Happy Independence Day


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
On the dawn of America's 240th birthday, I am reminded of all the freedoms we have and of those who died to preserve them. One in particular, the freedom of speech and religion. We set the modern precedent, we gave our citizens the right to express their views and opinions freely without retaliation from their government.

Nobody else in world seems recognize how important this one freedom is. It is the right for a citizen to support or reject whatever cause he sees fit, to believe in what he wants and to say what he wants. There are countries like Britain, or Canada for example, and however, who want to limit "hate speech." They don't go as far as to outlaw it, but they indirectly work to chill speech as much as legally possible. It's disconcerting that my own government is working to do the same thing. It has gotten to the point that our government wants to censor its own speech.

In that context, hate speech consists of negative opinions that a government doesn't approve of. In an attempt to appease a small majority, or an attempt to not offend their sensibilities, the government acts to censor the opinions and speech of the citizenry. Political correctness in short.

That makes me value my free speech even more. If you don't like me voicing my objections to homosexuality, my expressions of faith, my advocacy of gun rights, my valuance of life in the womb, my objections to illegal immigration, my hatred of radical Islamic terrorism, my support of capitalism, my support of Donald Trump, or for that matter any position I take---that's tough. Are you offended by my speech? Do you get triggered by words? Do they wound you? Well, this is how I view those things.

Being offended and triggered is nothing more than a person saying that they are are so incapable of controlling and managing their emotions, that they demand that the rest of society obligate itself to do it for them by censoring the speech of others.

Therefore in that regard,

I am not racist for condemning radical Islam, Black Lives Matter, or illegal immigration.

I am not a bigot for my faith based views on homosexuality, or that I believe someone should be allowed to adhere to that belief.

I am not a misogynist if I believe life is precious at any point in its development.

I am not a crazy right wing kook because I feel it a necessary right for Americans to arm themselves for the cause of self defense.

I do not hate the poor if I value upward mobility over a lack of mobility, or that I place value on prosperity instead of "wealth equality."

I am not forcing my faith on you if I believe that there is only one God who sent his son to die for my sins and rise on the third day.

I am not evil because I support Donald Trump.

I am aware of the consequences of my speech, and I alone, not anyone else, can deal with them. I am also aware that my right to free speech does not entitle me to infringe on the free speech rights of others. You as an American have the same right to express your displeasure for my viewpoints as I do yours. That's what free speech is. I can disagree with you, and you can disagree with me. Remember, civil discourse is not dead, nor is free speech. I support your right to call me closed minded for my beliefs. Free speech is in essence allowing speech you disagree with without infringing on it. Remember that when you wear that American flag t-shirt or sing the national anthem today.

Happy Independence Day, and GOD BLESS AMERICA.
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Being offended and triggered is nothing more than a person saying that they are are so incapable of controlling and managing their emotions, that they demand that the rest of society obligate itself to do it for them by censoring the speech of others.
While that's a large part of the problem, one has to factor in another angle:
Those that are "offended" for profit. "Profit", in this case, being either monetary (via Civil suit) or media notoriety.
One has to wonder just how many would be offended by something if there was minimal/no chance of benefitting either monetarily or by public exposure.
Independence Day ... and from Colonial days forward to whom do we owe thanks and respect for providing us that independence? The militia and volunteers who stood and died to achieve independence from an arrogant and ruthless British King? Those who served in World War I not only to preserve our own independence but to preserve freedom for European countries from an oppressive German Kaiser? Those who served in World War II not only to preserve our own independence but to preserve freedom for European countries from a vicious and mentally ill Adoph Hitler whose sole purpose in life was world domination and from Japanese domination in the Pacific theater? Those who served in Korea for the same reasons - and still stand guard against communist oppression in a divided country? Those who served in Vietnam (albeit a very contentious bone all these decades later and now a communist controlled country)? Those who served in peace time and were fortunate to not see war? Those who served (and still serve) in these more recent Middle East countries to provide freedom to people facing absolute insanity and barbarism?

They are the ones to whom we owe our gratitude and thanks ... and they get anything but. So, I will take this opportunity to thank all of you on USMB who have served in peace time and in war for the sacrifices you have made ... the sacrifices that your parents, your spouses and children have made ... you may not have come back in one piece, but you came back alive. I pray that all you who have served so selflessly will not have, in the end, not served in vain.
Yes happy birthday, just need to get the far left to understand what this day truly means and understand that the Constitution is not a GD piece of paper.
Happy "We kicked Britain's ass back across the pond" day(with a little help from France)!!
Thanks, Templar Kormac.

You have taken this day when we are meant to celebrate what brings us together and aimed your thoughts inward once again. You have proudly and loudly exclaimed to all that you are the victim of all victims. You've tried once again to prove that you.....by way of your enormous undeserved arrogance.....are somehow more American than those who exercise their 1st amendment rights to tell you what a loser you are.

Well done. Now...go find someplace that's giving away hot dogs and pretend to be a patriot for the day.
Happy "We kicked Britain's ass back across the pond" day(with a little help from France)!!
That's because Cornwallis did a MacArthur and went too deep in-country until his supply lines were cut off and he was surrounded, same as MacArthur in N.Korea.

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