Hard Reality Approaches...

Why lookey here this was waaaaay back in 2007. Oh, crap that wasn't all that long ago. Oh well, no worries, you clowns will no doubt gin up another prediction that will then fail and you will rely on the ignorance and the stupidity of your fellow travellers and claim that your prediction was 100% accurate!

Here's your blast from the past.... Enjoy!

Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'

LOLOLOL....from the article you cited....

"Professor Maslowski's group, which includes co-workers at Nasa and the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), is well known for producing modelled dates that are in advance of other teams.

These other teams have variously produced dates for an open summer ocean that, broadly speaking, go out from about 2040 to 2100."


A study by a team of Arctic scientists led by Professor Wieslaw Maslowski at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, said there was a good possibility of a largely ice-free-in-summertime Arctic happening by 2016 plus or minus three years. Worst case scenario was that it might be ice free by the end of the summer melt season in 2013. The team's research was funded by the Department of Energy (DOE), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

A paper by principal investigator Professor Maslowski in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences sets out some of the findings of the research project:

"Given the estimated trend and the volume estimate for October–November of 2007 at less than 9,000 km3, one can project that at this rate it would take only 9 more years or until 2016 ± 3 years to reach a nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer. Regardless of high uncertainty associated with such an estimate, it does provide a lower bound of the time range for projections of seasonal sea ice cover."

All of the rest of the silly propaganda whipped up by the fossil fuel industry shills, claiming that 'all of the scientists predicted an ice free Arctic by 2013 and it didn't (exactly) happen then, so all of climate science must be wrong' was just spun-up malarky, intended to deceive the ignorant and foolish. Most teams studying the Arctic have predicted summer ice free conditions by maybe 2030 at the earliest. There is increasing evidence though that Professor Maslowski's teams' analysis may turn out to be more accurate. According to the NSIDC, air temperatures are 7 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit above average over the central Arctic right now.

Laugh all you want to silly boy. Their models said the Arctic would be ice free by 2013. It is now 2015 and look at that would ya! Still have ice there. In fact it is going to be a banner year for ice. So much for your so called experts. WRONG AGAIN!



Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
Not that far from two standard deviations from the norm. And you call that a banner year for the ice?

Westwall, you silly ass, 2015 came in fourth lowest extent. So the decline continues.
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Yes, we do post real facts. Your "real scientists" tell you that the world is about to end. I have shown you that there have been MANY times when the Earth was warmer and not one single catastrophe that they scream is about to happen ever has. That is a fact. Feel free to post up a fact that supports your side and I will be happy to post up one that refutes it.

That's how science works and I too have a PhD in geology so I fully understand how the scientific method works. Clearly you don't.

What exactly about 10,000 PH.D's is so hard to understand. You lose, big time, no contest, no debate, the debate ended 15 years ago for the global scientific community. There is no debate any more. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society, there is no debate anymore about that either. Their credentials are meaningless to any discussion because they cannot accept reality.

Reality isn't an abstract concept that everyone just gets to put out there on their own terms. You don't believe in gravity? I'm not interested, that debate was also settled by the scientific community long ago. No debate. Any opposing opinions are superfluous and to be ignored. Don't believe in germs because you can't see them? No debate, sorry. You can rail on as long as you want, that was also settled in the scientific community long ago.

Global Warming is real and accelerating, that was settled by the scientific community long ago. There is no debate.

Try the religion forum as denial seems to have become a religion these days.

"I have can claim to have a PhD on an Internet message board, so I WIN!!!!"

Epic fail. You lose. Fuck off.
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Yes, we do post real facts. Your "real scientists" tell you that the world is about to end. I have shown you that there have been MANY times when the Earth was warmer and not one single catastrophe that they scream is about to happen ever has. That is a fact. Feel free to post up a fact that supports your side and I will be happy to post up one that refutes it.

That's how science works and I too have a PhD in geology so I fully understand how the scientific method works. Clearly you don't.

What exactly about 10,000 PH.D's is so hard to understand. You lose, big time, no contest, no debate, the debate ended 15 years ago for the global scientific community. There is no debate any more. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society, there is no debate anymore about that either. Their credentials are meaningless to any discussion because they cannot accept reality.

Reality isn't an abstract concept that everyone just gets to put out there on their own terms. You don't believe in gravity? I'm not interested, that debate was also settled by the scientific community long ago. No debate. Any opposing opinions are superfluous and to be ignored. Don't believe in germs because you can't see them? No debate, sorry. You can rail on as long as you want, that was also settled in the scientific community long ago.

