Hannity thanks his fans, says the coup against him failed, USAA sponsor back on board


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
He makes some good points, suggests that alt-left liberals are going after him and all others on the right. Says it is a group partially funded by Clinton and Soros. Says that because of the support from his fans USAA came back as a sponsor. I bet you a number of emails, tweets and phone calls were made in order to have these former sponsors know, they are about to lose ALOT of business by allowing radicals try and have you decide if free speech is allowed or not.

Reiterated he is against a boycott and says if you don't like it turn the channel. Also points out there is another group, Media Equality Project is listing Maddows sponsors, just as I suggested a few days ago, great stuff. Might be time for Conservatives and Libertarians who can see the obvious communist tactics of the alt-left to have their voices heard, maybe contact Maddows sponsors. As I said, if this is the tactic by some to destroy the Constitution and liberty, than it's an "eye for an eye, and everyone goes blind".

Hannity is now showing some of the ridiculous Maddow comments, many of the making slanderous and defamation comments against the president.

Fight back Hannity, free speech is at risk! Listening to some of the things Maddow has said makes any of the conspiracies I've seen on Fox seem like childplay, she's bats___ crazy. If she is allowed to remain on air, Pee Wee Herman could have a politics show and it would be as credible.
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I know that I tried to help out by calling Fox and telling them Hannity is all they got left. If they lose him too or fire him, I'll be forced to either switch to MSNBC or slit my wrists. Not sure which would be worse.
USAA also reinstated advertising on Hardball and Rachel Maddow.

They had a chance to make a point, and pussed out.
The "Coup"??? :rofl:

Losing an ad account is a "Coup" now?

You uh, might wanna tail back on the aerosol propellant parties.

A "Coup". Holy SHIT. :lmao:

But wait --- there's more. NOW how much would you pay...

if this is the tactic by some to destroy the Constitution and liberty


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Hannity has always been a touch too strident for me. But now, strident is called for in what is truly a battle to save the greatest country mankind has come up with so far. For those who get Fox Business, Lou Dobbs is a Freedom Fighter too.

I can't believe the changes I have seen in this country in the last eight years.

Barack Obama is a Socialist, probably a Muslim, certainly a Pussy....and absolutely a Liar, but he told one truth...that he was going to fundamentally change America.

He has it well started down the road to another Venezuela.

He accomplished this Marxist political goal by Treason....through the intentional undermining of laws he swore to enforce...particularly the Immigration Laws where he invited and encouraged and allowed a Mexican Invasion.

I think he had one special aim....to turn Texas Blue...turn Texas into another California though the encouragement of illegal immigration, and through laws like California now has...where illegals vote if they want too. Nobody can ask about their status.

Turn Texas into a Blue State by filling it up with Mexicans....and its all over.

We need Freedom Fighters now, and Hannity is certainly one.

The "Coup"??? :rofl:

Losing an ad account is a "Coup" now?

You uh, might wanna tail back on the aerosol propellant parties.

A "Coup". Holy SHIT. :lmao:

The coup were my words. He stated that those who attempted to cost him his job failed, I made it short for the purposes of title space. It was more than one, there are others who left and haven't returned.

One has to ask the question "why"? Why would Clinton sponsored supporters in particular go after Hannity or any other media network exericizing their right to free speech and Pursuit of Happiness?

This is why the alt-left are a massive danger, and I would bet there is serious interest in these radical groups from the proper authorities. Clinton actually stated in an interview recently that she questioned MSNBC hiring conservative contributors, as if free speech and variety of views is unacceptable. That's some indoctrination.

You can say what you want about Conservatives, and I'm one who leans right but consider myself more libertarian socially, economically conservative; one issue I have rarely seen is the Right trying to silence liberals. These tactics to attempts to silence people and intervene in the lives of citizens has been the exclusive domain of the left for some time now.
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The "Coup"??? :rofl:

Losing an ad account is a "Coup" now?

You uh, might wanna tail back on the aerosol propellant parties.

A "Coup". Holy SHIT. :lmao:

The coup were my words. He stated that those who attempted to cost him his job failed, I made it short for the purposes of title space. It was more than one, there are others who left and haven't returned.

One has to ask the question "why"? Why would Clinton sponsored supporters in particular gp after Hannity or any other media network exericizing their right to free speech and Pursuit of Happiness?

