Happy Indigenous People's Day!

.....if you do the most basic research, you know the natives murdered/warred on raped/TORTURED/etc each other
...I remember I read that that one of the reasons the whites conquered them was because they were so ''busy'' fighting themselves
...where do you think the term WARrior comes from? for some, war was a 'way of life' to them--especially the Iroquois
.....if you do the most basic research, you know the natives murdered/warred on raped/TORTURED/etc each other
...I remember I read that that one of the reasons the whites conquered them was because they were so ''busy'' fighting themselves
...where do you think the term WARrior comes from? for some, war was a 'way of life' to them--especially the Iroquois

You could hire many 'natives' to run around mass murdering their neighbors for keg of cheap, crappy rum. they tortured captives for fun and entertainment, which is why we read all those reports of farmers and settlers killing their families before those wonderful 'natives' captured them. Anyone with any sense would wipe them out without thinking twice about it; only dope addled '60's loons who watch too many Hollywood movies think they were 'noble wise hippies n stuff, and had all this ancient wisdom' or whatever. 'Pocahontas' Warren is one of those idiots.
A Hideout Is Not a Homeland

The only place these Indians are indigenous to is China, from which they were evicted when an advanced human species took over. On the lam, the prehistoric bandit tribes passed through Mongolia and Siberia before finding safety for their unfitness in two continents no one else knew about.
.....if you do the most basic research, you know the natives murdered/warred on raped/TORTURED/etc each other
...I remember I read that that one of the reasons the whites conquered them was because they were so ''busy'' fighting themselves
...where do you think the term WARrior comes from? for some, war was a 'way of life' to them--especially the Iroquois

Makes sense to me. If Native Americans were killing each other than it was Moral, Good and Jesus Approved that White Christians come over here and kill them as well.

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