Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter

Yep, and last time I checked they were not paid by TAX PAYERS!!!!!!

You are really reaching here. You are reaching in implying they are union bashers. Being against a Public Sector Union getting everything they want, from a state with a 3.5 Billion Dollar Deficit. Is not the same as Bashing all Unions.

Wake up dim Witt.
as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter

Yep, and last time I checked they were not paid by TAX PAYERS!!!!!!

You are really reaching here. You are reaching in implying they are union bashers. Being against a Public Sector Union getting everything they want, from a state with a 3.5 Billion Dollar Deficit. Is not the same as Bashing all Unions.

Wake up dim Witt.
also ignoring the fact they HAVE to join that union even if they dont want to
as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter

Yep, and last time I checked they were not paid by TAX PAYERS!!!!!!

You are really reaching here. You are reaching in implying they are union bashers. Being against a Public Sector Union getting everything they want, from a state with a 3.5 Billion Dollar Deficit. Is not the same as Bashing all Unions.

Wake up dim Witt.
also ignoring the fact they HAVE to join that union even if they dont want to

Alot to be said of 'Right to work States' as Florida and Tejas... ;)

C'Mon Down...we'll put the Blue Union States in their place and out produce them.
Why should the wealthy get a free ride?
What you said about unrealized gains is true, though everyone has unrealized gains today who owns stock mutual funds, including in their IRAs. But if you want to count wealth that way, you also have to count unrealized gains in houses, which the wealthy have only a tiny percent of compared to the rest of America. You also need to count unrealized pensions and social security and medicare, which the wealthy are only a tiny percent of.

As for the wealthy getting a free ride, that shows you're driven by agenda and not facts. It's a preposterous statement.
I have no problem with counting the unrealized capital gains of EVERYONE from ALL SOURCES!!! I believe in a FLAT tax on ALL income, no matter what type, and no deductions of any kind. What is fair for one should be fair for all.

However I think you would be surprised about how little the bottom incomes have in capital wealth. In spite of people having IRAs, etc., 90% of all stock is owned by the top 20%. And while for the vast majority of Americans their house is the most significant wealth they possess, over 24% of Americans have no marketable assets!!!

BTW, Social Security and Medicare payments were already counted in the adjusted income that CON$ used to get their 20% income figure to jack up the income of the poor and make the income of the rich seem lower.

Here is what is counted as income for the numbers that the CON$ use:

Source: Congressional Budget Office.
Notes: Income categories are defined by ranking all people by their comprehensive household income adjusted for household
size--that is, divided by the square root of the household's size. (A household consists of the people who share a housing
unit, regardless of their relationships.) Quintiles, or fifths, of the income distribution contain equal numbers of people.

Comprehensive household income equals pretax cash income plus income from other sources. Pretax cash income is
the sum of wages, salaries, self-employment income, rents, taxable and nontaxable interest, dividends, realized capital
, cash transfer payments, and retirement benefits plus taxes paid by businesses (corporate income taxes and the
employer's share of Social Security, Medicare, and federal unemployment insurance payroll taxes) and employee contri-
butions to 401(k) retirement plans. Other sources of income include all in-kind benefits (Medicare, Medicaid, employer-
paid health insurance premiums, food stamps, school lunches and breakfasts, housing assistance, and energy assis-
Households with negative income are excluded from the lowest income category but are included in the totals.
According to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, membership in the union is completely voluntary. You have to proactively of your own volition sign up, fill out some forms, and pay some dues.

Presumably, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck joined AFRTA because the union provides strong advocacy, legal representation, grievance representation, industry contacts, benefits, and pensions.

I can't blame those rightwingers for taking advantage of the power of collective bargaining, and the power of entertainers and artists teaming up to get better working conditions.

But, I wonder why these rightwing union members have spent a career telling their radio audience that unions are inherently anti-capitalist, overpaid lazy lunkheads and theyr are dragging the nation down?
According to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, membership in the union is completely voluntary. You have to proactively of your own volition sign up, fill out some forms, and pay some dues.

Presumably, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck joined AFRTA because the union provides strong advocacy, legal representation, grievance representation, industry contacts, benefits, and pensions.