This is why the alt-left are a massive danger, and I would bet there is serious interest in these radical groups from the proper authorities. Clinton actually stated in an interview recently that she questioned MSNBC hiring conservative contributors.

You can say what you want about Conservatives, and I'm one who leans right but consider myself more libertarian socially, economically conservative; one issue I have rarely seen is the Right trying to silence liberals. These tactics to attempts to silence people and intervene in the lives of citizens has been the exclusive domain of the left for some time now.
Any comment on USAA reinstating advertising on Hardball and the Rachel Maddow show after pulling it? Or is your sick self only interested in peddling Hannity conspiracies?
if this is the tactic by some to destroy the Constitution and liberty
The "Coup"??? :rofl:

Losing an ad account is a "Coup" now?

You uh, might wanna tail back on the aerosol propellant parties.

A "Coup". Holy SHIT. :lmao:

The coup were my words. He stated that those who attempted to cost him his job failed, I made it short for the purposes of title space. It was more than one, there are others who left and haven't returned.

One has to ask the question "why"? Why would Clinton sponsored supporters in particular go after Hannity or any other media network exericizing their right to free speech and Pursuit of Happiness?

This is why the alt-left are a massive danger, and I would bet there is serious interest in these radical groups from the proper authorities. Clinton actually stated in an interview recently that she questioned MSNBC hiring conservative contributors.

You can say what you want about Conservatives, and I'm one who leans right but consider myself more libertarian socially, economically conservative; one issue I have rarely seen is the Right trying to silence liberals. These tactics to attempts to silence people and intervene in the lives of citizens has been the exclusive domain of the left for some time now.

Look Durward.....

A hair-on-fire TV rodeo clown losing or gaining an advertiser is in no way a fucking "coup". A coup means an entire government has been taken over. That means millions of people's everyday lives are affected. Nowhere near close to the vicinity of the range of the ballpark of a freaking talking head on the boob tube. Fuck him. NOR is there any "Constitutional" issue (and you claim to be Canadian anyway so it ain't your Constitution) in who a business chooses to advertise with. That's their business --- not yours.

A far better question though, is this ---

---- how come you're so emotionally invested in a TV talking head you don't even know? So much that you would go out on the "coup" limb? So much that you actually think the Constitution is involved? Do you have, like, Sean Inanity's poster hanging on your bedroom ceiling too?

I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that.....
The "Coup"??? :rofl:

Losing an ad account is a "Coup" now?

You uh, might wanna tail back on the aerosol propellant parties.

A "Coup". Holy SHIT. :lmao:

The coup were my words. He stated that those who attempted to cost him his job failed, I made it short for the purposes of title space. It was more than one, there are others who left and haven't returned.

One has to ask the question "why"? Why would Clinton sponsored supporters in particular gp after Hannity or any other media network exericizing their right to free speech and Pursuit of Happiness?

This is why the alt-left are a massive danger, and I would bet there is serious interest in these radical groups from the proper authorities. Clinton actually stated in an interview recently that she questioned MSNBC hiring conservative contributors.

You can say what you want about Conservatives, and I'm one who leans right but consider myself more libertarian socially, economically conservative; one issue I have rarely seen is the Right trying to silence liberals. These tactics to attempts to silence people and intervene in the lives of citizens has been the exclusive domain of the left for some time now.
Any comment on USAA reinstating advertising on Hardball and the Rachel Maddow show after pulling it? Or is your sick self only interested in peddling Hannity conspiracies?

How am I peddling conspiracies? Media Matters openly listed Hannity's sponsors and did the same to O' Reilly, the president of this group was on Smerconish on the weekend and stated these facts himself.

Even if I don't agree with Hannity or Maddow, they have a right to speak as long as their supporters follow them. Do I prefer Hannity to MSNBC, certainly. I prefer Carlson Tucker to Hannity, is this some sort of political spectrum question regarding who I support?

Bottom line, if ratings are high and sponsors are happy, they should not be "shamed" by people who are inherently against free speech but dress it up as "a public service announcement". Save it.

Conservative views have been excessively under fire for a long time and now people are starting to fight back. Whether it was the NFL, ESPN, CNN or as we saw; the general election, people are taking action.

