Happy May Day


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
No wait.... That's a communist holiday, isn't it?

Well, shucks. Maybe this will cheer our resident commies up

SEIU Membership, Revenues Plummet After Michigan Ends Forced Unionization…


Feel good story of the day.

Via Fox News:

A Michigan branch of the powerful Service Employees International Union saw its membership and revenues plummet after the reversal of a measure that forced caregivers tending to friends or relatives to be members with their dues paid by those they cared for.

More than 44,000 home-based healthcare workers parted ways with SEIU Healthcare Michigan after learning they did not have to join the union or pay dues, according to reports the union filed with the U.S. Department of Labor. Thousands of the employees were allegedly forced into the union under a plan the SEIU successfully lobbied for that classified even unpaid family members caring for their elderly parents as “home health care workers.” Dues were then automatically collected from the care recipients’ Medicare or Medicaid checks.

“Family members were told they were public employees,” Patrick Wright, director of the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, a Michigan-based policy group, told FoxNews.com. “They are not public employees and this was not proper.

“It was an underhanded scheme to get these people in [the union],” he added.

The measure, which counted the home healthcare recipient as an employer and the caregiver as an employee, was adopted during the administration of Demcratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, but abolished by Republicans including current Gov. Rick Snyder, who was elected in 2012. His election coincided with the state’s vote to end forced unionization by approving a right-to-work ballot measure. Snyder subsequently signed a bill that ended the SEIU’s due collection scheme.

Wright’s organization estimates that the SEIU reaped nearly $35 million from Michigan’s elderly and disabled from 2006 to last year. Of some 59,000 residents classified as home-based caregivers, about 80 percent stopped paying when they learned they did not have to.

Of course; it's the dimocrap way. Say one thing and then screw the very people you say you're here to protect.

And why not? Most of them are so stupid, they don't even know it's happening -- Until it's too late.
No wait.... That's a communist holiday, isn't it?

Well, shucks. Maybe this will cheer our resident commies up

SEIU Membership, Revenues Plummet After Michigan Ends Forced Unionization…


Feel good story of the day.

Via Fox News:

A Michigan branch of the powerful Service Employees International Union saw its membership and revenues plummet after the reversal of a measure that forced caregivers tending to friends or relatives to be members with their dues paid by those they cared for.

More than 44,000 home-based healthcare workers parted ways with SEIU Healthcare Michigan after learning they did not have to join the union or pay dues, according to reports the union filed with the U.S. Department of Labor. Thousands of the employees were allegedly forced into the union under a plan the SEIU successfully lobbied for that classified even unpaid family members caring for their elderly parents as “home health care workers.” Dues were then automatically collected from the care recipients’ Medicare or Medicaid checks.

“Family members were told they were public employees,” Patrick Wright, director of the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, a Michigan-based policy group, told FoxNews.com. “They are not public employees and this was not proper.

“It was an underhanded scheme to get these people in [the union],” he added.

The measure, which counted the home healthcare recipient as an employer and the caregiver as an employee, was adopted during the administration of Demcratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm, but abolished by Republicans including current Gov. Rick Snyder, who was elected in 2012. His election coincided with the state’s vote to end forced unionization by approving a right-to-work ballot measure. Snyder subsequently signed a bill that ended the SEIU’s due collection scheme.

Wright’s organization estimates that the SEIU reaped nearly $35 million from Michigan’s elderly and disabled from 2006 to last year. Of some 59,000 residents classified as home-based caregivers, about 80 percent stopped paying when they learned they did not have to.

Of course; it's the dimocrap way. Say one thing and then screw the very people you say you're here to protect.

And why not? Most of them are so stupid, they don't even know it's happening -- Until it's too late.

Membership in public worker unions takes a hit under Act 10

Gov. Scott Walker's signature plan to slash collective bargaining has set off a Darwinian struggle for survival among Wisconsin's public employee unions.

In the two years since Walker's plan became law, tens of thousands of teachers and state and local workers have dropped out of their unions, according to a Journal Sentinel analysis of little-used federal financial records.

No labor group has been hit harder than the one representing Milwaukee city and county workers.

In 2010 — the year that Walker was elected governor — the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees District Council 48 was thriving, having enrolled more than 9,000 workers and reporting income exceeding $7 million.

By the end of 2012, District Council 48 was down to just under 3,500 dues-paying members — a loss of nearly two-thirds of its represented workers.

The local also reported its net worth had plummeted, so it is now more than $650,000 in the red. This was the case even after AFSCME's international headquarters pumped $250,000 into the Milwaukee's union's coffers last year.

Rich Abelson, the longtime head of District 48 who recently left for an AFSCME job in Washington, D.C., did not return calls.

Other public employee unions are faring only marginally better. Most have lost between 30% and 60% of their members in the past two years.

Daniel Bice - Membership in public worker unions takes a hit under Act 10
No, it's a pagan one, Beltane...predating Christianity by centuries. It's a time to party and fuck, rejoicing in the return of Spring.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pljyjiIMH9o]Julie Andrews Sings "The Lusty Month of May" - YouTube[/ame]
For a couple of years the Mexicans celebrated May Day as a Day without a Mexican. Mexicans didn't open their businesses, didn't go to work, didn't go to school. The impact was so positive generally and so harmful to Mexicans that they stopped doing it.
May Day is an occult holiday. I don't celebrate it, Edgetho. Here is the history of May Day. Video narrator starts off slow but explains it quite well.

[ame=http://youtu.be/UjpfDnQy-U4]Beltane - MayDay - May 1st - Satanic Ritual of Fertility. - YouTube[/ame]
isn't it amazing how workers choose to NOT belong to Unions when they get the chance.....?

...also bet they choose to celebrate May 1 with the likes of Julie Andrews....instead of that commie 'International Workers Holiday' crowd.....:lol:
American Workers have no voice. Between the Shitlibs and Kahnservatives who want to flood this country with cheap third world scab labor, and the Kahnservatives who want to remove minimum wage and every labor law fought for over the last 150 years, the American worker is getting it from all sides.
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How poor will the American worker have to be before conservatives will be satisfied?

Ask the fuck up in the White House.

He promised to "Fundamentally transform" America and since he stated his Jihad, we're $7 Trillion more in debt, have record poverty, unemployment, food stamps, homelessness, had our credit downgraded, spend $1 Billion on the world's only website that can't track when someone buys the product and took over the US Healthcare system only to insure about 1/2 the people GEICO insures.

"We Own the Economy" --- Deb Schultz.

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