Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Straw man irrelevancy,
That's not what strawman means. Liberals love to use words they like the sound of without knowing what they mean...

You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.

My Lord. You are beyond clueless on anything.

I hope you are just a teenager and will eventually develop a modicum of intellect and wisdom.

Your ability to reason and engage in dialog is by far the worst I have seen on my short time on this forum. Perhaps there is a debate course being offered at your high school that might help.
That's not what strawman means. Liberals love to use words they like the sound of without knowing what they mean...

You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.

You just outed yourself Fakey...Get LOST. Go play in traffic MAKE SURE that you get HIT

Projecting again, You are Comrade Kaz,. You must be. Like bigreb, you follow the Saul Alinsky play book.
The absolute HYPOCRISY of that first quote would be meaningless if the context wasn't your MessiahRushie accusing liberals. This has been explained to you many times but you still play dumb!!!!
Thank you.

Limbaugh is not the president.

Limbaugh is not suing the state of Arizona for doing what the feds won't do.

Limbaugh is not using his organization to rally SEIU thugs in Wisconsin.

Limbaugh did not spend a trillion dollars to increase unemployment by over 2%.

Limbaugh did not sign an unconstitutional healthcare mandate into law.

I could go on and on, but it's not like you'll get it anyway.....

But you have to admit, he is one of the many leaders of the Republican Party, just like Beck, Palin and O'Reilly.
Beck is a Libertarian and O'Reilly is not a leader of anything except perhaps TV viewership which makes him a celebrity, but certainly not any type of important leader.
Just wondering. Did anyone Bother checking if they had a choice or not?

Many Many Americans are members of unions simply because it is required to be in the Position they are in.

Just sayin.
You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.

You just outed yourself Fakey...Get LOST. Go play in traffic MAKE SURE that you get HIT

Projecting again, You are Comrade Kaz,. You must be. Like bigreb, you follow the Saul Alinsky play book.
idiot, kaz didnt make that post
if ALL employed in unions average is 11%(i doubt that is actually accurate) and 7% are private sector, then the number in PUBLIC sector it would stand toi reason would be 4 points OVER the average

Now whose not making sense? You sit in front of a computer. You want to know the truth? Go look for it.

If the percentage over all is 11.9% and 7.5% of those work in the private sector, that leaves a measly 4.4% in government. They are more than 30% of government workers, but only 4.4% nationwide.

Which also debunks the Republicans ridiculous charge that the funding to the Democratic Party comes strictly from Union Dues. Union members hold bake sales, give fundraisers, and organize rallies for the Democratic Party.

Most of the Republicans money comes from big corporations. Which is who their leadership clearly work for.


The number of American workers in unions declined sharply last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, with the percentage slipping to 11.9 percent, the lowest rate in more than 70 years.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the overall unionization rate last year was down from 12.3 percent in 2009 and 20.1 percent in 1983, when there were 17.7 million union members. The peak unionization rate was 35 percent during the mid-1950s, after a surge in unionization during the Great Depression and after World War II.

Fewer workers belonged to unions in 2010
actually, dipshit, i already did
and the percentage of government employees that are union is higher than i thought
over 50%

Union Members Summary

Union Members Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Friday, January 21, 2011

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

In 2010, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who were
members of a union--was 11.9 percent, down from 12.3 percent a year earlier, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

The union membership rate for public
sector workers (36.2 percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private
sector workers (6.9 percent). Within the public sector, local government workers
had the highest union membership rate, 42.3 percent.
This group includes workers in
heavily unionized occupations, such as teachers, police officers, and fire fighters.
Private sector industries with high unionization rates included transportation and
utilities (21.8 percent), telecommunications (15.8 percent), and construction (13.1
percent). In 2010, low unionization rates occurred in agriculture and related indus-
tries (1.6 percent) and in financial activities (2.0 percent). (See table 3.)


Then you said, "and the percentage of government employees that are union is higher than i thought
over 50%"

The TRUTH is the group in government with the HIGHEST number of union members is only 42.3%, far less than OVER 50%.

Another lie. I only bother to answer your rants because other ignorant right wingers will think you are telling the truth. Your "truth" is about as real as "magical creation".

