Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Was this thread suppose to be EXPOSING something BIG?

how funny.:lol:
The quotes expose that Rush criticizes liberals, which is clearly hypocrisy
The hypocrisy is your MessiahRushie criticizes Liberals for being exactly like him.
Actually you're saying he's hypocritical for being exactly like --- your views --- of him...

And you have clearly demonstrated that you are a liar and a hypocrite. Your sig is a lie, you took him out of context to make your own political point, which is your political point, which is hypocrisy. The twofer...
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Not knowing his financial situation, I might guess inheritance had something to do with it

Regardless, I don't see him on the board every day whining about what he is expected to contribute to our society

How many middle class people do ou know that owns two homes, and has a third home co-owner at the beach? She needs to start doing the obama dream.

Who said he was middle class? Let's call him wealthy. He is still paying what is expected and not whining about how unfair taxes are. He still cares about the less fortunate and is willing to pay more to help them

let him support the political elite. Which is what you are doing when you pay a tax.
i cant
i'm too busy laughing at your stupidity
please do that again, i'm sure others would enjoy seeing it again

The current ratio is 22 million government employed / 136 million total employed = 16.2%.

The federal government employs about 2.7 million people.

State governments employ about 5 million people.

Local governments employ about 14 million people.

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

So I said government workers in Unions account for about 30 something percent of all government workers, but only a little more than 4% of all workers in the US. Remember, union members in the private sector account for around 7%. All union workers is a little more than 11%.

So take a look at the number of workers in government and it's around 16%. A third of that would be around 5%. I said a little more than 4%.

Very, very close and you are laughing because what I said was "stupid" and you "don't do math that way"? So I said "prove it" and you said you couldn't because you were "laughing too hard". I'm laughing too. At your ignorant ass, you fool. I told you, you are a fool. And you proved it, once again. Thanks. I too, needed a good laugh. I'm just glad it was at your expense.

And what I said goes. You can't blame the current economic mess on a measly 4% of all workers who make less than a hundred thousand each.
if ALL employed in unions average is 11%(i doubt that is actually accurate) and 7% are private sector, then the number in PUBLIC sector it would stand toi reason would be 4 points OVER the average

Now whose not making sense? You sit in front of a computer. You want to know the truth? Go look for it.

If the percentage over all is 11.9% and 7.5% of those work in the private sector, that leaves a measly 4.4% in government. They are more than 30% of government workers, but only 4.4% nationwide.

Which also debunks the Republicans ridiculous charge that the funding to the Democratic Party comes strictly from Union Dues. Union members hold bake sales, give fundraisers, and organize rallies for the Democratic Party.

Most of the Republicans money comes from big corporations. Which is who their leadership clearly work for.


The number of American workers in unions declined sharply last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, with the percentage slipping to 11.9 percent, the lowest rate in more than 70 years.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the overall unionization rate last year was down from 12.3 percent in 2009 and 20.1 percent in 1983, when there were 17.7 million union members. The peak unionization rate was 35 percent during the mid-1950s, after a surge in unionization during the Great Depression and after World War II.

Fewer workers belonged to unions in 2010
no he didnt
you are fucking delusional

And Obama's numbers kick your ass as usual.

You are normally not as low as guatama or gstarz, but water seeks its own level, and yours is in the sewer, divecon.
LOL what the fuck are you talking about
obama's number are about where i have said they would be
i have always said his numbers would never go below 40% and if they did they wouldnt stay there long
cause numbnutz like YOU would still support him no matter how fucking bad he does

You have done it now, shame on you DiveCon you have just made starkey go into robo mode.:lol:
The current ratio is 22 million government employed / 136 million total employed = 16.2%.

The federal government employs about 2.7 million people.

State governments employ about 5 million people.

Local governments employ about 14 million people.

Sources: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

So I said government workers in Unions account for about 30 something percent of all government workers, but only a little more than 4% of all workers in the US. Remember, union members in the private sector account for around 7%. All union workers is a little more than 11%.

So take a look at the number of workers in government and it's around 16%. A third of that would be around 5%. I said a little more than 4%.

Very, very close and you are laughing because what I said was "stupid" and you "don't do math that way"? So I said "prove it" and you said you couldn't because you were "laughing too hard". I'm laughing too. At your ignorant ass, you fool. I told you, you are a fool. And you proved it, once again. Thanks. I too, needed a good laugh. I'm just glad it was at your expense.

