Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Only in America do the wealthy deserve a "tax cut," BUT teachers are stripped of their bargaining rights because they are "too greedy!"

Only government teachers are being discussed, not "teachers." Liberals chain us to government schools, then complain when government teachers can't negotiate with bureaucrats and send us a check? So why should unaccountable bureaucrats be able to deal with unionized government workers and send taxpayers the bill without taxpayers being represented at the table?

Comrade Kaz, your political theology will not be permitted to close public schools.

Government bureaucrats are answerable to politicians we elect: don't forget that, numbskull.
Is "California Girl" arguing that public employees should be content to be 2nd class citizens with less rights - as compared to their private counterparts?

Private schools have to serve customers and compete or they get shut down. Government teachers work for a system that confiscates money from taxpayers and get it whether the kids go there or not. Private school teachers are accountable to parents. Too many complaints or not enough performance and they are canned. Government teachers are accountable to no one. Some are good, but only by choice, the system doesn't require it. And some are horrible and you can't get rid of them. To call that second class is nonsense.

Comrade Kaz follows his hero's rules, those of Saul Alinsky. Lie and demonize his opponent. Don't like school teachers in your public schools? Talk to the school board member and tell them you are going to start an action group to vote them out of office. Run yourself, comrade.
edthecynic has just done a good job of kicking the asses of Comrades Kaz and Driveby. Good job!
ow else do you think se was able to have ownership in two homes and and co-ownership in a beach home?

Not knowing his financial situation, I might guess inheritance had something to do with it

Regardless, I don't see him on the board every day whining about what he is expected to contribute to our society

How many middle class people do ou know that owns two homes, and has a third home co-owner at the beach? She needs to start doing the obama dream.

Who said he was middle class? Let's call him wealthy. He is still paying what is expected and not whining about how unfair taxes are. He still cares about the less fortunate and is willing to pay more to help them
Real definition of substandard:
not enough to pay the mortgage
Not enough to send your kids to college
Not enough to pay your medical bills

And yet with all the MASSIVE government help added over the years we have finally hit a point where neither people nor Government can afford it... Weird because it was predicted.

The decline in standard of living has been coming for thirty years not just the last few. The reason government has to step in and subsidize housing, food, education and healthcare is because employers are paying less and less while taxpayers pick up the slack

The Decline in the Standard of Living over the past 30 years?

In the past 30 years the following items have become so widespread that even The Poor own them:

- Cell Phones
- Personal Computers
- Wide Screen Televisions

I could go on, but anybody with a brain will get the point. Except for areas with massive government interference, the cost of consumer items and food has gone down as a percent of a family's income. We get more performance for a lower cost. That improves standards of living. The average person in the U.S. has a longer lifespan, better health, and a more comfortable lifestyle than nobility did during the Dark Ages.
Only in America do the wealthy deserve a "tax cut," BUT teachers are stripped of their bargaining rights because they are "too greedy!"

Unfortunately, America's teachers will have to be counted among the "wealthy" before the Republicans will see fit to step in and protect their rights and switch to "demonizing" some other group!

Is "California Girl" and her associates arguing that public employees should, by definition, be content to be 2nd class citizens with fewer constitutional rights - as compared to their private counterparts?
Wait a minute, hasn't the CON$ervative Brotherhood been telling us that "Greed is GOOD?"
Never heard of the conservative brotherhood and it was Gordon Gecko (a fictional character from an 80's movie) that said "greed is good". But keep up the charade, please, it's quite amusing......
Whenever the CON$ervative Brotherhood has to eat their words, they play dumb.
Thank you.

John Stossel - Greed - 1 Translation(s) | dotSUB

John Stossel - Greed

Duration: 39 minutes and 41 seconds
Country: United States
Language: English
License: CC - Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives
Genre: Documentary
Producer: John Stossel
Director: John Stossel
Views: 1,711 (1,239 embedded)
Posted by: reformy.cz on Dec 21, 2009

  • To get really rich, people usually have to work very hard at giving you something you want...
  • ... better cars, cheaper clothes, faster food, whatever.
  • The businessman has to win you over.
  • From day one, he has to be concerned with, ''Who's buying this?
  • What need am l satisfying?''
  • And if that's called greed, then l say, greed is good.
So we've seen that greed has helped bring us many of the major advances of our times.