Global Warming is real and accelerating, that was settled by the scientific community long ago. There is no debate.

Try the religion forum as denial seems to have become a religion these days.

"I have can claim to have a PhD on an Internet message board, so I WIN!!!!"

Epic fail. You lose. Fuck off.
My word, he did not claim to have a Phd. He stated that over 10,000 scientists with various Phd's have said the consensus on AGW is settled. As for the rest of your post, I think you have demonstrated the thought processes of a denialist very well.
Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Yes, we do post real facts. Your "real scientists" tell you that the world is about to end. I have shown you that there have been MANY times when the Earth was warmer and not one single catastrophe that they scream is about to happen ever has. That is a fact. Feel free to post up a fact that supports your side and I will be happy to post up one that refutes it.

That's how science works and I too have a PhD in geology so I fully understand how the scientific method works. Clearly you don't.

What exactly about 10,000 PH.D's is so hard to understand. You lose, big time, no contest, no debate, the debate ended 15 years ago for the global scientific community. There is no debate any more. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society, there is no debate anymore about that either. Their credentials are meaningless to any discussion because they cannot accept reality.

Reality isn't an abstract concept that everyone just gets to put out there on their own terms. You don't believe in gravity? I'm not interested, that debate was also settled by the scientific community long ago. No debate. Any opposing opinions are superfluous and to be ignored. Don't believe in germs because you can't see them? No debate, sorry. You can rail on as long as you want, that was also settled in the scientific community long ago.

Global Warming is real and accelerating, that was settled by the scientific community long ago. There is no debate.

Try the religion forum as denial seems to have become a religion these days.

"I have can claim to have a PhD on an Internet message board, so I WIN!!!!"

Epic fail. You lose. Fuck off.
Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Yes, we do post real facts. Your "real scientists" tell you that the world is about to end. I have shown you that there have been MANY times when the Earth was warmer and not one single catastrophe that they scream is about to happen ever has. That is a fact. Feel free to post up a fact that supports your side and I will be happy to post up one that refutes it.

That's how science works and I too have a PhD in geology so I fully understand how the scientific method works. Clearly you don't.

What exactly about 10,000 PH.D's is so hard to understand. You lose, big time, no contest, no debate, the debate ended 15 years ago for the global scientific community. There is no debate any more. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society, there is no debate anymore about that either. Their credentials are meaningless to any discussion because they cannot accept reality.

Reality isn't an abstract concept that everyone just gets to put out there on their own terms. You don't believe in gravity? I'm not interested, that debate was also settled by the scientific community long ago. No debate. Any opposing opinions are superfluous and to be ignored. Don't believe in germs because you can't see them? No debate, sorry. You can rail on as long as you want, that was also settled in the scientific community long ago.

Global Warming is real and accelerating, that was settled by the scientific community long ago. There is no debate.

Try the religion forum as denial seems to have become a religion these days.

"I have can claim to have a PhD on an Internet message board, so I WIN!!!!"

Epic fail. You lose. Fuck off.
My word, he did not claim to have a Phd. He stated that over 10,000 scientists with various Phd's have said the consensus on AGW is settled. As for the rest of your post, I think you have demonstrated the thought processes of a denialist very well.

No statement EVER came from 10,000 scientists in Climate Science saying "the science was settled".. And telling us that 10,000 PhDs "all agree" is MEANINGLESS unless you ask about DOZEN important open issue questions on GW and get a UNANIMOUS vote. Far from the reality of a Bray and Storch poll on the REAL QUESTIONS about GW theory..

In fact -- I seriously doubt that FigNewton could come up with 3 questions on the science he presumes "to be settled".. His claims are about as important as a Packer's fan about how next season will turn out.
Why lookey here this was waaaaay back in 2007. Oh, crap that wasn't all that long ago. Oh well, no worries, you clowns will no doubt gin up another prediction that will then fail and you will rely on the ignorance and the stupidity of your fellow travellers and claim that your prediction was 100% accurate!

Here's your blast from the past.... Enjoy!

Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'
By Jonathan Amos
Science reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'

LOLOLOL....from the article you cited....

"Professor Maslowski's group, which includes co-workers at Nasa and the Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS), is well known for producing modelled dates that are in advance of other teams.

These other teams have variously produced dates for an open summer ocean that, broadly speaking, go out from about 2040 to 2100."


