Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

The wealthy pay much more. Half workers now pay 96% of all income taxes and the other half pay 4%. You still referred to that as redistributing wealth. Even if they didn't, to call not taxing people redistributing wealth is just flat out moronic. Remember I'm not a Marxist like you are.

We have what is called an Income Tax. If you earn 96% of the income you will pay 96% of the tax

The wealthy benefit more from our tax dollars than the middle class. It is only fitting that, they pay more for it

There is no question we have had a redistribution of wealth......it has gone from working Americans to the wealthy
Ignorance is bliss and you're in paradise. You also just admitted that it is the wealthy who are being redistributed from, not to. Though you won't get that because you're a moron.

I would agree that if you earned 96% of the income you should pay 96% of the taxes. but the top 1% earn just over 20% of the income and pay just under 40% of the taxes. Do some research and you'll find the objective you just stated has actually been surpassed and you according to your just stated objective need to vote Republican because according to you the wealthy are being discriminated against.

You are confusing wealth with income. The truly wealthy know how to minimize their income.

That top 1% benefit more from our tax dollars than any other class.
You should read the propaganda of the CON$ervative Brotherhood more carefully. first of all, it's the ADJUSTED income, not the GROSS, and it's WAGE EARNERS. The truly wealthy do not work for wages. Even your MessiahRushie admits that the truly wealthy pay no income taxes

Actually it's the aji as reported by the IRS, which includes all income including business and investment income. Sorry to let facts get in the way of a good liberal rant, but they annoyingly always do that, don't they?
Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members | | AlterNet

report voted to the front page of Reddit Friday claimed that Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly were union members, as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin called it the "stupid lie of the week," insisting that neither she nor the "other Fox News personalities being accused of 'hypocrisy' belong to the union." As one might expect, Malkin didn't know what she was talking about and the liberals were right (she herself, as just a frequent guest on the network, is not a member of the union).

A representative from Beck's camp denied the claim, but a source within AFTRA confirmed to AlterNet Friday that O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity were indeed union members.
I thought your ass was supposed to be at some progressive whackjob rally today?

WTF TM, ya' lyin' again?
That top 1% benefit more from our tax dollars than any other class.

Is this a recursive argument where they benefit because they have the most, which means they benefit the most? Which of course means that government is what gave them their wealth? Actually, the workers benefit the most from the wealthy who give them their jobs. I have a great staff, I own two businesses and employ about 40 people. The business would fall apart without me though. Successful businesses are benevolent dictatorships.
kaz. driveby, wickedjester, and divecon call names, then they cry like babies when they are slapped down. :lol:

You pretend conservatives can't take what you so poorly dish out? Then you cry? Mamas boy, the lot of you.

The public unions are not the cause of the states' deficits. Check the corporate tax breaks, bozos.

The states with collective bargaining teachers unions have the lowest % of state deficit, those states without have the highest %. Check the facts, bozos.

And the top 1% of Americans own more than 40% of the wealth. They can afford to pay their fair share.

The WI say they are more willing to compromise on pay and benefits, in facting busting Walker's lies.

Your lying days of pretending you are mainstream conservative GOP, driveby and kaz and divecon, are over.

And grow up and act like men, you group of wannabe e-thugs. :lol: You ain't got what it takes.
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Never heard of the conservative brotherhood
The Conservative Brotherhood is a group of African American writers whose politics are on the right hand side of the political spectrum. Expanding the dialog beyond traditional boundaries, they seek to contribute to a greater understanding of African Americans and America itself through advocacy and commentary.

1) I don't think Stoessel is a member of this org.

2) You attacking such a group could be considered racist........ :eusa_whistle:
You never heard of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, a name I coined for the GOP hate media machine and their gullible "know-it-all" America hating suckers, and a name that you can't even spell Right, but you know enough about something you never heard of to say who is and is not a member.

As I have shown so many times, The CON$ervative Brotherhood is always on both sides of every issue even within the same thread!!! :rofl:

Ohhh, it's the name of a group YOU made up, got it, thanks....... :cuckoo:
kaz. driveby, wickedjester, and divecon call names, then they cry like babies when they are slapped down. :lol:

You pretend conservatives can't take what you so poorly dish out? Then you cry? Mamas boy, the lot of you.

