Hannity To Host Special Report On Media Bias For Fox News

It's amazing how the beneficiaries of media-bias are bitching about it on this thread.

If it weren't for media-bias there'd be a Repug in the White House and you'd think the sky was falling.

So much is going on right now all around you and you aren't aware of it because of media-bias.

Course that's the way it usually is when a Democrat occupies the White House.

A prime example.

During the Bush years I remember when gas flirted with $3.50, the world was coming to an end in the press.

Gas is heading towards $6.00 and the only ones mentioning much is Fox.
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You know it isn't their fault, but it is getting so annoying.

The brits love it. They can't get enough of their royals.:lol:

There really isn't anything funnier than Americans thinking they know what the Brits think. My fellow countrymen at their most ignorant. It's very funny... and I can understand why the rest of the world laughs at us.

It would make a good episode for Bridezilla. Kate throws a fit because there are only 1000 royal guardsmen
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There really isn't anything funnier than Americans thinking they know what the Brits think. My fellow countrymen at their most ignorant. It's very funny... and I can understand why the rest of the world laughs at us.

I don't think they're laughing at the people rather the royals. Sometimes I believe the royals laugh at themselves.

There is a fascination with this wedding on my part but we're getting to know them a little too well. I'd rather just see the wedding without hearing about it everyday. Even the hype is ok but enough is enough.

Trust me on this, Sarah, the rest of the world laughs at us. And I confess that, sometimes, I laugh with them. Americans can be - generally - pig ignorant about other countries.

Regarding the wedding, I know very little about it. Wanna know why? Because I choose not to read much about it. However, my neighborhood is having a 'street party' on the day to celebrate so I'm going along to that - and taking some traditional American food for the gang.

We know more about the Brits than you think. I have seen every Austin Powers movie

We know they drive on the wrong side of the road, botch our language, have bad teeth and horrible food

Want to know about the French?
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I agree with California Girl on this one. The world is laughing at us.
Americans can't know the customs and mannerisms of the rest of the world until they travel and see the different countries.
You can read and know the history of the U.K. but you will never know the customs and behaviors of Brits until you live there for awhile.
I agree with California Girl on this one. The world is laughing at us.
Americans can't know the customs and mannerisms of the rest of the world until they travel and see the different countries.
You can read and know the history of the U.K. but you will never know the customs and behaviors of Brits until you live there for awhile.

The world is laughing at us?

Who has the dominant culture in the world? The US
Why is English now the universal language around the world? US culture

Americans are arrogant. The reason is we know that our language and culture predominates the world. Just because other countries emulate us, doesn't mean we have to emulate them
Sean Hannity To Host Special Report On Media Bias For Fox News | TPM LiveWire

And in other news Amy Whinehouse will be hosting a special report on Charlie Sheen's drug abuse on The Crack Channel and there are rumors MTV execs are floating an idea for a special report hosted by the cast of The Real World on how VH1 doesn't show music videos anymore.

I'd sooner watch the Royal wedding coverage.. :lol:

I'd watch it if he would finally keep his word and get waterboarded for charity.

You wanna talk about ratings?

They could literally put that on pay-per-view. Literally.
Oh HECK yeah!! Keith Olbermann totally PWN3D his A$$!

There really isn't anything funnier than Americans thinking they know what the Brits think. My fellow countrymen at their most ignorant. It's very funny... and I can understand why the rest of the world laughs at us.

I don't think they're laughing at the people rather the royals. Sometimes I believe the royals laugh at themselves.

There is a fascination with this wedding on my part but we're getting to know them a little too well. I'd rather just see the wedding without hearing about it everyday. Even the hype is ok but enough is enough.

Trust me on this, Sarah, the rest of the world laughs at us. And I confess that, sometimes, I laugh with them. Americans can be - generally - pig ignorant about other countries.

Regarding the wedding, I know very little about it. Wanna know why? Because I choose not to read much about it. However, my neighborhood is having a 'street party' on the day to celebrate so I'm going along to that - and taking some traditional American food for the gang.
Kinda like those buck tooth, one tooth, Hillbilly hicks you and your ilk like to associate yourselves with who swear they know EVERYTHING about Eastern and Muslim nations, countries, customs and beliefs huh?


You're so full of it its not even funny.

"Double Standards...Groundless Attacks...Blatant Left Wing Bias!" These are the striking phrases that open a new promo touting a coming special report titled Behind The Bias: The Liberal Media Bias hosted by Sean Hannity set to air on Fox News tomorrow night at 9pm.

