Happy B-Day Karl Marx, We Could have done without the Genocides however

He presented a historical narrative of socioeconomic relations not a blueprint for a workers paradise.


Lol, Marx was a philosopher who presented a Hegelian derivative world view that has been a catastrophic failure in every respect everywhere it has been tried.

Birthrates collapse, environments get desecrated, people starve to death, governments turn into totalitarian dictatorships that can only stay in power through threat of violence or actual violence as demonstrated in Venezuela and countless other nations.

Your pathetic semantic dodge merely demonstrates the underlying dishonesty of Marxism as well, dumbfuck.
The Hegelian derivative says that human social interaction is directly related to the requirement of acquiring the material needs for our survival. It also suggests that the change in socioeconomic interactions is only altered after the usefulness of the previous relations has reached its full potential and begins to be an impediment to future human socioeconomic development.

None of the examples you like to promote as failures of Marxism demonstrate this relationship. They all attempt to skip ahead and create something artificially.
Marx stole from Rousseau. Re-education of the masses through force if necessary. All this produces is a Soviet Union. Marxism is like a simple math equation and the results are always the same. Orwell showed that societies always revert to a class system in his work Animal Farm which was based directly on Russia post-revolution. In the Soviet Union the communist party members were the ruling class. Marx was a man that defiantly though outside the box...but his philosophy is one doomed to failure...every time.
The USA has a class system, it's subversive though.
Monarchies of conservative nations the populace faired no better than under the communist.
Yes, George, without Capitalism these millions would have starved the old fashion way, but it is due to the efficiency of capitalist markets that instead of starving to death as they would have in pre-modern times, the Third Worlds population is exploding.

That outside forces obstruct the efficiency of capitalism is not the fault of capitalism that many still starve.

Now go ahead and put another laughing icon on this post too sense you obviously do not grasp the concepts I am sharing with you, lame ass.
Millions across the Middle East and Africa are starving today because of capitalism; it's alleged efficiency is limited to concentrating more and more wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation by socializing cost and privatizing profit:

Criticism of capitalism - Wikipedia

"Some opponents criticize capitalism's perceived inefficiency.

"They note a shift from pre-industrial reuse and thriftiness before capitalism to a consumer-based economy that pushes 'ready-made' materials.[31]

"It is argued that a sanitation industry arose under capitalism that deemed trash valueless—a significant break from the past when much 'waste' was used and reused almost indefinitely.[31]

"In the process, critics say, capitalism has created a profit driven system based on selling as many products as possible.[32]

"Critics relate the 'ready-made' trend to a growing garbage problem in which 4.5 pounds of trash are generated per person each day (compared to 2.7 pounds in 1960).[33]"

That is simply some ideologues opinion.

Hundreds of millions have starved in every communist system DELIBERATELY by policies of their governments, while Capitalism has reduced starvation everywhere it has been introduced.

In short you are an ideological moron, lol.
Dust Bowl era was damn close though.
Land speculators and Wall Street found ways to profit from the Dust Bowl, too.

“Creating Wealth” Through Debt: the West’s Finance-Capitalist Road

"Volumes II and III of Marx’s Capital describe how debt grows exponentially, burdening the economy with carrying charges.

"This overhead is subjecting today’s Western finance-capitalist economies to austerity, shrinking living standards and capital investment while increasing their cost of living and doing business.

"That is the main reason why they are losing their export markets and becoming de-industrialized."

Marx saw finance capitalism as "fictitious capital", and he recognized its threat to workers and productive capitalists alike.
Communism is doomed to failure. Equation does not work Der Komissar.
Why don't you supply the equation for creating wealth from debt, Turd Blossom?
Hundreds of millions have starved in every communist system DELIBERATELY by policies of their governments, while Capitalism has reduced starvation everywhere it has been introduced.
What do you know about the Irish potato famine?

"EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus"
EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus

Capitalism is a malignancy.
Socialism's the cure.
Yep, Pol Pot was the cure for Cambodia.
US capitalism turned Cambodia red, remember?

"Nixon and the Cambodian Genocide"

"The genocidal rule of the Khmer Rouge began forty years ago this month. Their rise to power was inseparable from US intervention."

