Hard Reality Approaches...

Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Since science is just a guess, weren't we just "guessing" that they were providing us with the correct information? When you're studying existence, everything is "was". Where do you make the cut off between your conception of "is" and "was"? IMO, you have to trust your instruments and your brain or you can't trust anything.
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.
LOL. You dont know what that means.
Liberals.....freak out about unproven man made climate change yet dont seem to give a shit about the very real problem of our national debt.
But look at the bright side liberals....once the economy collapses no one's going to be able to afford fossil fuels or electricity.
Too much debt = Bad.
GW-CC = Bad.

Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Since science is just a guess, weren't we just "guessing" that they were providing us with the correct information? When you're studying existence, everything is "was". Where do you make the cut off between your conception of "is" and "was"? IMO, you have to trust your instruments and your brain or you can't trust anything.
Logical fallacy spotted.
Um, how does he know what was and wasn't seen on Earth for the last million years? No one was here to see it, much less leave a record.
The earth and everything it contains is its own record. You just have to learn how to interpret it. Are you saying dinosaurs didn't exist because no human was there to see them? When we see an elephant's skeleton, do you recognize it for what it is or, as some ancients believed, is it evidence of a Cyclops?
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?

It's a guess. Hell scientist still aren't sure what killed off the dinosaurs along with at least 50 percent of all species living on earth 65 million years ago and they have solid evidence to study.
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Since science is just a guess, weren't we just "guessing" that they were providing us with the correct information? When you're studying existence, everything is "was". Where do you make the cut off between your conception of "is" and "was"? IMO, you have to trust your instruments and your brain or you can't trust anything.

Did I say all science was a guess? No, I did not. I said knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess.

If you want to have an honest discussion, you first have to be honest.
Um, how does he know what was and wasn't seen on Earth for the last million years? No one was here to see it, much less leave a record.
The earth and everything it contains is its own record. You just have to learn how to interpret it. Are you saying dinosaurs didn't exist because no human was there to see them? When we see an elephant's skeleton, do you recognize it for what it is or, as some ancients believed, is it evidence of a Cyclops?

We have fossils that prove dinosaurs existed.
According to the cycles we should be cooling.
according to who? We haven't reached the peak for this cycle yet.
Arctic Warming Overtakes 2,000 Years of Natural Cooling | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Eagerly awaiting your cite.

2,000 years?

when peaks are 100,000-150,000 years apart?


I though you were serious
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?

It's a guess. Hell scientist still aren't sure what killed off the dinosaurs along with at least 50 percent of all species living on earth 65 million years ago and they have solid evidence to study.

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

At the Bern laboratory, four to six samples of approximately 8 grams from each depth level (0.55m intervals) in the ice core are crushed under vacuum conditions. The sample container is connected to a cold trap for several minutes to release air from the clathrates and the air is then expanded to a measuring cell where a laser measures absorption in a vibration–rotation transition line of the CO2 molecule..........
According to the cycles we should be cooling.
according to who? We haven't reached the peak for this cycle yet.
Arctic Warming Overtakes 2,000 Years of Natural Cooling | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Eagerly awaiting your cite.
"Research indicates....." not exactly a finding of fact, now is it?
Still waiting for a cite from someone who actually has a clue about how scientific research works.
How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?
Indirectly by fossils and layers of sedimentation, for example. If your knowledge of scientific procedure is that scant, perhaps you should do some studying before posting.

Fossils are found in the air? Sediments are found in the air? I admit science isn't my forte, but I'm pretty sure air/atmosphere has nothing to do with sediment or fossils.

What is in the earth's atmosphere?

  1. The atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and other gases (1%) that surrounds Earth. High above the planet, the atmosphere becomes thinner until it gradually reaches space. It is divided into five layers. Most of the weather and clouds are found in the first layer.
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?

It's a guess. Hell scientist still aren't sure what killed off the dinosaurs along with at least 50 percent of all species living on earth 65 million years ago and they have solid evidence to study.

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

At the Bern laboratory, four to six samples of approximately 8 grams from each depth level (0.55m intervals) in the ice core are crushed under vacuum conditions. The sample container is connected to a cold trap for several minutes to release air from the clathrates and the air is then expanded to a measuring cell where a laser measures absorption in a vibration–rotation transition line of the CO2 molecule..........

More pseudo-science.
According to the cycles we should be cooling.
according to who? We haven't reached the peak for this cycle yet.
Arctic Warming Overtakes 2,000 Years of Natural Cooling | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Eagerly awaiting your cite.
"Research indicates....." not exactly a finding of fact, now is it?
Still waiting for a cite from someone who actually has a clue about how scientific research works.

Keep waiting.

Better yet, start looking

That chart is available on nearly any site that goes back 400,000 years.

you come up with a site about 2,000 years of climate to explain what has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years, and expect to be taken seriously?

forget it.
According to the cycles we should be cooling.
according to who? We haven't reached the peak for this cycle yet.
Arctic Warming Overtakes 2,000 Years of Natural Cooling | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Eagerly awaiting your cite.

2,000 years?

when peaks are 100,000-150,000 years apart?


I though you were serious
Where do I start with the problems in this "cite"? First, there's no indication of where the graph is from. Second, there are intermediary peaks od lesser duration. Third, the line seems to be skyrocketing on the right hand side of the graph. What's up with that?!?! Looks like a "hockey stick" that confirms AGW!!!
According to the cycles we should be cooling.
according to who? We haven't reached the peak for this cycle yet.
Arctic Warming Overtakes 2,000 Years of Natural Cooling | UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Eagerly awaiting your cite.

2,000 years?

when peaks are 100,000-150,000 years apart?


I though you were serious
Where do I start with the problems in this "cite"? First, there's no indication of where the graph is from. Second, there are intermediary peaks od lesser duration. Third, the line seems to be skyrocketing on the right hand side of the graph. What's up with that?!?! Looks like a "hockey stick" that confirms AGW!!!

Global Warming Natural Cycle — OSS Foundation



2,000 years is comparable to a week compared to what has been studied.

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