Happening Now: The Twitter Files on Covid are Released!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2018
Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

Congrats, Biden lackeys: even the uber-libs at Twitter were concerned with the suppression of free speech

I absolutely LOVE the alt-right trail of tears on this Twitter thread.
I appreciate the laughs. Just shows me that Twitter is still the sewer it's always been...and that some people will turn over any rock to find a conspiracy theory.
Wise historians pointed out how the U.S.S.R system collapsed and why they lack innovation, economic and even military competence (relative to military size) to this day: unquestioned obedience.

Look no further than Canadas police state. In many processes here you can't send the request by email, fax or phone, you have to snail mail it! Yes, 2022, you have to interact with the government via snail mail and this goes for federal and provincial processes. That is how "efficient" we are...

Why did Calis tech industry boom? You have your own Valley for Gods sake...free speech, creative outside-the-box thinkers and debate. Canada or the old Soviet system can't produce or harness an Elon Musk, America can.

If people just sing and dance for the king, do not question, say what the king wants to hear instead of the truth or counter-arguments, you will wake up to the old Soviet system or just plain old Canada...
Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:

Wow, another juicy nothing burger.

I wish that Twitter and Facebook had done more to suppress Covid misinformation.
Wise historians pointed out how the U.S.S.R system collapsed and why they lack innovation, economic and even military competence (relative to military size) to this day: unquestioned obedience.

Look no further than Canadas police state. In many processes here you can't send the request by email, fax or phone, you have to snail mail it! Yes, 2022, you have to interact with the government via snail mail and this goes for federal and provincial processes. That is how "efficient" we are...

Why did Calis tech industry boom? You have your own Valley for Gods sake...free speech, creative outside-the-box thinkers and debate. Canada or the old Soviet system can't produce or harness an Elon Musk, America can.

If people just sing and dance for the king, do not question, say what the king wants to hear instead of the truth or counter-arguments, you will wake up to the old Soviet system or just plain old Canada...
Absolutely right, and here we are attacking our own system in favor of a globalist one, in which Canada and other's are already heading for like a run away freight train. We're already finding out the bad in it all, but just like we've seen being ignored by the leftist cabal in favor of, they are taking us there even faster than a run away freight train.

If we aren't careful we will spiral right down the toilet bowl with them.
Follow here. So far I'm only eight tweets in, but both the Trump and Biden admin used tech to suppress information, which does not come as any surprise to me whatsoever. I condone none of it.

Over to you, Biden lackeys:


Free Press version (easier to read):

How Twitter Rigged the Covid Debate



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