And what I said goes. You can't blame the current economic mess on a measly 4% of all workers who make less than a hundred thousand each.
if ALL employed in unions average is 11%(i doubt that is actually accurate) and 7% are private sector, then the number in PUBLIC sector it would stand toi reason would be 4 points OVER the average

Now whose not making sense? You sit in front of a computer. You want to know the truth? Go look for it.

If the percentage over all is 11.9% and 7.5% of those work in the private sector, that leaves a measly 4.4% in government. They are more than 30% of government workers, but only 4.4% nationwide.

Which also debunks the Republicans ridiculous charge that the funding to the Democratic Party comes strictly from Union Dues. Union members hold bake sales, give fundraisers, and organize rallies for the Democratic Party.

Most of the Republicans money comes from big corporations. Which is who their leadership clearly work for.


The number of American workers in unions declined sharply last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, with the percentage slipping to 11.9 percent, the lowest rate in more than 70 years.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the overall unionization rate last year was down from 12.3 percent in 2009 and 20.1 percent in 1983, when there were 17.7 million union members. The peak unionization rate was 35 percent during the mid-1950s, after a surge in unionization during the Great Depression and after World War II.

Fewer workers belonged to unions in 2010
actually, dipshit, i already did
and the percentage of government employees that are union is higher than i thought
over 50%
Limbaugh is not the president.

Limbaugh is not suing the state of Arizona for doing what the feds won't do.

Limbaugh is not using his organization to rally SEIU thugs in Wisconsin.

Limbaugh did not spend a trillion dollars to increase unemployment by over 2%.

Limbaugh did not sign an unconstitutional healthcare mandate into law.

I could go on and on, but it's not like you'll get it anyway.....
And how does any of that deflection change the fact that GOP shill and pathological liar Stuttering LimpTard is a hypocrite???

Obama does not want to be questioned, so where's the lie again?
the HYPOCRISY is your MessiahRushie does not want to be questioned also. Get it!!!

Nov 26, 2007
RUSH: Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here.
How many middle class people do ou know that owns two homes, and has a third home co-owner at the beach? She needs to start doing the obama dream.

Who said he was middle class? Let's call him wealthy. He is still paying what is expected and not whining about how unfair taxes are. He still cares about the less fortunate and is willing to pay more to help them

let him support the political elite. Which is what you are doing when you pay a tax.

Bam, now that's what I'm talking about. Liberals don't trust companies who have to compete in competitive markets, fight each other for customers, fight with vendors for lowest prices, serve customers, and lose them even if the customer is wrong and blames them.

No, they are far more comfortable with a ruling elite that can make unilateral, political driven decisions that advance their own power. They then defend their own elite when they cheat on their taxes or sexually harass women in the white house, get blown with interns or cheat on their wives dying of cancer because that they trust...
And Obama's numbers kick your ass as usual.

You are normally not as low as guatama or gstarz, but water seeks its own level, and yours is in the sewer, divecon.
LOL what the fuck are you talking about
obama's number are about where i have said they would be
i have always said his numbers would never go below 40% and if they did they wouldnt stay there long
cause numbnutz like YOU would still support him no matter how fucking bad he does

You have done it now, shame on you DiveCon you have just made starkey go into robo mode.:lol:
i had a lot of conservatives get mad at me over that
but so far, i've been right
And how does any of that deflection change the fact that GOP shill and pathological liar Stuttering LimpTard is a hypocrite???

Obama does not want to be questioned, so where's the lie again?
the HYPOCRISY is your MessiahRushie does not want to be questioned also. Get it!!!

Nov 26, 2007
RUSH: Don't doubt me. I say it, you believe it. That's the rule here.
another thing you dont understand, hyperbole
You never heard of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, a name I coined for the GOP hate media machine and their gullible "know-it-all" America hating suckers, and a name that you can't even spell Right, but you know enough about something you never heard of to say who is and is not a member.

As I have shown so many times, The CON$ervative Brotherhood is always on both sides of every issue even within the same thread!!! :rofl:
you "coined" nothing dipshit

Domain ID:D104703857-LROR
Created On:30-Jul-2004 14:15:08 UTC
Last Updated On:31-Jul-2010 01:22:00 UTC
Expiration Date:30-Jul-2011 14:15:08 UTC
Hey :ahole-1: you spelled it WRONG!!!!