Nixon and the Cambodian Genocide
Hundreds of millions have starved in every communist system DELIBERATELY by policies of their governments, while Capitalism has reduced starvation everywhere it has been introduced.
What do you know about the Irish potato famine?

"EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus"
EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus

Capitalism is a malignancy.
Socialism's the cure.
Yep, Pol Pot was the cure for Cambodia.
US capitalism turned Cambodia red, remember?

"Nixon and the Cambodian Genocide"

"The genocidal rule of the Khmer Rouge began forty years ago this month. Their rise to power was inseparable from US intervention."

Nixon and the Cambodian Genocide
So now your blaming Nixon for the killing fields under Pol Pot? You are delusional.
A.) The invasion of Cambodia was a smart move and if LBJ had any balls he would have done it in 1967. Communist using it as base of operations to launch attacks against a sovereign South Vietnam.
B.) Nixon did it in 1970 to buy timefor South Vietnamese Army to be retrained to stand on its own two feet before we withdrew our troops. Bush 2 did it with surge in Iraq 2003 and Obama did it in Afghanistan in 2010 to train Afghan Army.
Millions across the Middle East and Africa are starving today because of capitalism; it's alleged efficiency is limited to concentrating more and more wealth into fewer and fewer hands with each passing generation by socializing cost and privatizing profit:

Criticism of capitalism - Wikipedia

"Some opponents criticize capitalism's perceived inefficiency.

"They note a shift from pre-industrial reuse and thriftiness before capitalism to a consumer-based economy that pushes 'ready-made' materials.[31]

"It is argued that a sanitation industry arose under capitalism that deemed trash valueless—a significant break from the past when much 'waste' was used and reused almost indefinitely.[31]

"In the process, critics say, capitalism has created a profit driven system based on selling as many products as possible.[32]

"Critics relate the 'ready-made' trend to a growing garbage problem in which 4.5 pounds of trash are generated per person each day (compared to 2.7 pounds in 1960).[33]"

That is simply some ideologues opinion.

Hundreds of millions have starved in every communist system DELIBERATELY by policies of their governments, while Capitalism has reduced starvation everywhere it has been introduced.

In short you are an ideological moron, lol.
Dust Bowl era was damn close though.
Land speculators and Wall Street found ways to profit from the Dust Bowl, too.

“Creating Wealth” Through Debt: the West’s Finance-Capitalist Road

"Volumes II and III of Marx’s Capital describe how debt grows exponentially, burdening the economy with carrying charges.

"This overhead is subjecting today’s Western finance-capitalist economies to austerity, shrinking living standards and capital investment while increasing their cost of living and doing business.

"That is the main reason why they are losing their export markets and becoming de-industrialized."

Marx saw finance capitalism as "fictitious capital", and he recognized its threat to workers and productive capitalists alike.
Communism is doomed to failure. Equation does not work Der Komissar.
Why don't you supply the equation for creating wealth from debt, Turd Blossom?
Stop whining + get off my ass and go to work = paycheck.
B.) Nixon did it in 1970 to buy timefor South Vietnamese Army to be retrained to stand on its own two feet before we withdrew our troops. Bush 2 did it with surge in Iraq 2003 and Obama did it in Afghanistan in 2010 to train Afghan Army.
How do you rate the effectiveness of Nixon's mass murder in Cambodia compared to Dubya's slaughter in Iraq? Do you think defense contractors' profits were high enough to warrant the number of dead civilians?
So now your blaming Nixon for the killing fields under Pol Pot? You are delusional.
A.) The invasion of Cambodia was a smart move and if LBJ had any balls he would have done it in 1967. Communist using it as base of operations to launch attacks against a sovereign South Vietnam.
Are you operating under the delusion that Nixon's contribution to Operation Menu played no role in bringing Pol Pot to power in Cambodia?

Operation Menu - Wikipedia

"An official United States Air Force record of U.S. bombing activity over Indochina from 1964 to 1973 was declassified by U.S. President Bill Clinton in 2000.

"The report gives details of the extent of the bombing of Cambodia, as well as of Laos and Vietnam.

"According to the data, the Air Force began bombing the rural regions of Cambodia along its South Vietnam border in 1965 under the Johnson administration; this was four years earlier than previously believed.