What I find astounding about some of these people is that they are so eager to share Hannity sponsors, but, there's no interest in finding out exactly who is donating to Clintons new "resistance group". She herself choosing to be covert and secretive. She wonders precisely why noone trusted her? Sadly, this has become the new face of the left, which is going further left to the point it's difficult to see where the line is that divides the alt-left, from "mainstream" left.
Bottom line, if ratings are high and sponsors are happy, they should not be "shamed" by people who are inherently against free speech but dress it up as "a public service announcement". Save it.

And here you are celebrating USAA being shamed for using their free speech remove advertising from biased programming that harms America. :rolleyes:

Congrats on your shaming, hypocrite.
USAA also reinstated advertising on Hardball and Rachel Maddow.

They had a chance to make a point, and pussed out.
USAA never left MsNBC. That's the chief reason we were pissed off with them. Because that exposed them as leaning Left despite their outreach to our military servicemen. USAA may have returned to the military's biggest cheerleader, Hannity, but they have lost a lot of credibility.l
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I know that I tried to help out by calling Fox and telling them Hannity is all they got left. If they lose him too or fire him, I'll be forced to either switch to MSNBC or slit my wrists. Not sure which would be worse.
Oh, make the world a better place, do the latter. LOL
The "Coup"??? :rofl:

Losing an ad account is a "Coup" now?

You uh, might wanna tail back on the aerosol propellant parties.

A "Coup". Holy SHIT. :lmao:

The coup were my words. He stated that those who attempted to cost him his job failed, I made it short for the purposes of title space. It was more than one, there are others who left and haven't returned.

One has to ask the question "why"? Why would Clinton sponsored supporters in particular gp after Hannity or any other media network exericizing their right to free speech and Pursuit of Happiness?

This is why the alt-left are a massive danger, and I would bet there is serious interest in these radical groups from the proper authorities. Clinton actually stated in an interview recently that she questioned MSNBC hiring conservative contributors.

You can say what you want about Conservatives, and I'm one who leans right but consider myself more libertarian socially, economically conservative; one issue I have rarely seen is the Right trying to silence liberals. These tactics to attempts to silence people and intervene in the lives of citizens has been the exclusive domain of the left for some time now.
Any comment on USAA reinstating advertising on Hardball and the Rachel Maddow show after pulling it? Or is your sick self only interested in peddling Hannity conspiracies?

How am I peddling conspiracies? Media Matters openly listed Hannity's sponsors and did the same to O' Reilly, the president of this group was on Smerconish on the weekend and stated these facts himself.

Even if I don't agree with Hannity or Maddow, they have a right to speak as long as their supporters follow them. Do I prefer Hannity to MSNBC, certainly. I prefer Carlson Tucker to Hannity, is this some sort of political spectrum question regarding who I support?

Bottom line, if ratings are high and sponsors are happy, they should not be "shamed" by people who are inherently against free speech but dress it up as "a public service announcement". Save it.

Conservative views have been excessively under fire for a long time and now people are starting to fight back. Whether it was the NFL, ESPN, CNN or as we saw; the general election, people are taking action.

What I find astounding about some of these people is that they are so eager to share Hannity sponsors, but, there's no interest in finding out exactly who is donating to Clintons new "resistance group". She herself choosing to be covert and secretive. She wonders precisely why noone trusted her? Sadly, this has become the new face of the left, which is going further left to the point it's difficult to see where the line is that divides the alt-left, from "mainstream" left.
Good for Media Matters. Bet there are places that openly list the sponsors of media people on the left, also.
USAA also reinstated advertising on Hardball and Rachel Maddow.

They had a chance to make a point, and pussed out.
USAA never left MsNBC. That's the chief reason we were pissed off with them. Because that exposed them as leaning Left despite their outreach to our military servicemen. USAA may have returned to the military's biggest cheerleader, Hannity, but they have lost a lot of credibility.l
How can one use the word 'credibility' when discussing anything concerning ol' Insanity? LOL
He makes some good points, suggests that alt-left liberals are going after him and all others on the right. Says it is a group partially funded by Clinton and Soros. Says that because of the support from his fans USAA came back as a sponsor. I bet you a number of emails, tweets and phone calls were made in order to have these former sponsors know, they are about to lose ALOT of business by allowing radicals try and have you decide if free speech is allowed or not.

