Happy Birthday President Obama

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Interesting thread

It is obvious that the hatred of Obama from the right is so strong they can't even extend the courtesy of wishing him a happy birthday
A great President who tells it like it is

View attachment 46411

Mr. President, if you don't like electricity created by burning coal, don't use it. Especially for bathing the White House in fairy rainbow colors.

No, you do not have the right to deny honest hard working coal miners in Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia or anywhere their right to work t support their families. You may have a pen and a phone but obviously you do not have any decency and common sense in order to chase your pipe dream of an ideal world at the expense of America, while you are kissing the asses of leaders of so called "developing world" while they merrily pollute the world to their hearts content.

Believing in a pipe dream does not mean that you should be able force it on those who are still have a functional brain.

BTW, happy birthday!
Too funny

You still live in the dark ages?

Obviously, you live in the feudal age when you were required to kiss the ass of your lord and master, which you seem to be doing with unparalleled excellence.

Really ticks you off that one of your betters is President

"one of your betters"

Typical 18th century England brainless clinging to the feudal idea that somebody is better than you by the right of birth.

Yeah, Obama has better education than I do. But his life experience is far more comfortable than mine.
Yeah, Obama has better snake-oil selling skills than I do.
Yeah, Obama succeeded in life more than I.

But in morals and decency the one who lives in the dark ages it is Obama, not me.

You better learn your place
Congrats to the BEST PRESIDENT EVAH! (Except Clinton and FDR).
Are you for real?
Yep, he brought the country back from the edge of the Republican triggered depression. That is quite a feat.
And divided the country in 7 l o n g years.
Wrong. You and your ilk are the ones that have divided the country. Butthurt, prolly.
We did? We sued states for enforcing the law? We used the IRS and NSA to target political dissidents? We demonized cops doing their job and defending themselves against Obama's sons?

We did all that??
Congrats to the BEST PRESIDENT EVAH! (Except Clinton and FDR).
Are you for real?
Yep, he brought the country back from the edge of the Republican triggered depression. That is quite a feat.
And divided the country in 7 l o n g years.
Wrong. You and your ilk are the ones that have divided the country. Butthurt, prolly.
We did? We sued states for enforcing the law? We used the IRS and NSA to target political dissidents? We demonized cops doing their job and defending themselves against Obama's sons?

We did all that??

Actually, we didn't

Police conflicts with their community are a local issue and have nothing to do with the President
IRS was following the law and nobody was targeted
Are you for real?
Yep, he brought the country back from the edge of the Republican triggered depression. That is quite a feat.
And divided the country in 7 l o n g years.
Wrong. You and your ilk are the ones that have divided the country. Butthurt, prolly.
We did? We sued states for enforcing the law? We used the IRS and NSA to target political dissidents? We demonized cops doing their job and defending themselves against Obama's sons?

We did all that??

Actually, we didn't

Police conflicts with their community are a local issue and have nothing to do with the President
IRS was following the law and nobody was targeted
Now you're full of shit and dismissed from this conversation.
Yep, he brought the country back from the edge of the Republican triggered depression. That is quite a feat.
And divided the country in 7 l o n g years.
Wrong. You and your ilk are the ones that have divided the country. Butthurt, prolly.
We did? We sued states for enforcing the law? We used the IRS and NSA to target political dissidents? We demonized cops doing their job and defending themselves against Obama's sons?

We did all that??

Actually, we didn't

Police conflicts with their community are a local issue and have nothing to do with the President
IRS was following the law and nobody was targeted
Now you're full of shit and dismissed from this conversation.

Not at all

Anyone outside of FoxNation knows otherwise
Congrats to the BEST PRESIDENT EVAH! (Except Clinton and FDR).
Are you for real?
Yep, he brought the country back from the edge of the Republican triggered depression. That is quite a feat.
LOL...He used Bush's TARP program to simply pump hundreds of billions of dollars into his Wall Street masters' pockets.
That's what leftist like, I guess. Dupes! They cheer Obama when he bails out criminal plutocrats and then stupidly rail against the infamous one percenters!
Schizophrenic, dim witted sheep.

Happy birthday, Barry Hussein Obama. How have you damaged America today?
Gifted Iran their nuclear weapons yet? Taken in more parasites across our non existent border today? Used your pen and phone to end run the Constitution lately? Taken any more civil rights away today? Flushed more of the people's money down the toilet? Used your Justice Department and IRS to prosecute your political enemies lately? Told any Obama Care lies today?
Have a good day running your scam, Mr. President.
Happy birthday, Barry Hussein Obama. How have you damaged America today?

If you still admire Obama after everything he's done inside his country and abroad, you must me either gay or illegal or hopelessly stupid or all above. And you must love to pay high taxes on the top of everything.

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