shut the fuck up hater.

you are rich you have to much money you need to give half of everything you own, so everybody will be living the obama dream of equality.

I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.
you only seem to say that when its YOU having the rishes


Oh the HYPOCRISY! :rofl:
thanks, erdthemoron, for being a typo checker
i fixed it
Maybe you're a lazy fuck that lacks drive and motivation, so says the right about people who aren't rich, plus you have class envy to boot, sound familiar?
Fuck you....You probably have more than I do, too.

You're fucking lucky...Gimme your fucking money, you greedy bastard!

Isn't that what unions are for to make sure everybody in the union is treated financially equal?
Well no. They want people to be treated according to "seniority" and not performance. It harms the company, our economy and removes incentive from the workers.
When they're paid with taxpayers money, then it's our business. They aren't. It isn't. I have no real issue with private sector unions. It's the bastards sucking the taxpayer dry that's the problem. Public sector employees are paid for by us, we pay for their greed.

*I'm not saying that all public sector people are greedy - but their unions are destroying the country.*

Public sector union negotiations certainly are the business of tax payers. Elected politicans have a responsibilty to take a hard line in Union negotiations. However, denying the right to collective bargaining to public sector employees while allowing it for the private sector, defies the principal of equality under the law.

As of now, the WI public sector unions have conceded to monetary aspects requested by the Governor: this is not about tax payer dollars, it's about the right to collective bargaining.

Are you willing to put as many taxpayers at the table as you do union bosses to partake in your "collective" bargaining? seems to me part of the "collective" isn't represented.
The problem is with all unions maybe but ive heard nothing about private unions since this wisconsin teacher thing started up. So now that rush limbaugh is part of a private union (though more information will come out on this) now its about ALL unions again? Doesnt make sense to me.
We refer to this as "moving the goalposts". ;)
Except, it is the CON$ervative Brotherhood doing the moving. The CON$ have been arguing that the nonunion people bear the costs of the PRIVATE sector unions all along, at least until suddenly it is revealed that pathological Liar Stuttering LimpTard is a member of a private sector union, and suddenly the public no longer bears the brunt of private sector unions.

This is yet again another example of CON$ being on both sides of every issue depending on the weather at the time.

January 21, 2011
RUSH: Well, one of the reasons is they got a president who's the number one union boss in the country. What's the unionized workforce, private sector, 12%, something like that? Whatever, eight, 12, doesn't matter. Obama is the president of 12% of the people, 8%, whatever number you want to use, and 82, 81, 79% of the people bear the brunt of it. No question about it. Look, I'm glad you called. I appreciate it. Thanks very much. I like that: If you can point out where the sporting goods section is at Walmart, you can change a tire.

I always ROFLMAO when I see this melt-down of his

Are you willing to put as many taxpayers at the table as you do union bosses to partake in your "collective" bargaining? seems to me part of the "collective" isn't represented.


The negotiations are one sided. Union negotiators make deals with politicians who are on the same side of the table. The real payer is not represented.

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