The public unions are not the cause of the states' deficits. Check the corporate tax breaks, bozos.

The states with collective bargaining teachers unions have the lowest % of state deficit, those states without have the highest %. Check the facts, bozos.

And the top 1% of Americans own more than 40% of the wealth. They can afford to pay their fair share.

The WI say they are more willing to compromise on pay and benefits, in facting busting Walker's lies.

Your lying days of pretending you are mainstream conservative GOP, driveby and kaz and divecon, are over.

And grow up and act like men, you group of wannabe e-thugs. :lol: You ain't got what it takes.
the word of an idiot and a liar^^^^^^
kaz. driveby, wickedjester, and divecon call names, then they cry like babies when they are slapped down. :lol:

You pretend conservatives can't take what you so poorly dish out? Then you cry? Mamas boy, the lot of you.

The public unions are not the cause of the states' deficits. Check the corporate tax breaks, bozos.

The states with collective bargaining teachers unions have the lowest % of state deficit, those states without have the highest %. Check the facts, bozos.

And the top 1% of Americans own more than 40% of the wealth. They can afford to pay their fair share.

The WI say they are more willing to compromise on pay and benefits, in facting busting Walker's lies.

Your lying days of pretending you are mainstream conservative GOP, driveby and kaz and divecon, are over.

And grow up and act like men, you group of wannabe e-thugs. :lol: You ain't got what it takes.

Another bi polar tangent you've flown off on :cuckoo:, but no worries comrade, Obama and the socialist party salute you for all your good work ! :clap2:
kaz. driveby, wickedjester, and divecon call names, then they cry like babies when they are slapped down. :lol:
Those are big words for a little boy. Does your mommy know what you're typing on the computer there little fella? Isn't it time for you to be getting over to the playground? None of the kids are crying...
Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members | | AlterNet

report voted to the front page of Reddit Friday claimed that Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly were union members, as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin called it the "stupid lie of the week," insisting that neither she nor the "other Fox News personalities being accused of 'hypocrisy' belong to the union." As one might expect, Malkin didn't know what she was talking about and the liberals were right (she herself, as just a frequent guest on the network, is not a member of the union).

A representative from Beck's camp denied the claim, but a source within AFTRA confirmed to AlterNet Friday that O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity were indeed union members.
Private sector union and closed shop. They have no choice if they want to be on the air. Yet another case of union power gone wrong, regardless of how well it used to protect the talent from abuses of the former studio system.
That top 1% benefit more from our tax dollars than any other class.

Is this a recursive argument where they benefit because they have the most, which means they benefit the most? Which of course means that government is what gave them their wealth? Actually, the workers benefit the most from the wealthy who give them their jobs. I have a great staff, I own two businesses and employ about 40 people. The business would fall apart without me though. Successful businesses are benevolent dictatorships.

How do the top 1% benefit from our tax dollars?

Look at our military, one of the biggest expenditures from our taxes. Working people benefit by sending their sons and daughters to serve. One percentage benefit from having the US Military protect their global investments

How about infrastructure? Working people use trains, bridges, roadways to get to work. The one percentage benefit by having their employees get to work, customers get to their location, supplies get in...finished product out

How about welfare, they don't benefit from that. If you pay your workers $10 an hour....the taxpayer picks up the tab for housing, food, medical...while you benefit from low wages

Education? The taxpayers pay to educate your workforce while you make profit off of their taxpayer provided skills
You should read the propaganda of the CON$ervative Brotherhood more carefully. first of all, it's the ADJUSTED income, not the GROSS, and it's WAGE EARNERS. The truly wealthy do not work for wages. Even your MessiahRushie admits that the truly wealthy pay no income taxes

Actually it's the aji as reported by the IRS, which includes all income including business and investment income. Sorry to let facts get in the way of a good liberal rant, but they annoyingly always do that, don't they?
CON$ervative "facts" and real facts are two completely different things. For example, only REALIZED capital gains are counted as income, so if your stock portfolio went from $1 million to $2 million, that $1 million increase in wealth is completely untaxed and not even counted as income. And again the wealthy do not work for wages, they accumulate wealth. So any increase in wealth is not counted in the % share of income that CON$ use to claim that the "richest" 1% earn only 20% of the income. Capital gains income is not counted as income until it is REALIZED, so not all income is included in that 20% adjusted income.
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That top 1% benefit more from our tax dollars than any other class.