And you call people all those names. Is that what your parents called you as a kid? Schoolmates? Your wife? Brothers and sisters? It has to come from somewhere.
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Now whose not making sense? You sit in front of a computer. You want to know the truth? Go look for it.

If the percentage over all is 11.9% and 7.5% of those work in the private sector, that leaves a measly 4.4% in government. They are more than 30% of government workers, but only 4.4% nationwide.

Which also debunks the Republicans ridiculous charge that the funding to the Democratic Party comes strictly from Union Dues. Union members hold bake sales, give fundraisers, and organize rallies for the Democratic Party.

Most of the Republicans money comes from big corporations. Which is who their leadership clearly work for.


The number of American workers in unions declined sharply last year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, with the percentage slipping to 11.9 percent, the lowest rate in more than 70 years.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the overall unionization rate last year was down from 12.3 percent in 2009 and 20.1 percent in 1983, when there were 17.7 million union members. The peak unionization rate was 35 percent during the mid-1950s, after a surge in unionization during the Great Depression and after World War II.

Fewer workers belonged to unions in 2010
actually, dipshit, i already did
and the percentage of government employees that are union is higher than i thought
over 50%

Union Members Summary

Union Members Summary
For release 10:00 a.m. (EST) Friday, January 21, 2011

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

In 2010, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who were
members of a union--was 11.9 percent, down from 12.3 percent a year earlier, the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

The union membership rate for public
sector workers (36.2 percent) was substantially higher than the rate for private
sector workers (6.9 percent). Within the public sector, local government workers
had the highest union membership rate, 42.3 percent.
This group includes workers in
heavily unionized occupations, such as teachers, police officers, and fire fighters.
Private sector industries with high unionization rates included transportation and
utilities (21.8 percent), telecommunications (15.8 percent), and construction (13.1
percent). In 2010, low unionization rates occurred in agriculture and related indus-
tries (1.6 percent) and in financial activities (2.0 percent). (See table 3.)


Then you said, "and the percentage of government employees that are union is higher than i thought
over 50%"

The TRUTH is the group in government with the HIGHEST number of union members is only 42.3%, far less than OVER 50%.

Another lie. I only bother to answer your rants because other ignorant right wingers will think you are telling the truth. Your "truth" is about as real as "magical creation".

And you call people all those names. Is that what your parents called you as a kid? Schoolmates? Your wife? Brothers and sisters? It has to come from somewhere.
my data was older
so its dropped some

fuck off moron
You are dumb is what you are saying, comrade? Straw man means accuse somebody of something isn't true. Which is exactly what you do. You must read Saul Alinsky every night before you go to bed.

You just outed yourself Fakey...Get LOST. Go play in traffic MAKE SURE that you get HIT

Projecting again, You are Comrade Kaz,. You must be. Like bigreb, you follow the Saul Alinsky play book.

Jermey project much?
I thought Libs were anti-rich...so what is TM doing with a beach house? Turn it over to the homeless, hypocrite!

I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.

Lol..how does it feel when people lie about you, bitch?
I thought Libs were anti-rich...so what is TM doing with a beach house? Turn it over to the homeless, hypocrite!

I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.

Lol..how does it feel when people lie about you, bitch?

Oh my, gloating?
I have never been anti rich.

That is a right wing lie.

Wealth gained by hard work should make every American proud.

Wealth gained by gaming our finacial system and harming fellow Americans for for profit is unAmerican.

You just hate anyone on the left no matter how good a citizen they are.

So then, Do you think all wealth made on the Stock market was made by "gaming" the system?
MMMm it seems to me I have heard all my life that republicans hate all unions.

What happened to you guys?

this just shows how stupid you are, unions themselves may be good may be bad, PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS are what people are complaining about, and here is the thing


1) you know the difference and are too much of a political hack to admitt the truth


2) you are an ignorant took who cant tell the difference

which is it, are you stupid or a liar?
Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members | | AlterNet

report voted to the front page of Reddit Friday claimed that Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly were union members, as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin called it the "stupid lie of the week," insisting that neither she nor the "other Fox News personalities being accused of 'hypocrisy' belong to the union." As one might expect, Malkin didn't know what she was talking about and the liberals were right (she herself, as just a frequent guest on the network, is not a member of the union).