  • Economist Walter Williams...
  • Normally in our country, those areas where people are motivated the most by greed are the areas that we're the most satisfied with.

  • Another good thing about greed is that it gets people to cooperate, to work together.
  • Now you think the opposite would be true --
  • that pursuing profit, greed, would drive people apart.
  • But the reason we have all these products in the supermarket
  • is that greed inspires millions of people all over the world to work together.

  • Just how far can we take this argument?.
  • Let's consider the greedy, junk bond king, Michael Milken and Mother Teresa.
  • Milken made himself a fortune and went to jail for breaking securities laws.
  • Who did more for the world, Michael Milken or Mother Teresa?
  • Michael Milken, no question. Milken far surpassed the benefits that she provided.
  • That's a surprising claim.
  • But it is true that Milken, by pioneering a new way for companies to raise money, helped create tens of thousands of jobs.
  • Mattel, the toy maker, was rescued by Milken's junk bonds.
  • Now it's the world's biggest toy company.
  • TWA, Revlon and many other companies were saved by Milken's junk.
  • Millions of people now make cheaper phone calls,
  • because Milken funded the phone company MCl.
  • His bonds made CNN and Turner's companies possible.
  • We're all much, much better off as a result of what he did.

  • So the next time someone tells you you're greedy, remind them that greed helped build civilization.
  • ls that so bad?
  • l'm John Stossel.
  • That's our program for tonight.
  • Thanks for watching. Videos uploaded by reformy.cz | dotSUB
What a naive statement. Go talk to the bankers and their lobbyists, body. Judas Priest, what a stupid statement.

The teacher union members don't get rich yet the students in such states have the highest graduation rates and the lowest state deficits in the nation. The states without collective bargaining for teachers have the highest deficits.

What a fucking stupid statement.

Reading comprehension owns you, boy. In the above post, boe never stated union members get rich, how can they when so much of their money gets funneled to your beloved democrat party? It's a brutal cycle you're too dumb to see.........

Are you brain cramped, son? Do you have a learning problem? Go back and read carefully. I am a Republican, you moron, and we are making a boatload of money from the bankers and the corporations at the expense of the stockholders. And you worry about measly union donations to the other party?

This country runs best with two parties on a level playing field.

You don't like it? Join Khaddafi. Fucking moron,

Again, all the left wing garbage you just spewed has nothing to do with what you quoted boedicca on. Not that it ever matters with left wing kooks like you, you simply go off on an unrelated tangent with some kind of strawman crap, then self proclaim victory. It's comedy at it's finest. Khaddafi wouldn't like me and i don't like him, Khaddafi loves clowns like you and Obama........
And I'm sure he pays taxes on what he owns.....less however without the Reagan redistribution of wealth
Yes Comrade. All money is the people's money. By not taking away enough of the rich's money so they don't have more money then other people, they are redistributing wealth. For them to want to keep the money they earned is greed, you want to take their money because you are generous. You are determined, no matter the collapse of the Soviet Union you long for the day...

We the people of the United States live in a society. That society provides for the greater good of all people. The whole of the United States is stronger than the sum of it's individual parts
Each member of this society is expected to kick in. Yes, even the poor contribute. We the people elect representatives to determine how much each of us is expected to contribute. The wealthiest among us who benefit the most from this great country of ours are expected to pay more

That is the way it should be
And yet with all the MASSIVE government help added over the years we have finally hit a point where neither people nor Government can afford it... Weird because it was predicted.

The decline in standard of living has been coming for thirty years not just the last few. The reason government has to step in and subsidize housing, food, education and healthcare is because employers are paying less and less while taxpayers pick up the slack

The Decline in the Standard of Living over the past 30 years?