Is this a recursive argument where they benefit because they have the most, which means they benefit the most? Which of course means that government is what gave them their wealth? Actually, the workers benefit the most from the wealthy who give them their jobs. I have a great staff, I own two businesses and employ about 40 people. The business would fall apart without me though. Successful businesses are benevolent dictatorships.
No it doesn't mean that they benefit most because the government gave them their wealth, that is a Straw Man of the CON$ervative Brotherhood. It is the government that PROTECTS their right to private ownership and therefore the more they own the more they benefited from that protection and the more they should contribute to the cost of that protection.

That protection includes the wealth in unrealized capital gains they've accumulated as well as the wage income they've accumulated each year, so their fair share of taxes should be based on both accumulated wealth and income, not just income.

Why should the wealthy get a free ride?
Why should the wealthy get a free ride?
What you said about unrealized gains is true, though everyone has unrealized gains today who owns stock mutual funds, including in their IRAs. But if you want to count wealth that way, you also have to count unrealized gains in houses, which the wealthy have only a tiny percent of compared to the rest of America. You also need to count unrealized pensions and social security and medicare, which the wealthy are only a tiny percent of.

As for the wealthy getting a free ride, that shows you're driven by agenda and not facts. It's a preposterous statement.
You should read the propaganda of the CON$ervative Brotherhood more carefully. first of all, it's the ADJUSTED income, not the GROSS, and it's WAGE EARNERS. The truly wealthy do not work for wages. Even your MessiahRushie admits that the truly wealthy pay no income taxes

Actually it's the aji as reported by the IRS, which includes all income including business and investment income. Sorry to let facts get in the way of a good liberal rant, but they annoyingly always do that, don't they?
CON$ervative "facts" and real facts are two completely different things. For example, only REALIZED capital gains are counted as income, so if your stock portfolio went from $1 million to $2 million, that $1 million increase in wealth is completely untaxed and not even counted as income. And again the wealthy do not work for wages, they accumulate wealth. So any increase in wealth is not counted in the % share of income that CON$ use to claim that the "richest" 1% earn only 20% of the income. Capital gains income is not counted as income until it is REALIZED, so not all income is included in that 20% adjusted income.

God damn good points.

I've always found that NeoCons are either oblivious of, or in denial, of the fact that investment income is taxed generally at a much lower rate than payroll wage income. I doubt Limbaugh and Hannity clue in their audiences to this interesting little factoid. And since billionaires, plutocrats, and trust fund babies don't really make their wealth by drawing a paycheck and earning wages, they are almost universally paying a lower tax rate than middle class working schmucks.

I wonder why message board NeoCons are so intent on protecting the interests of the Koch Brothers, of Hollywood moguls, and of fat cat banksters? Is it willful ignorance on their part, or do they actually enjoy defending the interests billionaire tycoons? It must be like a stockholm syndrome, or something.

Is there some sane reason why billionaire moguls should pay a lower tax rate than some middle class white collar professional shmuck?
God damn good points.

I've always found that NeoCons are either oblivious of, or in denial, of the fact that investment income is taxed generally at a much lower rate than payroll wage income. I doubt Limbaugh and Hannity clue in their audiences to this interesting little factoid. And since billionaires, plutocrats, and trust fund babies don't really make their wealth by drawing a paycheck and earning wages, they are almost universally paying a lower tax rate than middle class working schmucks.

I wonder why message board NeoCons are so intent on protecting the interests of the Koch Brothers, of Hollywood moguls, and of fat cat banksters? Is it willful ignorance on their part, or do they actually enjoy defending the interests billionaire tycoons? It must be like a stockholm syndrome, or something.

