Happy Women's Equality Day!

I have always felt equal, in every way. Nothing has ever held me back, because I am a female. Nothing at all. I have been determined to succeed and worked hard at doing so.

I can vouch for AquaAthena, not only is she absolutely amazing (and other great stuff) but she doesn't even need me to vouch for her...:thup:


To compete in a man's world, one needs to be smart, competent and willing to work hard. If one needs more experience to be on top of anyone who would hold her back, one must be determined and clever and go get than experience or education. WE ARE THE POWER!!! Some women just need to know how and when to use it....:thup:
you can be on top of me any time AA......:eusa_angel:
Today marks the 93rd anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

But, women still are not equal.


I'll plant my seed any where I want.
Last week, a new survey out showed that women expect men to pay for everything when going on dates.

If men and women got the same pay for the same work, that would likely change.
But, women still are not equal.

I have always felt equal, in every way. Nothing has ever held me back, because I am a female. Nothing at all. I have been determined to succeed and worked hard at doing so.

That's it. Besides, we're not equal, we're superior. We have more college degrees, better employment statistics, less drug and alcohol use, live longer everywhere, there are more women than there are men, and more of us vote. We are the default caretakers of children when the men bug out, same with elderly parents who need care. We are the ones who have homes and that is why men move in with us, not usually the other way around: they want someone who will provide them a home. Men can't usually make homes and end up in trailers or apartments or homeless. Women rarely end up homeless.

The thing about equality (like justice, like freedom) is that you can't hope someone will give it to you. They never will. And that wasn't how we got the vote. We got the vote by taking it, against the united might of men working against us.

Then we took a lot of other things. So good.

Great post, Circe. :D

And to quote PC, a prolific poster and friend of mine, regarding equality for women: Why would we want to take a step down?? :eusa_clap:
Last week, a new survey out showed that women expect men to pay for everything when going on dates. :lol:

Of course. We want them to feel they have "some" power left....:lol:

I like the kind of man, who wouldn't have it any other way though. He is the one that might make me want to see him again. I won't pick up a man's check unless I need to humiliate him....:lol:

But you ate and drank half the dinner. :eusa_angel:

Presumably, it was an invitation....
Sheriff Joe here in Arizona makes his inmates wear pink underwear. The University of Iowa's visiting lockerroom has pink walls for the visiting football team. Pink is thought to be a calming influence, taming the male aggression and violence. It's why women wear pink and a man never should, unless he's signaling he's a homo.
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But, women still are not equal.

I have always felt equal, in every way. Nothing has ever held me back, because I am a female. Nothing at all. I have been determined to succeed and worked hard at doing so.

You may have succeeded at getting into the board room.

All I had to do was be myself.

Quick question.........................do you earn 100 cents on every dollar that the men in your boardroom make, or are you still stuck at earning between 65 cents to 85 cents that every dollar the men make at your level?

I cannot think of a man, I have not earned more than. And that includes owners and managers. They would tell you the same thing, if you could ask them the same question. They have often mentioned it to me, and lauded my abilities.

I'm guessing you earn less than them, because you haven't broken the glass ceiling, nor will you ever unless you women get together to demand equal pay.

Fail! When you consider the overhead [expenses] of most businesses, a top employee will have made as much or more, with raises, than the owner who is now working for the top employee, just to keep him or her at the job, and happy.

I spent my whole adult life in the military, and if you were the same rank as me, you made the same pay.

Thank you for your service, ABS. :) I mean that. I am grateful to you.

There are more rewards to a job, than just pay. There are perks.

Too bad the civilian world doesn't see it that way.

Too bad, women are waiting for someone else to make them feel richer. Richer is something that lies in the heart, and cannot be spent. Equality is something they can seek on their own and not depend upon others, for it. Go out and earn it. Find your inner gifts and use them. Keep learning.

I have found that a person will receive what they perceive to be their worth. The way I have found, that brings me the most happiness, is to be in business for myself. There are employees that have made more money than I, when you consider the overhead of running a business. The beauty of paying them more, is it makes me more, in the end, and that is my goal. Win/win. My goal is to keep the doors open and work with autonomy.
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But, women still are not equal.

I have always felt equal, in every way. Nothing has ever held me back, because I am a female. Nothing at all. I have been determined to succeed and worked hard at doing so.

That's it. Besides, we're not equal, we're superior. We have more college degrees, better employment statistics, less drug and alcohol use, live longer everywhere, there are more women than there are men, and more of us vote. We are the default caretakers of children when the men bug out, same with elderly parents who need care. We are the ones who have homes and that is why men move in with us, not usually the other way around: they want someone who will provide them a home. Men can't usually make homes and end up in trailers or apartments or homeless. Women rarely end up homeless.

The thing about equality (like justice, like freedom) is that you can't hope someone will give it to you. They never will. And that wasn't how we got the vote. We got the vote by taking it, against the united might of men working against us.

Then we took a lot of other things. So good.

Men can't make homes because their jobs have either been sent overseas, taken by women, or taken by illegals.
A very informative video and discussion with real Black people about educated Black women earning more than the men, the Black women wanting to be the boss at work and at home, and Black American men being frustrated...and moving to Brazil;

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOjvPOBvd9A]Frustrated: Black American Men in Brazil (POWERFUL DOCUMENTARY) - YouTube[/ame]
Women have all the power really. Most men are weak before them... In this country anyway

Last week, a new survey out showed that women expect men to pay for everything when going on dates. :lol:

Of course. We want them to feel they have "some" power left....:lol:

I like the kind of man, who wouldn't have it any other way though. He is the one that might make me want to see him again. I won't pick up a man's check unless I need to humiliate him....:lol:

Our first couple dates, Liz DEMANDED to split the check. (After that, we just alternated who paid to save hassles.)
Sheriff Joe here in Arizona makes his inmates wear pink underwear. The University of Iowa's visiting lockerroom has pink walls for the visiting football team. Pink is thought to be a calming influence, taming the male aggression and violence. It's why women wear pink and a man never should, unless he's signaling he's a homo.

Pink is one color that is very rare in the natural environment, and not only that, it's also EXTREMELY noticeable (even more than red), which makes it a good color if you're doing something that you need to be seen.

Me? My favorite bicycling jersey that I have is one from Team Jolly (their jersey from a few years back), and it's fluorescent pink and yellow.

Best part about that jersey? It makes most cars give me about a half a lane on the road, because they can see me pretty good.

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