Happy Women's Equality Day!

But, women still are not equal.

I have always felt equal, in every way. Nothing has ever held me back, because I am a female. Nothing at all. I have been determined to succeed and worked hard at doing so.

You may have succeeded at getting into the board room.

Quick question.........................do you earn 100 cents on every dollar that the men in your boardroom make, or are you still stuck at earning between 65 cents to 85 cents that every dollar the men make at your level?

I'm guessing you earn less than them, because you haven't broken the glass ceiling, nor will you ever unless you women get together to demand equal pay.

I spent my whole adult life in the military, and if you were the same rank as me, you made the same pay.

Too bad the civilian world doesn't see it that way.

how many times does the drivel of women making less need to be crushed before morons finally figure out they are repeating a lie?

seriously, if I could pay women as much less as you claim, I would never hire a man to do anything.
But, women still are not equal.

I have always felt equal, in every way. Nothing has ever held me back, because I am a female. Nothing at all. I have been determined to succeed and worked hard at doing so.

Self-empowerment is important, but that doesn't mean that the average woman and man in the US face the same challenges, or are treated the same.
how many times does the drivel of women making less need to be crushed before morons finally figure out they are repeating a lie?

seriously, if I could pay women as much less as you claim, I would never hire a man to do anything.

It is true that women make less than men.

Not primarily due to active discrimination, though that can and does happen, but because women, much more often than men, have to choose between advancing in their careers and having a family. That makes a big difference in end abilities to achieve wage increases which is what lowers the female average wage relative to a mans.
Sheriff Joe here in Arizona makes his inmates wear pink underwear. The University of Iowa's visiting lockerroom has pink walls for the visiting football team. Pink is thought to be a calming influence, taming the male aggression and violence. It's why women wear pink and a man never should, unless he's signaling he's a homo.

Pink is one color that is very rare in the natural environment, and not only that, it's also EXTREMELY noticeable (even more than red), which makes it a good color if you're doing something that you need to be seen.

Me? My favorite bicycling jersey that I have is one from Team Jolly (their jersey from a few years back), and it's fluorescent pink and yellow.

Best part about that jersey? It makes most cars give me about a half a lane on the road, because they can see me pretty good.

Okay, but your man-card being renewed is in question here.....how about them Bears? :doubt:
Last week, a new survey out showed that women expect men to pay for everything when going on dates. :lol:

Of course. We want them to feel they have "some" power left....:lol:

I like the kind of man, who wouldn't have it any other way though. He is the one that might make me want to see him again. I won't pick up a man's check unless I need to humiliate him....:lol:

Our first couple dates, Liz DEMANDED to split the check. (After that, we just alternated who paid to save hassles.)

I will only split a check if I don't want to see the man again, in a romantic sense. :) In other words, it is one effort towards keeping him at an emotional distance.
Of course. We want them to feel they have "some" power left....:lol:

I like the kind of man, who wouldn't have it any other way though. He is the one that might make me want to see him again. I won't pick up a man's check unless I need to humiliate him....:lol:

Our first couple dates, Liz DEMANDED to split the check. (After that, we just alternated who paid to save hassles.)

I will only split a check if I don't want to see the man again, in a romantic sense. :) In other words, it is one effort towards keeping him at an emotional distance.

And it's one that's clear to all but the most obtuse of men. I'd likely know before the lady asked to pay her portion, but I'd surely know after. Unless she qualified the choice, that is.
Pink is one color that is very rare in the natural environment, and not only that, it's also EXTREMELY noticeable (even more than red), which makes it a good color if you're doing something that you need to be seen.

Pink is also considered to be the sexiest color a woman can wear. Not neon pink, rather a softer pink. Pink rocks, if you want to be noticed by a man. It lures them in, as none other. It is non-threatening and seductive. It makes a women look sexy, in a soft sense. :eusa_angel:
Women have all the power really. Most men are weak before them... In this country anyway
Oh, I wouldn't sell my sex short, Jroc. Certain men can be solid rocks when others are wishy-washy or in an emotional upheaval. That rational thing makes life better-rounded for everyone, whether male or female. :)

I've always enjoyed being a girl, though. And enjoy friendships with all kinds of people. The only people I can't seem to cotton to are pedophiles. I can't stand someone who's perverse to a child and stunts their spiritual and emotional lives to the point of repetition in the taboo behavior. One of my first close touches with the gay community was one who pardoned his daughter's detractor when she was about 9 or 10 years old. He told her to put up with it. That left a deep impression on me about the gay community being accepting of unacceptable sexual predators. That's nothing like the world I grew up in. And absolutely nothing like it.
how many times does the drivel of women making less need to be crushed before morons finally figure out they are repeating a lie?

seriously, if I could pay women as much less as you claim, I would never hire a man to do anything.

It is true that women make less than men.

Not primarily due to active discrimination, though that can and does happen, but because women, much more often than men, have to choose between advancing in their careers and having a family. That makes a big difference in end abilities to achieve wage increases which is what lowers the female average wage relative to a mans.

so we agree that it's bullshit.

thanks and :welcome: to usmb
Of course. We want them to feel they have "some" power left....:lol:

I like the kind of man, who wouldn't have it any other way though. He is the one that might make me want to see him again. I won't pick up a man's check unless I need to humiliate him....:lol:

Our first couple dates, Liz DEMANDED to split the check. (After that, we just alternated who paid to save hassles.)

I will only split a check if I don't want to see the man again, in a romantic sense. :) In other words, it is one effort towards keeping him at an emotional distance.

I always paid for the food, date, travel etc. but if she returned my favors with a romantic home cooked meal and entertainment, I was there with wine, dessert or whatever.
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Sheriff Joe here in Arizona makes his inmates wear pink underwear. The University of Iowa's visiting lockerroom has pink walls for the visiting football team. Pink is thought to be a calming influence, taming the male aggression and violence. It's why women wear pink and a man never should, unless he's signaling he's a homo.

Pink is one color that is very rare in the natural environment, and not only that, it's also EXTREMELY noticeable (even more than red), which makes it a good color if you're doing something that you need to be seen.

Me? My favorite bicycling jersey that I have is one from Team Jolly (their jersey from a few years back), and it's fluorescent pink and yellow.

Best part about that jersey? It makes most cars give me about a half a lane on the road, because they can see me pretty good.

Okay, but your man-card being renewed is in question here.....how about them Bears? :doubt:

Actually, I've been a Cowboys fan since 1973 (when my mother died and I went to live with my uncle Bill and aunt Sandy), so I don't really care about the Bears.

However..................the Saturday Nite Live skits about "da Bears" with Chris Farley were pretty good.

And.........................why shouldn't my man card be renewed? Apparently, I've got the better plumage (which is why cars go around me and give me space), which means that I've got a better chance of helping to propagate the species because I'm still alive.

If someone is riding a bicycle and wearing either brown, black, tan or grey (which are manly colors) they stand a good chance of being run over if they're not on a closed course like the Tour De France.

Bright colors work best for those who ride on your normal city, suburban or country roads and streets.
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Some women share the bill on dates so they won't feel 'obligated'.
So they'll feel respected for 'paying their way'.

Only having 50 cents in the bank, when I asked girls on a date it would be on a picnic, mommy dearest packing me/us a lovely picnic basket.

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