Happy B-Day Karl Marx, We Could have done without the Genocides however


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Marxist are always slamming on religion for their deaths even remotely connected to it while the Marxist atheists have slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in the last century.

But then legendary stupidity and ignorance can let one get away with a lot f things like that.


Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.

There are no explicit calls for mass murder in Marx’s writings, but he was very enthusiastic about all the ingredients that made such atrocities possible. It was Marx who endorsed a “dictatorship of the proletariat” to remake society using “despotic inroads” if necessary. It was Marx who sought to tear down any existing power structures that could check the rise of a revolutionary tyrant.

And it was Marx who taught that there were no such thing as “excesses” in a revolution, and that “hated individuals” should be sacrificed to “popular revenge.” It shouldn’t be all that surprising that so many of Marx’s followers interpreted his writings as a blank cheque on killing.

Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once told the writer Maxim Gorky that while be loved Beethoven, he could not listen to music too often, since it baffled him to hear beauty created by people who did not realize they lived in “a filthy hell.” “They ought to be beaten on the head, beaten mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people,” Lenin added.​
Marxist are always slamming on religion for their deaths even remotely connected to it while the Marxist atheists have slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in the last century.

But then legendary stupidity and ignorance can let one get away with a lot f things like that.


Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.

There are no explicit calls for mass murder in Marx’s writings, but he was very enthusiastic about all the ingredients that made such atrocities possible. It was Marx who endorsed a “dictatorship of the proletariat” to remake society using “despotic inroads” if necessary. It was Marx who sought to tear down any existing power structures that could check the rise of a revolutionary tyrant.

And it was Marx who taught that there were no such thing as “excesses” in a revolution, and that “hated individuals” should be sacrificed to “popular revenge.” It shouldn’t be all that surprising that so many of Marx’s followers interpreted his writings as a blank cheque on killing.

Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once told the writer Maxim Gorky that while be loved Beethoven, he could not listen to music too often, since it baffled him to hear beauty created by people who did not realize they lived in “a filthy hell.” “They ought to be beaten on the head, beaten mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people,” Lenin added.​

Ideologies annoy the hell out of me.

People will take their ideology and then ignore reality from then on.

Partisan Democrats and Republicans are basically turning their parties into ideologies too.
Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.
Why should the victims of capitalism's genocides count for less than the victims of Stalin and Mao?

1.6 Billion Killed by Capitalism
Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.
Why should the victims of capitalism's genocides count for less than the victims of Stalin and Mao?

1.6 Billion Killed by Capitalism

Capitalism is not at fault for starvation in the third world whose corrupt and backward governments cannot appropriately address food spoilage and distribution, commie.

Capitalism allows hundreds of millions to eat that would not be able to do so in commie countries that have allowed for some level of capitalism.
Yes, George, without Capitalism these millions would have starved the old fashion way, but it is due to the efficiency of capitalist markets that instead of starving to death as they would have in pre-modern times, the Third Worlds population is exploding.

That outside forces obstruct the efficiency of capitalism is not the fault of capitalism that many still starve.

Now go ahead and put another laughing icon on this post too sense you obviously do not grasp the concepts I am sharing with you, lame ass.
Yes, George, without Capitalism these millions would have starved the old fashion way, but it is due to the efficiency of capitalist markets that instead of starving to death as they would have in pre-modern times, the Third Worlds population is exploding.

That outside forces obstruct the efficiency of capitalism is not the fault of capitalism that many still starve.

Now go ahead and put another laughing icon on this post too sense you obviously do not grasp the concepts I am sharing with you, lame ass.
Millions across the Middle East and Africa are starving today because of capitalism; it's alleged efficiency is limited to concentrating more and more wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation by socializing cost and privatizing profit:

Criticism of capitalism - Wikipedia

"Some opponents criticize capitalism's perceived inefficiency.

"They note a shift from pre-industrial reuse and thriftiness before capitalism to a consumer-based economy that pushes 'ready-made' materials.[31]

"It is argued that a sanitation industry arose under capitalism that deemed trash valueless—a significant break from the past when much 'waste' was used and reused almost indefinitely.[31]

"In the process, critics say, capitalism has created a profit driven system based on selling as many products as possible.[32]

"Critics relate the 'ready-made' trend to a growing garbage problem in which 4.5 pounds of trash are generated per person each day (compared to 2.7 pounds in 1960).[33]"
The establishment of the USA had it's murdered millions also...
All nations have murdered to establish or enforce their systems. A thousand years of Western Civilization has proof of millions of deaths and the church was allied with every despotic tyrant all the way..
Yes, George, without Capitalism these millions would have starved the old fashion way, but it is due to the efficiency of capitalist markets that instead of starving to death as they would have in pre-modern times, the Third Worlds population is exploding.

That outside forces obstruct the efficiency of capitalism is not the fault of capitalism that many still starve.