A study by a team of Arctic scientists led by Professor Wieslaw Maslowski at the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California, said there was a good possibility of a largely ice-free-in-summertime Arctic happening by 2016 plus or minus three years. Worst case scenario was that it might be ice free by the end of the summer melt season in 2013. The team's research was funded by the Department of Energy (DOE), the Office of Naval Research (ONR), the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

A paper by principal investigator Professor Maslowski in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences sets out some of the findings of the research project:

"Given the estimated trend and the volume estimate for October–November of 2007 at less than 9,000 km3, one can project that at this rate it would take only 9 more years or until 2016 ± 3 years to reach a nearly ice-free Arctic Ocean in summer. Regardless of high uncertainty associated with such an estimate, it does provide a lower bound of the time range for projections of seasonal sea ice cover."

All of the rest of the silly propaganda whipped up by the fossil fuel industry shills, claiming that 'all of the scientists predicted an ice free Arctic by 2013 and it didn't (exactly) happen then, so all of climate science must be wrong' was just spun-up malarky, intended to deceive the ignorant and foolish. Most teams studying the Arctic have predicted summer ice free conditions by maybe 2030 at the earliest. There is increasing evidence though that Professor Maslowski's teams' analysis may turn out to be more accurate. According to the NSIDC, air temperatures are 7 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit above average over the central Arctic right now.

Laugh all you want to silly boy. Their models said the Arctic would be ice free by 2013. It is now 2015 and look at that would ya! Still have ice there. In fact it is going to be a banner year for ice. So much for your so called experts. WRONG AGAIN!



Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag
Not that far from two standard deviations from the norm. And you call that a banner year for the ice?

Westwall, you silly ass, 2015 came in fourth lowest extent. So the decline continues.

What? You mean it bottomed and now it is rising again. Is that what you meant to say? Still, this is 2015 aaaaaaannnd there is still Arctic ice unlike your hero's claims that it would be gone....um .......two years ago.
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Wow, nothing gets the ankle biters on message boards going more than trying to refute 10,000 PH.D's, then citing 'this guy, go read about him'.

Global Warming deniers, I didn't post this to debate you, I'm not sure why that doesn't register with you but that is the truth. I ignore you. You have nothing of value to offer on this subject, THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED 15 YEARS AGO. Go find a snowball to throw at Congress. You post endless charts of this and that, just like Flat Earthers produce charts supporting their nonsense.

But its nonsense.

There are people that can only be brought dragging and screaming into a new reality because its too scary. I understand. And because I do I'm not interested in discussion with someone that operates solely on fear.

The science is settled, there is no debate.

You seem to need someone to declare you 'the winner' for whatever thread you post to. Knock yourself out. Give each other gold stars on your papers.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago. I don't care who doesn't believe it, the scientific community of the human race settled it.

There is only one thing left to do, slow and then stop it. The political will is still not there though if you read the OP and the link posted you will see there are cracks developing that may allow the human race to face this head on at some point in the near future. MAY. We aren't there by a long shot.

So go post up in the Flamer forum. Nothing you have to say interests me. Sorry.
Every time I see a global warming thread, I take a long car ride just to help it along.

The prospect of a hotter planet is exciting.
That's just graph abuse Mammy.. You ignored all those colorful squigglies. They are more important than that 'heavily filtered black line..

Someone needs a statistics lesson, it would appear.

THOSE are the peaks and valleys of the proxies. MANY OF WHICH --- easily exceed our little temperature blip.. And if you rolled that heavy filter out to 2004 -- OUR temperature transition would steam-rolled into insignificance..

And just as many are much colder. And you ignore that.

All those warm periods Westwall names have both cold and warm proxy curves. You blindly assume the warmer one is right and the cold one must be wrong. Cherrypicking failure.

Learn to grab what you can from a graph and not be lulled into stupid conclusions..

Good advice. Being your conclusions are stupid, I reject them.

Good -- NOW you noticed the actual data. That's progress. Yup.. LOTS of variance in those numbers. Both up and down. And if you look at the magnitude of those swings -- it just might set you on the road to recovering your perspective and your ability to think for yourself..
Hard reality sure is approaching............soon every person on the planet is going to be owning nut sack warmers lest their balls fall off with potentially catastrophic cold hitting us in the next few years.............

Cold sun rising - The Nation

Turns out......the sun matters HUGE except to the AGW goofballs!!!

Every month there are more folks studying this pattern leading to Solar Minimum who are willing to stick their necks out and call it done. This article has one saying IT WILL HAPPEN. Not the first either.

You KNOW................................. Pretty soon........................................... We're gonna have "settled science" and a 97% consensus of solar scientists !!!!!!

