Hard Reality Approaches...

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?
Indirectly by fossils and layers of sedimentation, for example. If your knowledge of scientific procedure is that scant, perhaps you should do some studying before posting.

Some of us realize that water flows downhill. Something that is on the top of the ground now can be washed into the bottom of the deepest hole as sediment. When found, it is assumed and reported by folks who don't know water flows downhill as sediment from the most ancient of history when in fact it is sediment from the most recent of history.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?

It's a guess. Hell scientist still aren't sure what killed off the dinosaurs along with at least 50 percent of all species living on earth 65 million years ago and they have solid evidence to study.

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

At the Bern laboratory, four to six samples of approximately 8 grams from each depth level (0.55m intervals) in the ice core are crushed under vacuum conditions. The sample container is connected to a cold trap for several minutes to release air from the clathrates and the air is then expanded to a measuring cell where a laser measures absorption in a vibration–rotation transition line of the CO2 molecule..........

More pseudo-science.


Yeah here's some more mumbo jumbo for ya.

Ice Core Data Help Solve a Global Warming Mystery

The wide margin of error in the EPICA core data is due to the way air gets trapped in layers of ice. Snowpack becomes progressively denser from the surface down to around 100 meters, where it forms solid ice. Scientists use air trapped in the ice to determine the CO2 levels of past climates, whereas they use the ice itself to determine temperature. But because air diffuses rapidly through the ice pack, those air bubbles are younger than the ice surrounding them. This means that in places with little snowfall—like the Dome C ice core—the age difference between gas and ice can be thousands of years.

Parrenin’s team addresses these concerns with a new method that establishes the different ages of the gas and ice. They measured the concentration of an isotope, nitrogen 15, which is greater the deeper the snowpack is. Once they were able to determine snowpack depth from the nitrogen 15 data, a simple model can determine the offset in depth between gas and ice and the amount of time the difference represents. The researchers then compared results from multiple locations to reduce the margin of error.
Liberals.....freak out about unproven man made climate change yet dont seem to give a shit about the very real problem of our national debt.
But look at the bright side liberals....once the economy collapses no one's going to be able to afford fossil fuels or electricity.
Too much debt = Bad.
GW-CC = Bad.


Maybe you should tell obama.....
Liberals.....freak out about unproven man made climate change yet dont seem to give a shit about the very real problem of our national debt.
But look at the bright side liberals....once the economy collapses no one's going to be able to afford fossil fuels or electricity.
Too much debt = Bad.
GW-CC = Bad.


Maybe you should tell obama.....
We still aren't paying the bills, not his fault.
Was that caused by humans in their factories and cars too?
Why not research the subject, instead of asking the same stupid questions over and over? Just because warming or cooling had one cause in the past, doesn't mean it can't have a different one now. Why do denialists keep ignoring the time course? The changes in the past occurred over tens to hundreds of thousands of years, while we're talking about the last ~200!

Why not admit it runs in cycles, and has for millennium?
Why don't you admit that you haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.
You are assuming "scientific research" is one big thing. It isnt. When it comes to certain aspects of science it is one big guess. What climate was like 800k years ago falls into that category.
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?

It's a guess. Hell scientist still aren't sure what killed off the dinosaurs along with at least 50 percent of all species living on earth 65 million years ago and they have solid evidence to study.

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

At the Bern laboratory, four to six samples of approximately 8 grams from each depth level (0.55m intervals) in the ice core are crushed under vacuum conditions. The sample container is connected to a cold trap for several minutes to release air from the clathrates and the air is then expanded to a measuring cell where a laser measures absorption in a vibration–rotation transition line of the CO2 molecule..........

More pseudo-science.


Yeah here's some more mumbo jumbo for ya.

Ice Core Data Help Solve a Global Warming Mystery

The wide margin of error in the EPICA core data is due to the way air gets trapped in layers of ice. Snowpack becomes progressively denser from the surface down to around 100 meters, where it forms solid ice. Scientists use air trapped in the ice to determine the CO2 levels of past climates, whereas they use the ice itself to determine temperature. But because air diffuses rapidly through the ice pack, those air bubbles are younger than the ice surrounding them. This means that in places with little snowfall—like the Dome C ice core—the age difference between gas and ice can be thousands of years.

Parrenin’s team addresses these concerns with a new method that establishes the different ages of the gas and ice. They measured the concentration of an isotope, nitrogen 15, which is greater the deeper the snowpack is. Once they were able to determine snowpack depth from the nitrogen 15 data, a simple model can determine the offset in depth between gas and ice and the amount of time the difference represents. The researchers then compared results from multiple locations to reduce the margin of error.

The problem with this kind of scientific research is the assumptions that are made. It is assumed the accumulation rate has not varied greatly over the past. It is assumed that the same amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere has remained constant for thousands if not millions of years. This research is an educated guess at best.
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Since science is just a guess, weren't we just "guessing" that they were providing us with the correct information? When you're studying existence, everything is "was". Where do you make the cut off between your conception of "is" and "was"? IMO, you have to trust your instruments and your brain or you can't trust anything.