I can't blame those rightwingers for taking advantage of the power of collective bargaining, and the power of entertainers and artists teaming up to get better working conditions.

But, I wonder why these rightwing union members have spent a career telling their radio audience that unions are inherently anti-capitalist, overpaid lazy lunkheads and theyr are dragging the nation down?
They're talking about public employee unions, ball licker.

You know, those unions who are raping the taxpayers at every hidden corner?
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
I just noticed you even put a lie in your sig. Rush made that statement referring to what liberals do. You make it sound like he advocated it. Agree with him or not, you just proved him right. You used the statement he said what you do to do what he said you do...
According to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, membership in the union is completely voluntary

Then if you hire someone who isn't in AFTRA they tell you they will boycott you and if you don't honor the boycott they tell you they will blackball you. And that doesn't count State laws in non right to work States. Ironic the only people they tell membership is "voluntary" is the public...
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
I just noticed you even put a lie in your sig. Rush made that statement referring to what liberals do. You make it sound like he advocated it. Agree with him or not, you just proved him right. You used the statement he said what you do to do what he said you do...
edthemoron is a massive liar that doesnt understand the mean of CONTEXT
According to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, membership in the union is completely voluntary. You have to proactively of your own volition sign up, fill out some forms, and pay some dues.

Presumably, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck joined AFRTA because the union provides strong advocacy, legal representation, grievance representation, industry contacts, benefits, and pensions.

I can't blame those rightwingers for taking advantage of the power of collective bargaining, and the power of entertainers and artists teaming up to get better working conditions.

But, I wonder why these rightwing union members have spent a career telling their radio audience that unions are inherently anti-capitalist, overpaid lazy lunkheads and theyr are dragging the nation down?
They're talking about public employee unions, ball licker.

You know, those unions who are raping the taxpayers at every hidden corner?

Why does it make you angry that these rightwing media personalities evidently joined a union of their own free will? I don't blame them, unions generally provide better representation than an individual can provide on their own.

And are you seriously continuing that hilariously transparent lie that neither Limpballs, your or any righwinger on this board has never said that private unions are a drag on america's economy at best, and are overpaid, lazy, socialists at worst? That's laughable.
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
I just noticed you even put a lie in your sig. Rush made that statement referring to what liberals do. You make it sound like he advocated it. Agree with him or not, you just proved him right. You used the statement he said what you do to do what he said you do...
There is no denying that, however you are completely missing the implication of that quote when combined with the two following quotes, which show your MessiahRushie was hypocritically accusing the liberals of doing what he does.

As can clearly be seen from the second quote, Stuttering LimpTard accuses Obama of having a messianic attitude because no one is supposed to doubt him, the exact same attitude LimpTard constantly demands from his followers. So the second and third quotes expose LimpTard practicing what he hypocritically condems in Libs in the first quote.
Get it?
According to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, membership in the union is completely voluntary. You have to proactively of your own volition sign up, fill out some forms, and pay some dues.

Presumably, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck joined AFRTA because the union provides strong advocacy, legal representation, grievance representation, industry contacts, benefits, and pensions.

I can't blame those rightwingers for taking advantage of the power of collective bargaining, and the power of entertainers and artists teaming up to get better working conditions.

But, I wonder why these rightwing union members have spent a career telling their radio audience that unions are inherently anti-capitalist, overpaid lazy lunkheads and theyr are dragging the nation down?
They're talking about public employee unions, ball licker.

You know, those unions who are raping the taxpayers at every hidden corner?

Why does it make you angry that these rightwing media personalities evidently joined a union of their own free will? I don't blame them, unions generally provide better representation than an individual can provide on their own.

And are you seriously continuing that hilariously transparent lie that neither Limpballs, your or any righwinger on this board has never said that private unions are a drag on america's economy at best, and are overpaid, lazy, socialists at worst? That's laughable.
Who said i'm angry about it?.........Did I say that?........Nooooooooo, never said that!
Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh
I just noticed you even put a lie in your sig. Rush made that statement referring to what liberals do. You make it sound like he advocated it. Agree with him or not, you just proved him right. You used the statement he said what you do to do what he said you do...
edthemoron is a massive liar that doesnt understand the mean of CONTEXT
The absolute HYPOCRISY of that first quote would be meaningless if the context wasn't your MessiahRushie accusing liberals. This has been explained to you many times but you still play dumb!!!!
Thank you.
They're talking about public employee unions, ball licker.