In the past 30 years the following items have become so widespread that even The Poor own them:

- Cell Phones
- Personal Computers
- Wide Screen Televisions

I could go on, but anybody with a brain will get the point. Except for areas with massive government interference, the cost of consumer items and food has gone down as a percent of a family's income. We get more performance for a lower cost. That improves standards of living. The average person in the U.S. has a longer lifespan, better health, and a more comfortable lifestyle than nobility did during the Dark Ages.

These are mere toys

The real standard of living is being able to buy a home for your family to live in, to be able to send your kids to college, to be able to get sick and not lose everything you own. These are the things that have diminished over the last 30 years
So has the ability to have a mother home to raise the family, to have time off to spend with your kids....this is what we are losing and cell phones and plasma TVs don't make up for it
Wait a minute, hasn't the CON$ervative Brotherhood been telling us that "Greed is GOOD?"
Never heard of the conservative brotherhood and it was Gordon Gecko (a fictional character from an 80's movie) that said "greed is good". But keep up the charade, please, it's quite amusing......
Whenever the CON$ervative Brotherhood has to eat their words, they play dumb.
Thank you.

John Stossel - Greed - 1 Translation(s) | dotSUB

John Stossel - Greed

Duration: 39 minutes and 41 seconds
Country: United States
Language: English
License: CC - Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives
Genre: Documentary
Producer: John Stossel
Director: John Stossel
Views: 1,711 (1,239 embedded)
Posted by: reformy.cz on Dec 21, 2009

  • To get really rich, people usually have to work very hard at giving you something you want...
  • ... better cars, cheaper clothes, faster food, whatever.
  • The businessman has to win you over.
  • From day one, he has to be concerned with, ''Who's buying this?
  • What need am l satisfying?''
  • And if that's called greed, then l say, greed is good.
So we've seen that greed has helped bring us many of the major advances of our times.

  • Economist Walter Williams...
  • Normally in our country, those areas where people are motivated the most by greed are the areas that we're the most satisfied with.

  • Another good thing about greed is that it gets people to cooperate, to work together.
  • Now you think the opposite would be true --
  • that pursuing profit, greed, would drive people apart.
  • But the reason we have all these products in the supermarket
  • is that greed inspires millions of people all over the world to work together.

  • Just how far can we take this argument?.
  • Let's consider the greedy, junk bond king, Michael Milken and Mother Teresa.
  • Milken made himself a fortune and went to jail for breaking securities laws.
  • Who did more for the world, Michael Milken or Mother Teresa?
  • Michael Milken, no question. Milken far surpassed the benefits that she provided.
  • That's a surprising claim.
  • But it is true that Milken, by pioneering a new way for companies to raise money, helped create tens of thousands of jobs.
  • Mattel, the toy maker, was rescued by Milken's junk bonds.
  • Now it's the world's biggest toy company.
  • TWA, Revlon and many other companies were saved by Milken's junk.
  • Millions of people now make cheaper phone calls,
  • because Milken funded the phone company MCl.
  • His bonds made CNN and Turner's companies possible.
  • We're all much, much better off as a result of what he did.

  • So the next time someone tells you you're greedy, remind them that greed helped build civilization.
  • ls that so bad?
  • l'm John Stossel.
  • That's our program for tonight.
  • Thanks for watching. Videos uploaded by reformy.cz | dotSUB

The Conservative Brotherhood is a group of African American writers whose politics are on the right hand side of the political spectrum. Expanding the dialog beyond traditional boundaries, they seek to contribute to a greater understanding of African Americans and America itself through advocacy and commentary.

1) I don't think Stoessel is a member of this org.

2) You attacking such a group could be considered racist........ :eusa_whistle:
edthecynic has just done a good job of kicking the asses of Comrades Kaz and Driveby. Good job!
no he didnt
you are fucking delusional

And Obama's numbers kick your ass as usual.