"CON$ervative brotherhood" - Google Search

This is what I got when I clicked on your link.
Did you mean: "conservative brotherhood"
The quotes expose that Rush criticizes liberals, which is clearly hypocrisy
The hypocrisy is your MessiahRushie criticizes Liberals for being exactly like him.
Actually you're saying he's hypocritical for being exactly like --- your views --- of him...

And you have clearly demonstrated that you are a liar and a hypocrite. Your sig is a lie, you took him out of context to make your own political point, which is your political point, which is hypocrisy. The twofer...
No, your MessiahRushie is a hypocrite for DOING exactly what he accuses Libs of doing.

And I took nothing out of context, you didn't understand the context. Your willful ignorance does not make me a liar, it makes you willfully ignorant.
kaz. driveby, wickedjester, and divecon call names, then they cry like babies when they are slapped down. :lol:

You pretend conservatives can't take what you so poorly dish out? Then you cry? Mamas boy, the lot of you.

The public unions are not the cause of the states' deficits. Check the corporate tax breaks, bozos.

The states with collective bargaining teachers unions have the lowest % of state deficit, those states without have the highest %. Check the facts, bozos.

And the top 1% of Americans own more than 40% of the wealth. They can afford to pay their fair share.

The WI say they are more willing to compromise on pay and benefits, in facting busting Walker's lies.

Your lying days of pretending you are mainstream conservative GOP, driveby and kaz and divecon, are over.

And grow up and act like men, you group of wannabe e-thugs. :lol: You ain't got what it takes.
the word of an idiot and a liar^^^^^^

true story :thup:
I was a member of a trade union for 8 years and I rarely agreed with them.

I also hated the fact that my dues went to helping elect Democrats.

From what I understand Rush and the others have to be members of a union. You think they might just disagree with their union just possibly????

I should start a thread and let everyone talk about their union experiences.
Last edited:
you "coined" nothing dipshit

Domain ID:D104703857-LROR
Created On:30-Jul-2004 14:15:08 UTC
Last Updated On:31-Jul-2010 01:22:00 UTC
Expiration Date:30-Jul-2011 14:15:08 UTC
Hey :ahole-1: you spelled it WRONG!!!!

"CON$ervative brotherhood" - Google Search

This is what I got when I clicked on your link.
Did you mean: "conservative brotherhood"
A typical CON$ervative Brotherhood "half-truth" whole lie. you got a hell of a lot more than just what you posted!!!

Did you mean: "conservative brotherhood"

Search Results

  1. Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members - Page 18 - US ...

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    You never heard of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, a name I coined for the GOP ... As I have shown so many times, The CON$ervative Brotherhood is always on ...
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  2. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    1 post - 1 author
    I love it when the CON$ervative Brotherhood ignores their fellow traveler, DumbCon, modifying my screen name to edthemoron, but has a shit fit, ...
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  3. Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    Sheesh, the supporters of the CON$ervative Brotherhood are dumb! ..... And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, ...
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  4. Political activitistism on Social Networks - Page 2 - US Message ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: 4 days ago
    I don't get why the CON$ervative Brotherhood wants us to fail in the .... But you won't and the CON$ervative Brotherhood knows you won't. ...
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  5. Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, ..... I know the CON$ervative Brotherhood loves to play dumb, but this is ridiculous! ...
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  6. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to ...
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  7. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 17 - US ...

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    The Muslim Brotherhood are the friends of the CON$ervative Brotherhood. Obama has always taken on all hate groups, both foreign and domestic ...
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  8. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    Jan 25, 2011 ... You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by GOP hate radio and the CON$ervative Brotherhood. CodePink's Response to the Controversy in ...
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  9. Remember The Bush Hitler - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 19
    2000, when the GOP bussed in the CON$ervative Brotherhood to stand outside Gore's residence and chant “Get out of Cheney's house.” ...
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  10. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by GOP hate radio and the CON$ervative Brotherhood. CodePink's Response to the Controversy in Cairo | World | ...
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  11. Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members - Page 16 - US ...

    4 posts - 3 authors
    Wait a minute, hasn't the CON$ervative Brotherhood been telling us that "Greed is GOOD?" ... Whenever the CON$ervative Brotherhood has to eat their words, ...
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  12. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
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  13. Science and Faith - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political ...