You know, those unions who are raping the taxpayers at every hidden corner?

Why does it make you angry that these rightwing media personalities evidently joined a union of their own free will? I don't blame them, unions generally provide better representation than an individual can provide on their own.

And are you seriously continuing that hilariously transparent lie that neither Limpballs, your or any righwinger on this board has never said that private unions are a drag on america's economy at best, and are overpaid, lazy, socialists at worst? That's laughable.
Who said i'm angry about it?.........Did I say that?........Nooooooooo, never said that!

Some like to ASS U ME ;)
According to the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, membership in the union is completely voluntary. You have to proactively of your own volition sign up, fill out some forms, and pay some dues.

Presumably, Limbaugh, Hannity and Beck joined AFRTA because the union provides strong advocacy, legal representation, grievance representation, industry contacts, benefits, and pensions.

I can't blame those rightwingers for taking advantage of the power of collective bargaining, and the power of entertainers and artists teaming up to get better working conditions.

But, I wonder why these rightwing union members have spent a career telling their radio audience that unions are inherently anti-capitalist, overpaid lazy lunkheads and theyr are dragging the nation down?
They're talking about public employee unions, ball licker.

You know, those unions who are raping the taxpayers at every hidden corner?

And that would be the same fucking UNIONS that should justify their very existence...
what an idiot
you dont subtract percentages like that

Show us how a Republican "science major" does it.

i cant
i'm too busy laughing at your stupidity
please do that again, i'm sure others would enjoy seeing it again

The current ratio is 22 million government employed / 136 million total employed = 16.2%.

The federal government employs about 2.7 million people.

State governments employ about 5 million people.

Local governments employ about 14 million people.

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

So I said government workers in Unions account for about 30 something percent of all government workers, but only a little more than 4% of all workers in the US. Remember, union members in the private sector account for around 7%. All union workers is a little more than 11%.

So take a look at the number of workers in government and it's around 16%. A third of that would be around 5%. I said a little more than 4%.

Very, very close and you are laughing because what I said was "stupid" and you "don't do math that way"? So I said "prove it" and you said you couldn't because you were "laughing too hard". I'm laughing too. At your ignorant ass, you fool. I told you, you are a fool. And you proved it, once again. Thanks. I too, needed a good laugh. I'm just glad it was at your expense.

And what I said goes. You can't blame the current economic mess on a measly 4% of all workers who make less than a hundred thousand each.
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I just noticed you even put a lie in your sig. Rush made that statement referring to what liberals do. You make it sound like he advocated it. Agree with him or not, you just proved him right. You used the statement he said what you do to do what he said you do...
edthemoron is a massive liar that doesnt understand the mean of CONTEXT
The absolute HYPOCRISY of that first quote would be meaningless if the context wasn't your MessiahRushie accusing liberals. This has been explained to you many times but you still play dumb!!!!
Thank you.

Explaining your lie doesn't make it not a lie
I just noticed you even put a lie in your sig. Rush made that statement referring to what liberals do. You make it sound like he advocated it. Agree with him or not, you just proved him right. You used the statement he said what you do to do what he said you do...
edthemoron is a massive liar that doesnt understand the mean of CONTEXT
The absolute HYPOCRISY of that first quote would be meaningless if the context wasn't your MessiahRushie accusing liberals. This has been explained to you many times but you still play dumb!!!!
Thank you.

Limbaugh is not the president.

Limbaugh is not suing the state of Arizona for doing what the feds won't do.

Limbaugh is not using his organization to rally SEIU thugs in Wisconsin.

Limbaugh did not spend a trillion dollars to increase unemployment by over 2%.

Limbaugh did not sign an unconstitutional healthcare mandate into law.

I could go on and on, but it's not like you'll get it anyway.....

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