Did I say all science was a guess? No, I did not. I said knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess.

If you want to have an honest discussion, you first have to be honest.
Might help if you have an understanding of where science is on the subject. And you obviously do not.
Knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess at best.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Since science is just a guess, weren't we just "guessing" that they were providing us with the correct information? When you're studying existence, everything is "was". Where do you make the cut off between your conception of "is" and "was"? IMO, you have to trust your instruments and your brain or you can't trust anything.

Did I say all science was a guess? No, I did not. I said knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess.

If you want to have an honest discussion, you first have to be honest.
Might help if you have an understanding of where science is on the subject. And you obviously do not.

Might help if you minded your own damn business. Which you obviously do not.

BTW moron, you have no idea what I do or do not understand. But I do know that you're an old fart that likes to troll.
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

I know...

I mean I went outside yesterday and it was sunny.

And, I just couldn't stand the blue sky and the clouds.

It's all so terrible.
Scientific research is quite a bit better than a guess. Space is a vacuum. We "guessed" that when we went, because we'd never been there. Would you have have insisted we save a few bucks on space suits?
No we didn't guess about space. We sent satellites and probes into space long before we sent man into space. It is quite a difference in researching what is and researching what was.
Since science is just a guess, weren't we just "guessing" that they were providing us with the correct information? When you're studying existence, everything is "was". Where do you make the cut off between your conception of "is" and "was"? IMO, you have to trust your instruments and your brain or you can't trust anything.

Did I say all science was a guess? No, I did not. I said knowing what the atmosphere was 800,000 years ago is a guess.

If you want to have an honest discussion, you first have to be honest.
Might help if you have an understanding of where science is on the subject. And you obviously do not.

Might help if you minded your own damn business. Which you obviously do not.

BTW moron, you have no idea what I do or do not understand. But I do know that you're an old fart that likes to troll.
I have taken courses on biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and math past calculus. From your posts it is obvious you have almost no education in the sciences. And have no desire to gain any education in science. Otherwise you would do a bit of research before you posted nonsense. After all, you have the greatest instrument for research ever invented sitting right in front of you.
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

So the Volcano God is REALLY angry and we must sacrifice our virgin daughters to be raped by the shaman in order to appease him? If we don't SACRIFICE all to the rulers and give to the priest caste, we will all die.

Wow, what an original story the AGW cult has...
What climate was like 800,000 years ago is a matter of scientific research, NOT a guess. That's just deialist BS meant to cloud the issue.

How can you accurately research the air 800,000 years ago?

It's a guess. Hell scientist still aren't sure what killed off the dinosaurs along with at least 50 percent of all species living on earth 65 million years ago and they have solid evidence to study.

800,000-year Ice-Core Records of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

At the Bern laboratory, four to six samples of approximately 8 grams from each depth level (0.55m intervals) in the ice core are crushed under vacuum conditions. The sample container is connected to a cold trap for several minutes to release air from the clathrates and the air is then expanded to a measuring cell where a laser measures absorption in a vibration–rotation transition line of the CO2 molecule..........

More pseudo-science.


Yeah here's some more mumbo jumbo for ya.

Ice Core Data Help Solve a Global Warming Mystery

The wide margin of error in the EPICA core data is due to the way air gets trapped in layers of ice. Snowpack becomes progressively denser from the surface down to around 100 meters, where it forms solid ice. Scientists use air trapped in the ice to determine the CO2 levels of past climates, whereas they use the ice itself to determine temperature. But because air diffuses rapidly through the ice pack, those air bubbles are younger than the ice surrounding them. This means that in places with little snowfall—like the Dome C ice core—the age difference between gas and ice can be thousands of years.

Parrenin’s team addresses these concerns with a new method that establishes the different ages of the gas and ice. They measured the concentration of an isotope, nitrogen 15, which is greater the deeper the snowpack is. Once they were able to determine snowpack depth from the nitrogen 15 data, a simple model can determine the offset in depth between gas and ice and the amount of time the difference represents. The researchers then compared results from multiple locations to reduce the margin of error.

The problem with this kind of scientific research is the assumptions that are made. It is assumed the accumulation rate has not varied greatly over the past. It is assumed that the same amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere has remained constant for thousands if not millions of years. This research is an educated guess at best.

The % of nitrogen in the atmosphere doesn't matter. It is the % of the isotope within the sample that matters.
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming
"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters. "This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned. Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.
So the Volcano God is REALLY angry and we must sacrifice our virgin daughters to be raped by the shaman in order to appease him? If we don't SACRIFICE all to the rulers and give to the priest caste, we will all die. Wow, what an original story the AGW cult has...
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

It's not even factual, but that aside, a warmer world is a better world.

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