Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Well, it means so much to him, it must be his consolation prize for being an utter failure at things that are actually important in real life.
Listen to the wannabee GOP conservatives who in fact are wack reactionaries moaning and groaning here.

Four words: shut the fuck up.
MMMm it seems to me I have heard all my life that republicans hate all unions.

What happened to you guys?

That's because you’re a dumb progressive fucking liberal programmed to hate conservatives... You don't even know why YOU like Unions. This is all based off the WI Union strike and yet you still don't understand that all the Bill does is allowing people to opt out of the Public Union if they don't like it.

Of course you're so full of half information you went out and posted another thread making you look like a total fucking moron AGAIN. And here is RW and you defending a Public union with a monopoly on its members VS a privet sector Union where people can opt out if they feel it does not best represent them.

There is not a single down side to “right to work.” There are HUGE downsides to a monopoly Union. Thanks for supporting people getting filthy rich off the backs of the workers… Now you fuck ass twats can claim you support American workers while you clearly don’t.

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Excellent. Young teenagers would be able to babysit for their next door neighbors again.
Excellent. Young teenagers would be able to babysit for their next door neighbors again.

Teenagers have always been able to babysit the neighbors kids. Why do you think they specifically mentioned hotels, motels and inns? What kind of work do you think children will be doing there? Why remove any inspection authority?

What kind of unintended consequences do you think this bill may have?
Excellent. Young teenagers would be able to babysit for their next door neighbors again.

Teenagers have always been able to babysit the neighbors kids. Why do you think they specifically mentioned hotels, motels and inns? What kind of work do you think children will be doing there? Why remove any inspection authority?

What kind of unintended consequences do you think this bill may have?

Why? The kids are probably the children of the owners of said establishments, and currently prohibited from helping out in the family business.
The left is all about sticking it to the big guy and wealth redistribution...
So you are a hypocrite if you managed to save money to provide you luxuries like a beach house. Get to redistributing, TM! Turn that house over to the homeless! We all know that people with money are suspect and haven't paid an appropriate amount of money to the state. Because if they manage to accumulate anything, then they are doing it on the backs of the poor.

Where has the left ever enforced wealth redistribution?

The redistribution of wealth over the last 30 years was perpetrated by the right and it went to the wealthiest 4% of Americans

and truth matters seems to have reaped the benifits from that redistribution

And I'm sure he pays taxes on what he owns.....less however without the Reagan redistribution of wealth
Excellent. Young teenagers would be able to babysit for their next door neighbors again.

Teenagers have always been able to babysit the neighbors kids. Why do you think they specifically mentioned hotels, motels and inns? What kind of work do you think children will be doing there? Why remove any inspection authority?

What kind of unintended consequences do you think this bill may have?

Why? The kids are probably the children of the owners of said establishments, and currently prohibited from helping out in the family business.


Current statute concerning family members.

(7) "Employ", engage a child in gainful employment for wages or other remuneration. The term employ shall not include any child working under the direct control of the child's parent and shall not include the following services which may be performed by any child over the age of twelve:

(a) The delivery or sales of newspapers;

(b) Child care;

(c) Occasional yard or farm work, including agriculture work as defined in subdivision (1) of section 290.500, performed by a child with the knowledge and consent of the child's parent. A child may operate lawn and garden machinery as specified in subsection (1) of section 294.040, provided that, no child shall be permitted to engage in any activities prohibited by section 294.040;

(d) Participating in a youth sporting event as a referee, coach or other position necessary to the sporting event; except that, this paragraph shall not include working at a concession stand. For purposes of this paragraph, "youth sporting event" means an event where all players are under the age of eighteen and the event is sponsored and supervised by a public body or a not-for-profit entity;

(8) "Parent", a child's parent, legal custodian or guardian.

So, again what is the purpose of this legislation?
Moonbat Definition of Substandard: Whatever they are now being paid.

Public Employee Unions will always claim that they are being underpaid because the only two purposes they serve are: (1.) GET MORE from the taxpayers, so that they can (2.) funnel campaign donations to the Democrats, so that they can do (1.) again and so on.

Real definition of substandard:
not enough to pay the mortgage
Not enough to send your kids to college
Not enough to pay your medical bills

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