Reiterated he is against a boycott and says if you don't like it turn the channel. Also points out there is another group, Media Equality Project is listing Maddows sponsors, just as I suggested a few days ago, great stuff. Might be time for Conservatives and Libertarians who can see the obvious communist tactics of the alt-left to have their voices heard, maybe contact Maddows sponsors. As I said, if this is the tactic by some to destroy the Constitution and liberty, than it's an "eye for an eye, and everyone goes blind".

Hannity is now showing some of the ridiculous Maddow comments, many of the making slanderous and defamation comments against the president.

Fight back Hannity, free speech is at risk! Listening to some of the things Maddow has said makes any of the conspiracies I've seen on Fox seem like childplay, she's bats___ crazy. If she is allowed to remain on air, Pee Wee Herman could have a politics show and it would be as credible.

Free speech? republican good, democrat bad is about all hannity has to offer. He'd never do anything risky like an in depth discussion about the bush family's criminality going back to before ww2 right up to the present. It's as bad, or worse, than the clintons.
He makes some good points, suggests that alt-left liberals are going after him and all others on the right. Says it is a group partially funded by Clinton and Soros. Says that because of the support from his fans USAA came back as a sponsor. I bet you a number of emails, tweets and phone calls were made in order to have these former sponsors know, they are about to lose ALOT of business by allowing radicals try and have you decide if free speech is allowed or not.

Reiterated he is against a boycott and says if you don't like it turn the channel. Also points out there is another group, Media Equality Project is listing Maddows sponsors, just as I suggested a few days ago, great stuff. Might be time for Conservatives and Libertarians who can see the obvious communist tactics of the alt-left to have their voices heard, maybe contact Maddows sponsors. As I said, if this is the tactic by some to destroy the Constitution and liberty, than it's an "eye for an eye, and everyone goes blind".

Hannity is now showing some of the ridiculous Maddow comments, many of the making slanderous and defamation comments against the president.

Fight back Hannity, free speech is at risk! Listening to some of the things Maddow has said makes any of the conspiracies I've seen on Fox seem like childplay, she's bats___ crazy. If she is allowed to remain on air, Pee Wee Herman could have a politics show and it would be as credible.

Free speech? republican good, democrat bad is about all hannity has to offer. He'd never do anything risky like an in depth discussion about the bush family's criminality going back to before ww2 right up to the present. It's as bad, or worse, than the clintons.

It's called Free Speech. It's why Maddow can say "alt-left, resistance good, conservatives, free elections and America bad". I find it offensive and insulting to those who risk their lives for America, but hey, she has her sponsors and viewers.
He makes some good points, suggests that alt-left liberals are going after him and all others on the right. Says it is a group partially funded by Clinton and Soros. Says that because of the support from his fans USAA came back as a sponsor. I bet you a number of emails, tweets and phone calls were made in order to have these former sponsors know, they are about to lose ALOT of business by allowing radicals try and have you decide if free speech is allowed or not.

Reiterated he is against a boycott and says if you don't like it turn the channel. Also points out there is another group, Media Equality Project is listing Maddows sponsors, just as I suggested a few days ago, great stuff. Might be time for Conservatives and Libertarians who can see the obvious communist tactics of the alt-left to have their voices heard, maybe contact Maddows sponsors. As I said, if this is the tactic by some to destroy the Constitution and liberty, than it's an "eye for an eye, and everyone goes blind".

Hannity is now showing some of the ridiculous Maddow comments, many of the making slanderous and defamation comments against the president.

Fight back Hannity, free speech is at risk! Listening to some of the things Maddow has said makes any of the conspiracies I've seen on Fox seem like childplay, she's bats___ crazy. If she is allowed to remain on air, Pee Wee Herman could have a politics show and it would be as credible.

Free speech? republican good, democrat bad is about all hannity has to offer. He'd never do anything risky like an in depth discussion about the bush family's criminality going back to before ww2 right up to the present. It's as bad, or worse, than the clintons.

It's called Free Speech. It's why Maddow can say "alt-left, resistance good, conservatives, free elections and America bad". I find it offensive and insulting to those who risk their lives for America, but hey, she has her sponsors and viewers.
She never said"alt left".

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