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    You have to love the arrogant condescension of the CON$ervative Brotherhood that makes them think they can bullshit a physicist about ...
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  14. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to ...
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  15. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    I know the CON$ervative Brotherhood loves to play dumb, but this is ridiculous!!! Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh ...
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  16. Excellent Pot / Kettle - Page 7 - US Message Board - Political ...

    14 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 16
    Clearly it is the modern CON$ervative Brotherhood whose goal is to destroy this great country through BANKRUPTCY. July 6, 2010 ...
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  17. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 15 - US ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 11
    This week the CON$ervative Brotherhood talking point is Obama had ..... Your MessiahRushie, the leader of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, ...
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  18. Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 19
    How exactly do you get $89500, other than parroting the lies of the CON$ervative Brotherhood??? Starting salary for WI police is $34452 ...
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  19. Remember The Bush Hitler - Page 4 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 18
    2000, when the GOP bussed in the CON$ervative Brotherhood to stand outside Gore's residence and chant “Get out of Cheney's house.” ...
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  20. First Anti-Obama Campaign Attack Ad Of 2012 Hits New Hampshire ...

    2 posts - 2 authors
    Even if the hospital made the CoLB available, the CON$ervative Brotherhood would simply claim it is a forgery!!! Accuse your opponents of what you are at ...
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  21. Are Wisconsin's Public Employees Overpaid? - Page 9 - US Message ...

    1 post - 1 author
    Actually, if you use the same kind of phony benefits number the CON$ervative Brotherhood used for teachers, he would be well above the top 5% and very close ...
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  22. Chris Christie Calls Out Dems and Repubs - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 17
    But as everyone knows, the CON$ervative Brotherhood always ... Why does the America hating CON$ervative Brotherhood Love the fat liar? ...
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  23. Remember The Bush Hitler - Page 8 - US Message Board - Political ...

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    But Gore wasn't out of office until Jan 2001 and the CON$ervative Brotherhood was harassing his family's legal residence in November 2000. ...
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  24. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 16 - US ...

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    Just another lie from GOP hate radio that only the CON$ervative Brotherhood is STUPID enough to believe. here's their link. CODEPINK*:*EGYPT ...
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  25. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 14 - US ...

    15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Feb 13
    Mubarak is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is why the CON$ervative Brotherhood supports Mubarak. ...
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  26. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    I know the CON$ervative Brotherhood loves to play dumb, but this is ridiculous!!! Where does the school get the money? Do they print it themselves, ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3343739-post40.html - Cached
  27. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    Any source that does not support the lies of the CON$ervative Brotherhood is biased to a major league . The link I posted simply posts teacher information ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342655-post38.html - Cached
  28. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342034-post31.html - Cached
  29. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342059-post32.html - Cached
  30. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3343738-post39.html - Cached
  31. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
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  32. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    The guy was guilty as sin in the Iran Contra scandal. That's exactly why he's a hero to the CON$ervative Brotherhood. ...
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  33. The Many Lies Of The Left - Page 19 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 16
    As I have shown many times before, the CON$ervative Brotherhood are always ... And the CON$ervative Brotherhood never gives the whole truth. ...
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  34. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    The guy was guilty as sin in the Iran Contra scandal. That's exactly why he's a hero to the CON$ervative Brotherhood. ...
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  35. Obama Sleeps Through Egypt Uprising,Yet Chrissy Matthews Gives ...

    15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Feb 13
    According to the leader of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, Obama is solely responsible for the non violent revolution in Egypt! ...
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  36. Excellent Pot / Kettle - Page 4 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 15
    Clearly it is the modern CON$ervative Brotherhood whose goal is to destroy this great country through BANKRUPTCY. July 6, 2010 ...
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  37. DONALD TRUMP at CPAC? Contender for President? - Page 8 - US ...