A representative from Beck's camp denied the claim, but a source within AFTRA confirmed to AlterNet Friday that O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity were indeed union members.

I was in a union too and I don't like unions either. How does that make me a hypocrite? You do realize that up north you don't have a choice, right? If you want the job, you have to join the union. Since Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Limbaugh are all from New York there is nothing surprising about this.
i do believe TM failed with this argument. but it was a damn good try....

I guess.:lol::lol:
..... The US economy is profoundly damaged. It is no longer intended to provide a stable and rising standard of living to the mass of American people. Rather, since 1980 and the election of Ronald Reagan, it has been operated with the goal of transferring income and wealth from the working and middle classes to those at the very highest reaches of the economy. And it's been extraordinarily successful at this .....

Between 1993 and 2007, 50% of all the growth in the U.S. economy went to the richest 1%.

Between 2002 and 2006, it was even worse: an astounding three quarters of all the economy's growth was captured by the top 1%.

In 2007, this top 1% captured 20% of all the income in the entire nation.

The top 10% corralled fully half of all the income earned in the entire country, as much as the bottom 90% combined. Only one time since 1913 has so much of the nation's income been seized by such a small elite. That was 1928, the year before the stock market collapsed, ushering in the Great Depression.

The data on concentration of wealth are even more startling.

The top 1% own more than 50% of all assets in the U.S. They own more than 70% of all financial assets.

Meanwhile, the bottom 50% of wealth holders own a mere 3.5% of all the assets in the country.

The bottom 40% own nothing. They have a combined net worth of zero.

Middle class homeowners now own less of the equity in their homes, 45%, than at any time since World War II when the figure stood at 70%.

They lost $13 trillion in the housing meltdown, even as the entire past decade produced zero net new jobs.

While American's are "dithering" over the merits of union bashing, the real problem continues to go unaddressed.

The reality is that public sector unions don't command enough of the nation's financial resources to make an appreciable difference - given that they comprise only a small fraction of the 90% of Americans who are receiving an ever shrinking % of the nation's income.

America's conservatives only serve as the unwitting pawns of this wealthy elite, targeting unions instead of following the money trail back to its real source!
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MMMm it seems to me I have heard all my life that republicans hate all unions.

What happened to you guys?

Hey dumb BIMBO.... pay close attention you stupid troll.....

all the talk host you so nicely puked from that vapid space you call a brain have NO choice.
If they want to be on the radio.... they have to be in a union.

No they dont like it, and if you payed any attention you'd of heard em state this with their own words.

So no surpirise here.... and yes, CONSERVATIVE Repubes hate unions.

In the same segment where O'Reilly blamed government financial woes on union benefits, he not only said he was an AFTRA member, but that his membership had benefited him in the past. "On a personal note, I'm a member of a union, AFTRA, and when I was working at 'Inside Edition' some years ago, the King World company tried to renege on pension benefits," said O'Reilly. "AFTRA took them to court and the case was settled. If the shop had been non-union, we might have been stiffed."

Is he a PRIVATE sector union member or a PUBLIC sector union member?

Pretty irrelevant point, since Team Red is going after all unions.
Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members | | AlterNet

report voted to the front page of Reddit Friday claimed that Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly were union members, as well as Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter. Right-wing blogger Michelle Malkin called it the "stupid lie of the week," insisting that neither she nor the "other Fox News personalities being accused of 'hypocrisy' belong to the union." As one might expect, Malkin didn't know what she was talking about and the liberals were right (she herself, as just a frequent guest on the network, is not a member of the union).

A representative from Beck's camp denied the claim, but a source within AFTRA confirmed to AlterNet Friday that O'Reilly, Limbaugh and Hannity were indeed union members.

uhm it appears malkin is all over this, the 'source' naples .com has removed her name from their list and it appears they may wrong about beck too. not that it being private sector union seems to have made a dent in thick skulls.

here, read for yourselves;

Stupid lie of the week: Fox News people are hypocritical AFTRA members! | Facebook

oh and aftra has endorsed the 'protests' of the public sector anyway, so whats the story again?


When asked, AFTRA reps wouldn't state whether the three were members, but it did say in an official statement (see the entire statement below):

alternet? Though its really beside the point, I'll wait for conformation from a source that has a name thank you.....
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