Hard Reality Approaches...

Why does the left always resort to FEAR TACTICS? :rofl:
Obama will take your guns.
Ammo is being restricted.
Gay marriage will undo the family.
Muslims are taking over the US.
Beaners will rape and kill you.

Next time try to be less partisan, and deal with reality instead.
OBVIOUSLY you didn't get my intentions...
Imagine that. A partisan that doesn't know whats goin on..
Why does the left always resort to FEAR TACTICS? :rofl:
Obama will take your guns.
Ammo is being restricted.
Gay marriage will undo the family.
Muslims are taking over the US.
Beaners will rape and kill you.

Next time try to be less partisan, and deal with reality instead.

it's nearly impossible to purchase a gun LEGALLY in many cities libs run. obama's base of chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation................SO BAD THE SUPREME COURT STRUCK THEM DOWN

libs are losers who lie to themselves

ammo IS being restricted

jury still out on gay families leftard

muslims PUBLICLY STATED their goal is to take over the US

Mexicans DO rape and kill people while here ILLEGALLY

libs are losers who lie...........................TO THEMSELVES
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!
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Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!

Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!

Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
That would defeat the purpose.
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!

Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
That would defeat the purpose.
Fine, but that doesn't change a thing if you get caught in the wrong part of it eh?
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?

No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!
Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
Who's not admitting it? That's just denialist BS. Why aren't you admitting that you've been ignoring the time course? According to the cycles we should be cooling. Why aren't we?
Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
That would defeat the purpose.[/QUOTE]What purpose? It seems the only purpose of the denialists is to confuse the issue. Why else would they equate something that's been happening over the last~200 years with events in the past that have taken tens to hundreds of thousands of years?
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.
Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
That would defeat the purpose.
What purpose? It seems the only purpose of the denialists is to confuse the issue. Why else would they equate something that's been happening over the last~200 years with events in the past that have taken tens to hundreds of thousands of years?[/QUOTE]
No the purpose is to impose a redistributive regime on wealthy countries and increase taxes and control. That's why all the hysteria and the claims that are simply contrary to reality. There is no global warming. There is no man made climate change.
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!
Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
Who's not admitting it? That's just denialist BS. Why aren't you admitting that you've been ignoring the time course? According to the cycles we should be cooling. Why aren't we?

According to the cycles we should be cooling.

according to who?

We havent' reached the peak for this cycle yet.
Liberals.....freak out about unproven man made climate change yet dont seem to give a shit about the very real problem of our national debt.
But look at the bright side liberals....once the economy collapses no one's going to be able to afford fossil fuels or electricity.
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

Um, how does he know what was and wasn't seen on Earth for the last million years? No one was here to see it, much less leave a record.

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