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    A perfect example of how the gullible CON$ervative Brotherhood can be fooled an unlimited number of times!!!! Dump Truck habitually pretends ...
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  38. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 26 - US ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 17
    That's pure CON$ervative Brotherhood BULLSHIT as has already been shown earlier in this thread!!!! Accuse your opponents of what you are at ...
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  39. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 19 - US ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 15
    Those "folks" yelling anti-American bullshit were Mubarak's thugs. That's why the anti-American CON$ervative Brotherhood supports Mubarak! ...
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Did you mean to search for: "conservative brotherhood"
LOL what the fuck are you talking about
obama's number are about where i have said they would be
i have always said his numbers would never go below 40% and if they did they wouldnt stay there long
cause numbnutz like YOU would still support him no matter how fucking bad he does

You have done it now, shame on you DiveCon you have just made starkey go into robo mode.:lol:
i had a lot of conservatives get mad at me over that
but so far, i've been right


One thing I did find on their website is that the are pushing CARD CHECK.

AFTRA Members Support the Employee Free Choice Act

Which pretty much means they aren't for people being able to OPT OUT.

Straw man irrelevancy,
That's not what strawman means. Liberals love to use words they like the sound of without knowing what they mean...

You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.

This is what I got when I clicked on your link.
Did you mean: "conservative brotherhood"
A typical CON$ervative Brotherhood "half-truth" whole lie. you got a hell of a lot more than just what you posted!!!

Did you mean: "conservative brotherhood"

Search Results

  1. Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members - Page 18 - US ...

    5 posts - 2 authors
    You never heard of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, a name I coined for the GOP ... As I have shown so many times, The CON$ervative Brotherhood is always on ...
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  2. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    1 post - 1 author
    I love it when the CON$ervative Brotherhood ignores their fellow traveler, DumbCon, modifying my screen name to edthemoron, but has a shit fit, ...
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  3. Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    Sheesh, the supporters of the CON$ervative Brotherhood are dumb! ..... And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, ...
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  4. Political activitistism on Social Networks - Page 2 - US Message ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: 4 days ago
    I don't get why the CON$ervative Brotherhood wants us to fail in the .... But you won't and the CON$ervative Brotherhood knows you won't. ...
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  5. Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, ..... I know the CON$ervative Brotherhood loves to play dumb, but this is ridiculous! ...
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  6. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    15 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to ...
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  7. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 17 - US ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 13
    The Muslim Brotherhood are the friends of the CON$ervative Brotherhood. Obama has always taken on all hate groups, both foreign and domestic ...
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  8. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    Jan 25, 2011 ... You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by GOP hate radio and the CON$ervative Brotherhood. CodePink's Response to the Controversy in ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3319126-post245.html - Cached
  9. Remember The Bush Hitler - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 19
    2000, when the GOP bussed in the CON$ervative Brotherhood to stand outside Gore's residence and chant “Get out of Cheney's house.” ...
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  10. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    You have allowed yourself to be brainwashed by GOP hate radio and the CON$ervative Brotherhood. CodePink's Response to the Controversy in Cairo | World | ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3319254-post246.html - Cached
  11. Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members - Page 16 - US ...

    4 posts - 3 authors
    Wait a minute, hasn't the CON$ervative Brotherhood been telling us that "Greed is GOOD?" ... Whenever the CON$ervative Brotherhood has to eat their words, ...
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  12. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342619-post37.html - Cached
  13. Science and Faith - Page 5 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Feb 17
    You have to love the arrogant condescension of the CON$ervative Brotherhood that makes them think they can bullshit a physicist about ...
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  14. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    A perfect example of what passes for "logic" in the CON$ervative Brotherhood. No soldiers had any children of any age before they went to ...
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  15. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    I know the CON$ervative Brotherhood loves to play dumb, but this is ridiculous!!! Accuse your opponents of what you are at present doing. Rush Limbaugh ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342588-post36.html - Cached
  16. Excellent Pot / Kettle - Page 7 - US Message Board - Political ...

    14 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 16
    Clearly it is the modern CON$ervative Brotherhood whose goal is to destroy this great country through BANKRUPTCY. July 6, 2010 ...
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  17. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 15 - US ...

    15 posts - 6 authors - Last post: Feb 11
    This week the CON$ervative Brotherhood talking point is Obama had ..... Your MessiahRushie, the leader of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, ...
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  18. Here is what Dems, Unions and WI teachers are in a near riot over ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 19
    How exactly do you get $89500, other than parroting the lies of the CON$ervative Brotherhood??? Starting salary for WI police is $34452 ...
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  19. Remember The Bush Hitler - Page 4 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 18
    2000, when the GOP bussed in the CON$ervative Brotherhood to stand outside Gore's residence and chant “Get out of Cheney's house.” ...
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  20. First Anti-Obama Campaign Attack Ad Of 2012 Hits New Hampshire ...

