Hard Reality Approaches...

Wow, nothing gets the ankle biters on message boards going more than trying to refute 10,000 PH.D's, then citing 'this guy, go read about him'.

Global Warming deniers, I didn't post this to debate you, I'm not sure why that doesn't register with you but that is the truth. I ignore you. You have nothing of value to offer on this subject, THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED 15 YEARS AGO. Go find a snowball to throw at Congress. You post endless charts of this and that, just like Flat Earthers produce charts supporting their nonsense.

But its nonsense.

There are people that can only be brought dragging and screaming into a new reality because its too scary. I understand. And because I do I'm not interested in discussion with someone that operates solely on fear.

The science is settled, there is no debate.

You seem to need someone to declare you 'the winner' for whatever thread you post to. Knock yourself out. Give each other gold stars on your papers.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago. I don't care who doesn't believe it, the scientific community of the human race settled it.

There is only one thing left to do, slow and then stop it. The political will is still not there though if you read the OP and the link posted you will see there are cracks developing that may allow the human race to face this head on at some point in the near future. MAY. We aren't there by a long shot.

So go post up in the Flamer forum. Nothing you have to say interests me. Sorry.

Fascinating how leftists are now right out in the open saying, "Wow, I made a claim and it was refuted! That means I WIN!!!"

You refuted nothing. On the contrary, all of your moronic anti-science denier cult myths have been debunked by the actual scientific facts. Your cult of reality denial is an insane little astroturfed creation of the fossil fuel industry propaganda pushers and you rightwingnut AGW deniers are their dupes and stooges.

Yes, yes, I know. Any refutation you ignore CLEARLY never happened at all. I'm familiar with the leftist song and dance, and I'm perfectly content to laugh derisively at you along with your brethren.
Are you sure you want that link? This is the relevant section...

Looks like it's you who are batting .000

You're not even in the ball game any more. When the topic is predictions, one should be talking about predictions, and to quote the actual person who made the prediction. You gave us a a third hand account of a topic that had nothing to do with predictions.

"At the Kingsnorth Trial Dr Hansen spoke as an Expert Witness. His testimony was a disgrace in that he asserted global warming is so severe a problem that actions intended to damage the power station (or any other coalfired power station) are justified because the benefit of the electricity the power station provided was outweighed by the great harm being done by its CO2 emissions. The terrorists (who had attacked the power station, caused its temporary stoppage, and caused costly damage) were acquitted. Dr Hansen is employed by an agency of the US government (i.e. NASA) and the value of his expert opinion is provided by that employment. Sending an agent of the US government to assist terrorists acting in the UK could be considered to be an act of war. It is certainly not a friendly act by a country that is an ally of the UK.",
“Thirty years ago we had a Republican senator who was leading the charge on addressing what he said then was a real and serious threat of climate change from the emission of gases from fossil fuel burning,” says Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), recalling the 1986 hearings. “You can read through all the things that Senator Chafee said back then, and it has all been proven true. It’s very disappointing that thirty years later, there is no such voice anywhere in the Republican Senate, and if you look for a micron of daylight between what the fossil fuel industry wants, and what the Republican Party in the Senate does, you won’t find it.”

Richard Nixon signed an executive order in 1970 creating the Environmental Protection Agency, which Congress then acted on. A Republican president. Money has certainly turned that party backwards since.

The warnings were there 30 years ago, and even much longer regarding global warming.

30 years ago scientists warned Congress on global warming. What they said sounds eerily familiar
Your AGW is about to take one in the teeth... Step drop will occur with this now beginning La Niña. The more reliable models show this La Niña getting very cold, very fast. with all of the oceans now taking a step down in temp the atmosphere is about to follow suit.
“Thirty years ago we had a Republican senator who was leading the charge on addressing what he said then was a real and serious threat of climate change from the emission of gases from fossil fuel burning,” says Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), recalling the 1986 hearings. “You can read through all the things that Senator Chafee said back then, and it has all been proven true. It’s very disappointing that thirty years later, there is no such voice anywhere in the Republican Senate, and if you look for a micron of daylight between what the fossil fuel industry wants, and what the Republican Party in the Senate does, you won’t find it.”

Richard Nixon signed an executive order in 1970 creating the Environmental Protection Agency, which Congress then acted on. A Republican president. Money has certainly turned that party backwards since.

The warnings were there 30 years ago, and even much longer regarding global warming.

30 years ago scientists warned Congress on global warming. What they said sounds eerily familiar

What a load of alarmist crap... The idiot was wrong then and he is also wrong today..
Yes, as we go into a La Nina, it will get cooler. Cooler than the last three years. Not cooler than the period before 1998. And probably warmer than the average between 1998 and 2014. In the meantime, you goofs will be celebrating every temperature that is cooler than 2015 as if it were a victory, even though it ranks in the top ten. And when the next strong El Nino rolls around, the cycle will once again be repeated.
Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Dipole Moment is Driving Global Carbon Dioxide Levels and Global Warming
Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Dipole Moment is Driving Global Carbon Dioxide Levels and Global Warming

NASA Warns Earth’s Magnetic Field Weakening, Poles Shift Imminent: Reversal Could Have Caused Neanderthal Extinction
NASA Warns Earth’s Magnetic Field Weakening, Poles Shift Imminent: Reversal Could Have Caused Neanderthal Extinction


Ice Core temperatures (bottom) compared to inverted or negative magnetic field strength (top) (from Wikipedia).
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

Oh Gawd...........

The AGW k00ks roll this one out every year.......20 years now and still nobody is caring.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
Ignore the denier cult, just as one ignores Flat Earthers or Birthers.

They don't live in reality and should be treated as such.
Humanity has never been known for its foresight. One way or another, it's a species not long for this world, or any other...

Eh, if we actually do screw it up that bad, then the planet gets rid of us, and maybe weasels get a chance to evolve into sentience.


I say we dump leftists now, since THEY'VE never evolved into sentience, and replace them with the weasels. It's unlikely that the rest of us will notice a lot of difference.
Thank you Cecille. I'll add your post to my collection of suicide requests and death threats from conservative posters.

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