Happy Columbus Day !!

Wonder how Columbus ended up in Ohio? Seems to me like he would have landed on the coast some where... Go figure.
"Might makes right" mentality is what all the religions, philosophies and moral codes put forth as the highest and best humankind can come up with.
We are where we are....History is what it is...Sitting around and apologizing for water under the bridge serves no other purpose than the intellectually masturbatory activity of virtue signalling.
Unless its something those dirty libs did.....

They founded the country, with their slavery and not giving the woman the right to vote.
I quit smoking - cold turkey - on Columbus Day, 1984.

So, pardon me if I celebrate Columbus Day

Co-incidentally, it is Thanksgiving Day in Canada (you know shorter summer) so it's a twofer for me.
Who Columbus met:

It is now believed that the first tribe encountered by Christopher Columbus, when he arrived on the island he called Santa María de la Concepción (known as Mamana by the Lucayan Indians and now called Rum Cay off the Bahamas), were Lucayan-Arawak Indians. Columbus noted in his log:

Saturday, 13 October 1492: …They brought us sticks of the cotton candy thread and parrots and other little things which it would be tedious to list, and exchanged everything for whatever we offered them. I kept my eyes open and tried to find out if there was any gold, and I saw that some of them had a little piece hanging from a hole in their nose. I gathered from their signs that if one goes south, or around the south side of the island, there is a king with great jars full of it, enormous amounts. I tried to persuade them to go there, But I saw that the idea was not to their liking… Sunday, 14 October 1492: …These people have little knowledge of fighting, as Your Majesties will see from the seven I have had captured to take away with us so as to teach them our language and return them, unless Your Majesties’ orders are that they all be taken to Spain or held captive on the island itself, for with fifty men one could keep the whole population in subjection and make them do whatever one wanted.

On 17 February 1627, Captain Henry Powell of the ship “Olive Blossom” (who became first English Governor of the Isle of Barbados) landed to settle the island. Sometime after he brought about thirty Arawak from Guiana to work.

By 1739 Diarium von Pilgerhut and his German (Moravian) Pilgrim brothers arrived in Fort Nassau on theBerbice River and once there decided to teach their ways by example. In accounts by the pilgrim Heinrich Beutel, we learn a little about the villagers he encountered:

Used to heat of the rain forest, Arawak families lived without clothes. Arawak men had never done gardening or work around home. They only hunted fish, and let the women do the rest. Even women expecting babies, or with little ones in their care, worked in cassava patches while men sat in hammocks under the shade. When asked if they wanted to get married did not seem in a hurry. The Indians kept themselves cleaner than the Europeans. Believing that sweat weakens the body, they bathed frequently throughout the day. In their houses—thatched shelters without walls—they sat on clean sand, and they treated one another very politely. Young people called their parents and others of that age “honoured ones.” Older people called all young men “handsome ones” and it took them a while to learn the European titles for women, girls and children, and how to use them. Even though the Arawaks did not have an exact word for humility, they well knew the attitude. One should not look another person in the face while speaking “like a dog,” they believed. Rather, one should rise so that others might sit and count it a privilege to give. Arawak hospitality always involved eating and drinking together and even drank of fermented cassava, held frequent love feasts, and fought at their festivals.

If you think cultural genocide is something worth celebrating, um, yeah. I guess.

You mean ending human sacrifice and cannabilism? You mean that?
None of that going on among the Native Americans where I live. You should stop reading so many comic books.

Because they had to stop after the Europeans arrived....if they are doing it now they will still be arrested....

What prevented the above mentioned tribes from sailing the seas in the opposite direction?

As far as I know, they didn't have the technology or the "know how" to do it.

Also, I don't really care.... I just thought it to be a cute little song. Seems factual enough. I have no problem with celebrating Columbus Day.
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:
Time to celebrate the birth of western culture on this hemisphere !!! :5_1_12024:

Everything you need to know about NYC’s Columbus Day Parade

For the 74th year running, the annual Columbus Day Parade—which bills itself as “the world’s largest celebration of Italian-American culture”—will march up Fifth Avenue on Monday, October 8. This year, parade organizer tapped First Data Corporation president Guy Chiarello as grand marshal and more than one million spectators are anticipated for the event.

Last year, the Columbus Day parade drew a higher amount of skepticism, as calls to remove the Christopher Columbus statue at Columbus Circle made the rounds. While Columbus is credited with encouraging European exploration in the Americas, many take issue with the devastating effects that his exploits had on indigenous people in the Caribbean and beyond.

Everything you need to know about NYC’s Columbus Day Parade
So you are Italian-American?
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:
It's an ethnic holiday for Italian Americans like St. Patricks Day, Octoberfest, Cinco de Mayo......
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:

Big words from someone with modern knowledge and access to modern data.

Back then it was a huge risk sailing that direction, because others who went before him never came back, or turned back before they found anything.
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:

Big words from someone with modern knowledge and access to modern data.

Back then it was a huge risk sailing that direction, because others who went before him never came back, or turned back before they found anything.
You sound like an idiot. He wasn't even the first euriopean to make it to the americas let alone first non native person.
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:

Big words from someone with modern knowledge and access to modern data.

Back then it was a huge risk sailing that direction, because others who went before him never came back, or turned back before they found anything.
You sound like an idiot. He wasn't even the first euriopean to make it to the americas.

he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:

Big words from someone with modern knowledge and access to modern data.

Back then it was a huge risk sailing that direction, because others who went before him never came back, or turned back before they found anything.
You sound like an idiot. He wasn't even the first euriopean to make it to the americas.

he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.
columbus day is just another day white boys made up to sooth their fragile egos. This idiot thought he was in India. :laugh:

Big words from someone with modern knowledge and access to modern data.

Back then it was a huge risk sailing that direction, because others who went before him never came back, or turned back before they found anything.
You sound like an idiot. He wasn't even the first euriopean to make it to the americas.

he was the one that brought enough information back to begin the permanent colonization of the "New World"

The Viking settlements all failed, and left scant written evidence of them occurring. What we know about it is from the archeological digs and vague references to a land to the West.
The americas were already populated. What are you talking about? Columbus never even knew he had "discovered" a new continent.

They were populated, but the concept of discovery is of course from a European (and by proxy Oriental) perspective.

It doesn't matter his original thought on what he found, what matters is he led the first group that found the "New World" and opened it up to exploration and exploitation by the "Old World"

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