Now go ahead and put another laughing icon on this post too sense you obviously do not grasp the concepts I am sharing with you, lame ass.
Millions across the Middle East and Africa are starving today because of capitalism; it's alleged efficiency is limited to concentrating more and more wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation by socializing cost and privatizing profit:

Criticism of capitalism - Wikipedia

"Some opponents criticize capitalism's perceived inefficiency.

"They note a shift from pre-industrial reuse and thriftiness before capitalism to a consumer-based economy that pushes 'ready-made' materials.[31]

"It is argued that a sanitation industry arose under capitalism that deemed trash valueless—a significant break from the past when much 'waste' was used and reused almost indefinitely.[31]

"In the process, critics say, capitalism has created a profit driven system based on selling as many products as possible.[32]

"Critics relate the 'ready-made' trend to a growing garbage problem in which 4.5 pounds of trash are generated per person each day (compared to 2.7 pounds in 1960).[33]"

That is simply some ideologues opinion.

Hundreds of millions have starved in every communist system DELIBERATELY by policies of their governments, while Capitalism has reduced starvation everywhere it has been introduced.

In short you are an ideological moron, lol.
He chose to be an advocate for the working class and dedicated his life to their cause. Throughout history, change has often seemed impossible. But once it comes, it seems like change was always inevitable.
'Hard to think of anyone who has been so listened to without claiming to be more than a person. His words have meaning in every country in the world, centuries after his birth, and not because he was a likely candidate but by force of thought and rigor and desire and necessity.
Marxist are always slamming on religion for their deaths even remotely connected to it while the Marxist atheists have slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in the last century.

But then legendary stupidity and ignorance can let one get away with a lot f things like that.


Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.

There are no explicit calls for mass murder in Marx’s writings, but he was very enthusiastic about all the ingredients that made such atrocities possible. It was Marx who endorsed a “dictatorship of the proletariat” to remake society using “despotic inroads” if necessary. It was Marx who sought to tear down any existing power structures that could check the rise of a revolutionary tyrant.

And it was Marx who taught that there were no such thing as “excesses” in a revolution, and that “hated individuals” should be sacrificed to “popular revenge.” It shouldn’t be all that surprising that so many of Marx’s followers interpreted his writings as a blank cheque on killing.

Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once told the writer Maxim Gorky that while be loved Beethoven, he could not listen to music too often, since it baffled him to hear beauty created by people who did not realize they lived in “a filthy hell.” “They ought to be beaten on the head, beaten mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people,” Lenin added.​
Hear Pelosi had a cake with candles
Marxist are always slamming on religion for their deaths even remotely connected to it while the Marxist atheists have slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in the last century.

But then legendary stupidity and ignorance can let one get away with a lot f things like that.

Happy birthday, Karl Marx: We could have done without the millions dead

Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.

There are no explicit calls for mass murder in Marx’s writings, but he was very enthusiastic about all the ingredients that made such atrocities possible. It was Marx who endorsed a “dictatorship of the proletariat” to remake society using “despotic inroads” if necessary. It was Marx who sought to tear down any existing power structures that could check the rise of a revolutionary tyrant.

And it was Marx who taught that there were no such thing as “excesses” in a revolution, and that “hated individuals” should be sacrificed to “popular revenge.” It shouldn’t be all that surprising that so many of Marx’s followers interpreted his writings as a blank cheque on killing.

Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once told the writer Maxim Gorky that while be loved Beethoven, he could not listen to music too often, since it baffled him to hear beauty created by people who did not realize they lived in “a filthy hell.” “They ought to be beaten on the head, beaten mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people,” Lenin added.​

Be nice to Karl.

He was a malajusted boy because Europe had not discovered McDonalds yet.

A few more years, and the hell of Pol Pot's Cambodia would have never happened.
"A 14-foot statue of Communist philosopher Karl Marx was unveiled on the 200th anniversary of his birth in the German town of Trier"

'Though the rich have sought to distort him or even use him, time has shown that, in the end, Marx was actually mostly right & that the aristocrats, the slave owners, the bankers and Goldman Sachs were wrong... “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!”

Happy 200th Birthday Karl Marx! You believed that everyone should have a seat at the table & that the greed of the rich would eventually bring us all down. You believed that everyone deserves a slice of the pie. You knew that the super wealthy were out to grab whatever they could' - Mad Michael Moore
It is curious that the Capitalists, Socialists and Communists do not suggest making double-entry accounting mandatory in the schools.

It is reasonable that Adam Smith did not mention it since only 50% of Brits could even read at the time. By Marx's day it was up to 70 or 80%.

But Smith and Marx did not have consumerism and Planned Obsolescence in their economic theory. Now our brilliant economists ignore the depreciation of durable consumer goods. So the US military killed a million Vietnamese for the sake of defective algebra.

Economic Wargames: How the economic model is unsustainable and enslaving.

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