You are normally not as low as guatama or gstarz, but water seeks its own level, and yours is in the sewer, divecon.
LOL what the fuck are you talking about
obama's number are about where i have said they would be
i have always said his numbers would never go below 40% and if they did they wouldnt stay there long
cause numbnutz like YOU would still support him no matter how fucking bad he does
Private schools are not forced to accept handicapped or juvenile delinquent trouble-making students like the public schools are. Public schools can't get rid of the trouble-making students. Good teachers can't teach because the trouble-makers disrupt the classes. When public schools can get rid of the trouble-makers first, then and only then can the performance of the teachers be rated
I see, so your solution is to force the rest of the students to go to class with the juvenile delinquents, handicapped and trouble-makers. Now it make sense... :cuckoo:

would like to see the private schools be forced to teach the handicapped and JDs and see how well they compete against the public schools on an equal playing field.

Or...we could make government the last resort instead of the first. I'm a libertarian, not an anarchist. But to drag the good students down is no solution. Our future is most assured when kids who are not problems are learning how to take themselves forward and the country with it rather then defending themselves.
no he didnt
you are fucking delusional

And Obama's numbers kick your ass as usual.

You are normally not as low as guatama or gstarz, but water seeks its own level, and yours is in the sewer, divecon.
LOL what the fuck are you talking about
obama's number are about where i have said they would be
i have always said his numbers would never go below 40% and if they did they wouldnt stay there long
cause numbnutz like YOU would still support him no matter how fucking bad he does

but, but, but Jokey is a republican! ....... :lol:
Only in America do the wealthy deserve a "tax cut," BUT teachers are stripped of their bargaining rights because they are "too greedy!"

Only government teachers are being discussed, not "teachers." Liberals chain us to government schools, then complain when government teachers can't negotiate with bureaucrats and send us a check? So why should unaccountable bureaucrats be able to deal with unionized government workers and send taxpayers the bill without taxpayers being represented at the table?

Comrade Kaz, your political theology will not be permitted to close public schools.

Government bureaucrats are answerable to politicians we elect: don't forget that, numbskull.

I'm a communist who wants to close public schools? If you're going to insult me, why don't you buy a clue first. As for bureaucrats, I don't live in your fantasy world where they are accountable to the people, I live in the real world where they aren't accountable to anyone.
Comrade Kaz follows his hero's rules, those of Saul Alinsky. Lie and demonize his opponent. Don't like school teachers in your public schools? Talk to the school board member and tell them you are going to start an action group to vote them out of office. Run yourself, comrade.
Again with that I'm a communist? I don't get it. Here's your chance to put me in my place. How are my anti-public school views communist?
And I'm sure he pays taxes on what he owns.....less however without the Reagan redistribution of wealth
Yes Comrade. All money is the people's money. By not taking away enough of the rich's money so they don't have more money then other people, they are redistributing wealth. For them to want to keep the money they earned is greed, you want to take their money because you are generous. You are determined, no matter the collapse of the Soviet Union you long for the day...

We the people of the United States live in a society. That society provides for the greater good of all people. The whole of the United States is stronger than the sum of it's individual parts
Each member of this society is expected to kick in. Yes, even the poor contribute. We the people elect representatives to determine how much each of us is expected to contribute. The wealthiest among us who benefit the most from this great country of ours are expected to pay more

That is the way it should be
The wealthy pay much more. Half workers now pay 96% of all income taxes and the other half pay 4%. You still referred to that as redistributing wealth. Even if they didn't, to call not taxing people redistributing wealth is just flat out moronic. Remember I'm not a Marxist like you are.
Look at all the whining by comrades Driveby and Kas. Whiners, the both of them.

Get to work you two, in the system, because public schools are not going away. Work on your school board members, you wankers, instead of crybabying here.

You can send your kids to private schools, no one is stopping you, but if you are property owners, you will support public school and that will never change.

Find a better way than whining. :lol: Oh, take babyboy divecon with you.

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