Is there some sane reason why billionaire moguls should pay a lower tax rate than some middle class white collar professional shmuck?
You know what's also clueless? People who love the way "NeoCon" sounds and use it over and over, but don't now what it means...
Actually it's the aji as reported by the IRS, which includes all income including business and investment income. Sorry to let facts get in the way of a good liberal rant, but they annoyingly always do that, don't they?
CON$ervative "facts" and real facts are two completely different things. For example, only REALIZED capital gains are counted as income, so if your stock portfolio went from $1 million to $2 million, that $1 million increase in wealth is completely untaxed and not even counted as income. And again the wealthy do not work for wages, they accumulate wealth. So any increase in wealth is not counted in the % share of income that CON$ use to claim that the "richest" 1% earn only 20% of the income. Capital gains income is not counted as income until it is REALIZED, so not all income is included in that 20% adjusted income.

God damn good points.

I've always found that NeoCons are either oblivious of, or in denial, of the fact that investment income is taxed generally at a much lower rate than payroll wage income. I doubt Limbaugh and Hannity clue in their audiences to this interesting little factoid. And since billionaires, plutocrats, and trust fund babies don't really make their wealth by drawing a paycheck and earning wages, they are almost universally paying a lower tax rate than middle class working schmucks.

I wonder why message board NeoCons are so intent on protecting the interests of the Koch Brothers, of Hollywood moguls, and of fat cat banksters? Is it willful ignorance on their part, or do they actually enjoy defending the interests billionaire tycoons? It must be like a stockholm syndrome, or something.

Is there some sane reason why billionaire moguls should pay a lower tax rate than some middle class white collar professional shmuck?
First of all, I admire the fact that you're not affraid to out yourself in your screen name. It's much better to know when we are dealing with faggots who are straight up about it, instead of those who dishonesly reside in a closet.......Although the thought of licking another mans balls makes me want to :puke:, if that's what you're into, just keep it behind closed doors, OK............

Now, how about a flat 10% across the board regardless of income level?

That means everybody pays the same rate.

Or will you progressive losers bitch about that also?
God damn good points.

I've always found that NeoCons are either oblivious of, or in denial, of the fact that investment income is taxed generally at a much lower rate than payroll wage income. I doubt Limbaugh and Hannity clue in their audiences to this interesting little factoid. And since billionaires, plutocrats, and trust fund babies don't really make their wealth by drawing a paycheck and earning wages, they are almost universally paying a lower tax rate than middle class working schmucks.

I wonder why message board NeoCons are so intent on protecting the interests of the Koch Brothers, of Hollywood moguls, and of fat cat banksters? Is it willful ignorance on their part, or do they actually enjoy defending the interests billionaire tycoons? It must be like a stockholm syndrome, or something.

Is there some sane reason why billionaire moguls should pay a lower tax rate than some middle class white collar professional shmuck?
You know what's also clueless? People who love the way "NeoCon" sounds and use it over and over, but don't now what it means...
Yeah, and notice the ones who constantly use it are the neolibs?:razz:
God damn good points.

I've always found that NeoCons are either oblivious of, or in denial, of the fact that investment income is taxed generally at a much lower rate than payroll wage income. I doubt Limbaugh and Hannity clue in their audiences to this interesting little factoid. And since billionaires, plutocrats, and trust fund babies don't really make their wealth by drawing a paycheck and earning wages, they are almost universally paying a lower tax rate than middle class working schmucks.

I wonder why message board NeoCons are so intent on protecting the interests of the Koch Brothers, of Hollywood moguls, and of fat cat banksters? Is it willful ignorance on their part, or do they actually enjoy defending the interests billionaire tycoons? It must be like a stockholm syndrome, or something.

Is there some sane reason why billionaire moguls should pay a lower tax rate than some middle class white collar professional shmuck?
You know what's also clueless? People who love the way "NeoCon" sounds and use it over and over, but don't now what it means...
Yeah, and notice the ones who constantly use it are the neolibs?:razz:
and they never actually know what it means

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