"The Menu bombings were an escalation of what had previously been tactical air attacks.

"Newly inaugurated President Richard Nixon authorized for the first time use of long range B-52 heavy bombers to carpet bomb Cambodia."
Hundreds of millions have starved in every communist system DELIBERATELY by policies of their governments, while Capitalism has reduced starvation everywhere it has been introduced.
What do you know about the Irish potato famine?

"EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus"
EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus

Capitalism is a malignancy.
Socialism's the cure.
So you post your Marxist-Socialist-Anarchist diatribe from a computer and an internet that was created from capitalist free-market. Real good. If communism ran the world we would all be enslaved like Winston Smith in Orwell’s 1984.

"Yes, Government Researchers Really Did Invent the Internet"

Yes, Government Researchers Really Did Invent the Internet
Stop whining + get off my ass and go to work = paycheck.

"Therefore, as Karl Marx might put it in 2018, racism is quite functional, although it would be a mistake to see it as wholly a product of economic forces, although in the first instance it's propelled by economic forces, forces.

"Because racism comes to take on a life of its own once it takes flight, even if one cannot be connected organically to its motive force, which is profit."

200th Anniversary of the Birth of Marx and a Revolution in Understanding History
I, too, wish Happy Birthday to Mr. Marx.

I have never read any of this writings, nor do I have any interest in doing so. (I cannot understand economics anyway.)

I admire him, however, because he certainly got people to talking about the need to stop the terrible conditions under which ordinary European workers lived in the 19th century.


I have read that human beings must surely someday come up with a more equitable economic system than either capitalism or communism/socialism.

Why, oh why, can't we in 2018 find some way to make sure that every one of the 7,000,000,000 human beings on earth has adequate housing, clothing, food, and medical care?
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Marxist are always slamming on religion for their deaths even remotely connected to it while the Marxist atheists have slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in the last century.

But then legendary stupidity and ignorance can let one get away with a lot f things like that.


Marx may well have had some prescient critiques about capitalism, but in the words of author Andrew McAfee “there are so many thinkers about economics and technology who haven’t inspired mass murder and inhuman states.” The Black Book of Communism, published by European scholars in 1997, estimates that Communist governments killed 94 million people in the 20th century.

There are no explicit calls for mass murder in Marx’s writings, but he was very enthusiastic about all the ingredients that made such atrocities possible. It was Marx who endorsed a “dictatorship of the proletariat” to remake society using “despotic inroads” if necessary. It was Marx who sought to tear down any existing power structures that could check the rise of a revolutionary tyrant.

And it was Marx who taught that there were no such thing as “excesses” in a revolution, and that “hated individuals” should be sacrificed to “popular revenge.” It shouldn’t be all that surprising that so many of Marx’s followers interpreted his writings as a blank cheque on killing.

Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin once told the writer Maxim Gorky that while be loved Beethoven, he could not listen to music too often, since it baffled him to hear beauty created by people who did not realize they lived in “a filthy hell.” “They ought to be beaten on the head, beaten mercilessly, although ideally we are against doing any violence to people,” Lenin added.​

Actually, it wasn't genocide...that would imply murdering people based on ethnicity or national origin........the followers of Marx murdered anyone they didn't like if they thought they were class enemies.......I think that would just be considered mass murder....
The God of the Old Testament in the Bible was into genocide and mass murder.
God isn't into genocide or a mass murderer but you can keep promoting that lie if you want but that just makes you a tool for those who try to cover over for their satanic heroes now doesn't it.
I, too, wish Happy Birthday to Mr. Marx.

I have never read any of this writings, nor do I have any interest in doing so. (I cannot understand economics anyway.)

I admire him, however, because he certainly got people to talking about the need to stop the terrible conditions under which ordinary European workers lived in the 19th century.


I have read that human beings must surely someday come up with a more equitable economic system than either capitalism or communism/socialism.

Why, oh why, can't we in 2018 find some way to make sure that every one of the 7,000,000,000 human beings on earth has adequate housing, clothing, food, and medical care?
Because you can't regulate every evil human that is greedy that gets into a position of power when others willingly assist them in staying in power for their own comforts.

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