Sean Hannity To Host Special Report On Media Bias For Fox News | TPM LiveWire

And in other news Amy Whinehouse will be hosting a special report on Charlie Sheen's drug abuse on The Crack Channel and there are rumors MTV execs are floating an idea for a special report hosted by the cast of The Real World on how VH1 doesn't show music videos anymore.

I just want a ticket to one of Sean's patriotic "families of the military" CONCERTS. I hear those concerts have given our soldiers dozens of dollars.
"Double Standards...Groundless Attacks...Blatant Left Wing Bias!" These are the striking phrases that open a new promo touting a coming special report titled Behind The Bias: The Liberal Media Bias hosted by Sean Hannity set to air on Fox News tomorrow night at 9pm.

Sean Hannity To Host Special Report On Media Bias For Fox News | TPM LiveWire

And in other news Amy Whinehouse will be hosting a special report on Charlie Sheen's drug abuse on The Crack Channel and there are rumors MTV execs are floating an idea for a special report hosted by the cast of The Real World on how VH1 doesn't show music videos anymore.


I know the people behind this can't be that dumb.. A report on the Media's Liberal Bias, by Sean Hannity?.. :lol:
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"Double Standards...Groundless Attacks...Blatant Left Wing Bias!" These are the striking phrases that open a new promo touting a coming special report titled Behind The Bias: The Liberal Media Bias hosted by Sean Hannity set to air on Fox News tomorrow night at 9pm.

Sean Hannity To Host Special Report On Media Bias For Fox News | TPM LiveWire

And in other news Amy Whinehouse will be hosting a special report on Charlie Sheen's drug abuse on The Crack Channel and there are rumors MTV execs are floating an idea for a special report hosted by the cast of The Real World on how VH1 doesn't show music videos anymore.


I know the people behind this can't be that dumb.. A report on the Media's Liberal Bias, by Sean Hannity?.. :lol:

He is a biased, but Chris Mathews is out of control.

I keeps seeing Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity making fun of Trump. Do you think Mathews or Olberman or Madow would do that to Obama?

Heck no.
Trump is a big joke and needs to be made fun of and publicly humiliated when at all possible.

Obama...not so much.

The fact that you even attempt to compare the two shows just how far right and how radical you are.
Sean Hannity To Host Special Report On Media Bias For Fox News | TPM LiveWire

And in other news Amy Whinehouse will be hosting a special report on Charlie Sheen's drug abuse on The Crack Channel and there are rumors MTV execs are floating an idea for a special report hosted by the cast of The Real World on how VH1 doesn't show music videos anymore.


I know the people behind this can't be that dumb.. A report on the Media's Liberal Bias, by Sean Hannity?.. :lol:

He is a biased, but Chris Mathews is out of control.

I keeps seeing Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity making fun of Trump. Do you think Mathews or Olberman or Madow would do that to Obama?

Heck no.

Olberman doesn't work there anymore, not for a long time.

Mathews and Madow go after Obama constantly. On why we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan. On why he didn't fight for the public option. On why he keeps wanting to compromise with people who dress his face up like Hitler.

You don't really watch their shows or you would know that. You think they must be the opposite of Fox - in every way.

But don't worry. Not a single person in your entire life ever accused you of being "bright". That's pretty obvious. So don't worry about it. Let it go. Whatever they say, you are NOT like a pair of children's scissors. Cute, colorful, not too sharp. You are neither cute nor colorful.

Hannity makes the "Ridiculist" after blatantly editing tape to make it seem as if his claim of "Liberal Bias" is a reality.. :thup:.
that's really funny. i wonder if rush limbaugh and anne coulter will be his special guests.


Since you have an IQ less than 50, you don't comprehend the distinction between editorials and news reporting.

It's why you're a fascist democrat, because you're fucking stupid.
Trump is a big joke and needs to be made fun of and publicly humiliated when at all possible.

Obama...not so much.

Obama needs to be worshiped, as god...


No bias here - Obama IS god...

{"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."}

Read more: Newsweek

No bias there.... Obama IS god - right?

{Last night during MSNBC's Potomac Primary coverage, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann were discussing Barack Obama's speech. Matthews — who, in the past, has both cried over an Obama speech and compared him to Jesus — described exactly what happens to him when Obama speaks:

I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often.}

Chris Matthews: "I Felt This Thrill Going Up My Leg" As Obama Spoke

No bias there, because Obama IS god.

I mean, as long as we accept that Obama is god, then there is no bias in the DNC controlled media.

But we DO have to accept the premise that Obama is god.

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