Happy Eid

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Muslims prepare to celebrate Eid-al-fitr tomorrow after new moon sighted

Yes, have a great day America.


I just noticed this is a saracstic thread but I have not been saracastic I respect all religions and always wish my rare muslim friends happy eid. only 2 people or like that but still.

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
Islam becoming more conservative? You kidding, right? Where have you been for 1400 years?

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

I've seen kids of conservative parents. Perhaps not a goat, but certainly goat like.

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
Islam becoming more conservative? You kidding, right? Where have you been for 1400 years?

Turkey is becoming more conservative, more Islamic.
Afghanistan has become more conservative over the last few hundred years since the British tried to invade.
Pakistan is becoming more crazy and backwards.

Saudi Arabia might be moving forwards, but at a massive struggle of the future king of the religious people.

Iran became more conservative in the 1970s.

Many are turning to jihad as the only way of defeating countries like the US.


Is your opinion so slanted that you believe All Americans hate Muslims or the Nation of Islam?

If so then please take a moment and realize you attempt to rub salt into the wonds of a few is pointless because many here in the States do not even care what religion you are.

Oh, before you lecture me Houston has a large Persian ( Iran ) and Muslim-Indian ( India and not native ) community and many of the Doctors I do business with are in fact, yepper Muslim.

Also if this is a swipe at Trump and those that voted for him, well let me ask you how you felt about Obama usage of drones on Muslim communities in Middle-Eastern Countries?

Why would I ask that?

Simple, you seem to attack America because of Trump but Regan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama seem to have the stains of blood on their hands and yet you seem more upset at the offensive words of Trump and less upset at the massive deaths from policies and wars from other Presidents...

So it is true the pen is mightier than the sword and a shock jock defeat those like you with his words and not his fists...

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
Islam becoming more conservative? You kidding, right? Where have you been for 1400 years?

Turkey is becoming more conservative, more Islamic.
Afghanistan has become more conservative over the last few hundred years since the British tried to invade.
Pakistan is becoming more crazy and backwards.

Saudi Arabia might be moving forwards, but at a massive struggle of the future king of the religious people.

Iran became more conservative in the 1970s.

Many are turning to jihad as the only way of defeating countries like the US.
Horse puckey. This is an ideology based on 6th century tribalism. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia have never wavered. Iran tried and failed to join the 13th century. I'm amused, at best, to hear people cite Saudi Arabia, the single greatest purveyor of Wahabiism the world has ever seen. Rape the infidel girls, you're allowed. Ask the Swedes, then again don't bother, the Swedes don't mind.

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
THIS is the root of the problem with our suicidal leftists. Their presence here is a greater plague on the this country than the 2% muzzies.

Btw, don't know of this Muzzie holiday and neither do I give a damn.

I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
THIS is the root of the problem with our suicidal leftists. Their presence here is a greater plague on the this country than the 2% muzzies.

Btw, don't know of this Muzzie holiday and neither do I give a damn.
I couldn't care less about religion. I truly despise ideologies that consider others to be below them. When those "others" are my daughters, I get just a bit pissed.
I view all religions as a form of castigating the human into the supposed Godly form of those initiated.
I couldn't care less about religion. I truly despise ideologies that consider others to be below them. When those "others" are my daughters, I get just a bit pissed
Again, THIS is the root of America's problem. Radical, anti God leftists and Their moral equivalence. THIS is what I despise.
We should all take this day to piss on Islam.

Founded by a pedophile false prophet that highjacked the Arab pagan moon god to justify his lust for power, murder, and the raping of women and children.

This barbaric cult religion spread quickly throughout Northern Africa and the Middle East, and ever since then those areas have remained shit heaps.
I'm not sure Islam promotes happiness.

Surely it should be Misery Eid.
I like religion less by the day. Islam to my Eastern European Slavic ancestors translates to rape. Infidel girls are property, nothing more. I have nothing to say to Muslims, an ideology that views my daughter as equal to a goat, I have a problem with.

Yes, but religion isn't a static thing. I understand why Islam is becoming more conservative, and it has to do with Christianity and Christian countries and the way things are going.

I don't like either. I understand why it all works like this.
Islam becoming more conservative? You kidding, right? Where have you been for 1400 years?

Turkey is becoming more conservative, more Islamic.
Afghanistan has become more conservative over the last few hundred years since the British tried to invade.
Pakistan is becoming more crazy and backwards.

Saudi Arabia might be moving forwards, but at a massive struggle of the future king of the religious people.

Iran became more conservative in the 1970s.

Many are turning to jihad as the only way of defeating countries like the US.
Horse puckey. This is an ideology based on 6th century tribalism. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia have never wavered. Iran tried and failed to join the 13th century. I'm amused, at best, to hear people cite Saudi Arabia, the single greatest purveyor of Wahabiism the world has ever seen. Rape the infidel girls, you're allowed. Ask the Swedes, then again don't bother, the Swedes don't mind.

Lots of things are based on something, and often they can change and be something else.

Turkey has been secular for nearly 100 years, and is turning away from this in recent times.

Malaysia is a very modern country with forward looking Muslims.

The Moors in Spain were much more forward thinking than the Catholics who defeated them. Those Catholics kicked out the Jews and Muslims, the Moors allowed both Jews and Christians in their cities.

Islam is a religion, religions can go one way or another, no matter what they're based on. Christianity is based on what?

And yet the Conquistadores went and killed and plundered in the Americas. The English went around the world killing and plundering.

That's as much tribalism as anything else.

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