Happy 4th of July!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
This day deserves a non-FZ thread.

Happy July 4th everyone!

I've prepped a few racks of ribs for mr. boe to put in the smoker. We're having some folks over later today. If we're lucky, the fog will roll in late tonight so we can see the local fireworks from our deck. If not, we have plenty of merry making to do anyway.

I hope you all have faboo fun today!

And remember to thank Our Veterans and Current Military who make this day possible.
Happy Independence Day everyone!!! :)


Even the attack of the 50 foot woman considers 4th of July a celebration..

A little history of the swimsuit for ladies in the USA, shown during Independence Day 1938....
Vladimir Putin congratulated President of the United States of America Barack Obama on Independence Day.

July 4, 2015


In his message of congratulations, the Russian President noted that, despite the differences between the two countries, Russian-American relations remain the most important factor of international stability and security.

Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that Russia and the USA can find solutions to the most complicated international issues and efficiently resist global threats and challenges as they base their dialogue on principles of equality and respect of each others’ interests.

Congratulations to US President Barack Obama on Independence Day President of Russia

I (Stratford57) admire American-Russian cooperation like, for example, in space navigation. American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts seem to be pretty efficient with each other and enjoying each other’s company, paying zero attention to politics. Russia also has a lot of experience in war on terror. If Obama and the EU leaders really want to destroy International terrorism (not just have long talks about it), they must stick their ambitions and built constructive dialogue with Russia. Right now if anybody gains from another "cold war" with Russia, that would be only the terrorists. The world needs to wake up before it's too late.

Americans, happy 4th of July!!!
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Happy Independence day to everyone!
The house is full of kids and grandkids. 9 guests in all.
Thank God for the guest cottage. My 1,200 sq foot house wouldn't survive.
As it is, my office and living room are home to 5 kids on air mattresses.
Sunday afternoon, things will return to normal.
I have to open up the bar, but after that, I'll be joining everyone at Pirates Cove in Josephine for picnic and fireworks.
Pirates Cove is the place Buffet was talking about in the song "Cheeseburgers in Paradise".


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