    2 posts - 2 authors
    Even if the hospital made the CoLB available, the CON$ervative Brotherhood would simply claim it is a forgery!!! Accuse your opponents of what you are at ...
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  21. Are Wisconsin's Public Employees Overpaid? - Page 9 - US Message ...

    1 post - 1 author
    Actually, if you use the same kind of phony benefits number the CON$ervative Brotherhood used for teachers, he would be well above the top 5% and very close ...
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  22. Chris Christie Calls Out Dems and Repubs - US Message Board ...

    15 posts - 9 authors - Last post: Feb 17
    But as everyone knows, the CON$ervative Brotherhood always ... Why does the America hating CON$ervative Brotherhood Love the fat liar? ...
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  23. Remember The Bush Hitler - Page 8 - US Message Board - Political ...

    1 post - 1 author
    But Gore wasn't out of office until Jan 2001 and the CON$ervative Brotherhood was harassing his family's legal residence in November 2000. ...
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  24. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 16 - US ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 10
    Just another lie from GOP hate radio that only the CON$ervative Brotherhood is STUPID enough to believe. here's their link. CODEPINK*:*EGYPT ...
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  25. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 14 - US ...

    15 posts - 8 authors - Last post: Feb 13
    Mubarak is in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood, which is why the CON$ervative Brotherhood supports Mubarak. ...
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  26. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    I know the CON$ervative Brotherhood loves to play dumb, but this is ridiculous!!! Where does the school get the money? Do they print it themselves, ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3343739-post40.html - Cached
  27. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    Any source that does not support the lies of the CON$ervative Brotherhood is biased to a major league . The link I posted simply posts teacher information ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342655-post38.html - Cached
  28. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342034-post31.html - Cached
  29. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342059-post32.html - Cached
  30. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3343738-post39.html - Cached
  31. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    And that is how the CON$ervative Brotherhood operates, they always cherry-pick the most deliberately deceptive stats they can find. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342576-post35.html - Cached
  32. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum - View Single Post ...

    The guy was guilty as sin in the Iran Contra scandal. That's exactly why he's a hero to the CON$ervative Brotherhood. ...
    www.usmessageboard.com/3342729-post15.html - Cached
  33. The Many Lies Of The Left - Page 19 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 16
    As I have shown many times before, the CON$ervative Brotherhood are always ... And the CON$ervative Brotherhood never gives the whole truth. ...
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  34. Sean Hannity and Oliver North Head Military Charity Mired In ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: 6 days ago
    The guy was guilty as sin in the Iran Contra scandal. That's exactly why he's a hero to the CON$ervative Brotherhood. ...
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  35. Obama Sleeps Through Egypt Uprising,Yet Chrissy Matthews Gives ...

    15 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Feb 13
    According to the leader of the CON$ervative Brotherhood, Obama is solely responsible for the non violent revolution in Egypt! ...
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  36. Excellent Pot / Kettle - Page 4 - US Message Board - Political ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 15
    Clearly it is the modern CON$ervative Brotherhood whose goal is to destroy this great country through BANKRUPTCY. July 6, 2010 ...
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  37. DONALD TRUMP at CPAC? Contender for President? - Page 8 - US ...

    15 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Feb 15
    A perfect example of how the gullible CON$ervative Brotherhood can be fooled an unlimited number of times!!!! Dump Truck habitually pretends ...
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  38. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 26 - US ...

    15 posts - 7 authors - Last post: Feb 17
    That's pure CON$ervative Brotherhood BULLSHIT as has already been shown earlier in this thread!!!! Accuse your opponents of what you are at ...
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  39. Democracy In Egypt Is Bad For The United States - Page 19 - US ...

    15 posts - 5 authors - Last post: Feb 15
    Those "folks" yelling anti-American bullshit were Mubarak's thugs. That's why the anti-American CON$ervative Brotherhood supports Mubarak! ...
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Did you mean to search for: "conservative brotherhood"
this just proves you are a pathetic moron
Straw man irrelevancy,
That's not what strawman means. Liberals love to use words they like the sound of without knowing what they mean...

You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.

You just outed yourself Fakey...Get LOST. Go play in traffic MAKE SURE that you get HIT

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