Happy 69th birthday to MEEEEEEEEEE!

W00-H00...hope you're dropping those pounds you hate this bestest day of the year, Gracies' 69th birthday.

Love YOU, hon!!!!! :love_ya4:
I am pleased more than you know that I have more that like me than dislike me. Thank you, Muhammed.

You went from somebody that I disliked to dis-person-I-like. ;) I hope you had a pretty good birthday. :)
Happy birthday, Gracie!....My wife turned 74 on the 11th. Also

I do hope you have a better trip the rest of your life than she has.....One thing I started to do is watch YouTube videos about who died during each month, amazing how many are younger than I am, or even you are, youngster. For some reason it makes me feel lucky. Although, I now understand why some commit suicide and that it should be that person's own decision. It is not a mental disorder, it is when a person realizes they have little or nothing else to occupy the remainder of their time left on earth. The BS that it affects their family is just that. Die naturally or when you want brings the same remorse from your family, the only difference is that humans have been conditioned to see suicide as an affront against the ones you love, which it isn't.

Well on that cheery note, I leave you with best wishes for a continued wonderful life.

Best Regards
Happy birthday, Gracie!....My wife turned 74 on the 11th. Also

I do hope you have a better trip the rest of your life than she has.....One thing I started to do is watch YouTube videos about who died during each month, amazing how many are younger than I am, or even you are, youngster. For some reason it makes me feel lucky. Although, I now understand why some commit suicide and that it should be that person's own decision. It is not a mental disorder, it is when a person realizes they have little or nothing else to occupy the remainder of their time left on earth. The BS that it affects their family is just that. Die naturally or when you want brings the same remorse from your family, the only difference is that humans have been conditioned to see suicide as an affront against the ones you love, which it isn't.

Well on that cheery note, I leave you with best wishes for a continued wonderful life.

Best Regards

Happy belated birthday to your wife and I agree but there's a difference between committing suicide and having the right to die. As suicide is NEVER the answer when you have so much more to live for, but when you're just plain suffering at the end of your life you should be able to make that choice to end it all.

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