:banana: :dance: :desk: :banana:
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

The WMO chief needs some catch up lessons in the Paleo records. The earth has seen these levels before and recently as about 6,000 years ago. How can a man who is supposed to be up on science be so ignorant of it? Political agenda maybe?
Wow, nothing gets the ankle biters on message boards going more than trying to refute 10,000 PH.D's, then citing 'this guy, go read about him'.

Global Warming deniers, I didn't post this to debate you, I'm not sure why that doesn't register with you but that is the truth. I ignore you. You have nothing of value to offer on this subject, THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED 15 YEARS AGO. Go find a snowball to throw at Congress. You post endless charts of this and that, just like Flat Earthers produce charts supporting their nonsense.

But its nonsense.

There are people that can only be brought dragging and screaming into a new reality because its too scary. I understand. And because I do I'm not interested in discussion with someone that operates solely on fear.

The science is settled, there is no debate.

You seem to need someone to declare you 'the winner' for whatever thread you post to. Knock yourself out. Give each other gold stars on your papers.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago. I don't care who doesn't believe it, the scientific community of the human race settled it.

There is only one thing left to do, slow and then stop it. The political will is still not there though if you read the OP and the link posted you will see there are cracks developing that may allow the human race to face this head on at some point in the near future. MAY. We aren't there by a long shot.

So go post up in the Flamer forum. Nothing you have to say interests me. Sorry.

There is nothing more hilarious than watching a scientific illiterate try and ignore the scientific method and constantly appeal to authority in a vain attempt to BS their way out of the fact that their hero's are incompetent morons who can't predict a single thing!

Good try silly boy but you lose. Yet again....
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

The WMO chief needs some catch up lessons in the Paleo records. The earth has seen these levels before and recently as about 6,000 years ago. How can a man who is supposed to be up on science be so ignorant of it? Political agenda maybe?

You're ignorant and misinformed, and "the WMO chief" knows vastly more about this matter than you ever will.

Last Time Carbon Dioxide Levels Were This High: 15 Million Years Ago, Scientists Report
Nope. I'm not even looking at your cute little proxies.

Of course you're not. It debunks your cult pseudoscience, so you're going to run screaming from it.

I am relying on verifiable historical facts to show that it was warmer in those times. The tax man is a very efficient record keeper and they track who is growing what, and most importantly where they are growing it the best.

If a group deliberately discards good data in favor of fuzzy crap data, you know you're looking at some grade-A pseudoscience. Here, you're discarding actual temperature proxies in favor of some kook blogger's crazy interpretation of cherrypicked ancient tax records.

As I said, we rely on fact

You keep screaming that you have the facts, but you never present any actual facts. The rational people have concluded that you're just making stuff up. As evidence, you just fabricated a fraudulent claim that all the models predicted the arctic would be ice-free by 2013.

and you rely on computer derived fiction.

That's one of your favorite big lies. As I've pointed out to you many times, global warming science is rock solid even without a single model. The directly observable data proves it. If you disagree, give us your theory that explains the currently observed stratospheric cooling, the increase in backradiation and the decrease in OLR in the GHG bands. You know, those directly observed things that are all smoking guns for human-caused global warming.
so, just one question, you made the statement: The directly observable data proves it, Is that observed data or observed data that someone adjusted? Just asking.
Wow, nothing gets the ankle biters on message boards going more than trying to refute 10,000 PH.D's, then citing 'this guy, go read about him'.

Global Warming deniers, I didn't post this to debate you, I'm not sure why that doesn't register with you but that is the truth. I ignore you. You have nothing of value to offer on this subject, THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED 15 YEARS AGO. Go find a snowball to throw at Congress. You post endless charts of this and that, just like Flat Earthers produce charts supporting their nonsense.

But its nonsense.

There are people that can only be brought dragging and screaming into a new reality because its too scary. I understand. And because I do I'm not interested in discussion with someone that operates solely on fear.

The science is settled, there is no debate.

You seem to need someone to declare you 'the winner' for whatever thread you post to. Knock yourself out. Give each other gold stars on your papers.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago. I don't care who doesn't believe it, the scientific community of the human race settled it.

There is only one thing left to do, slow and then stop it. The political will is still not there though if you read the OP and the link posted you will see there are cracks developing that may allow the human race to face this head on at some point in the near future. MAY. We aren't there by a long shot.

So go post up in the Flamer forum. Nothing you have to say interests me. Sorry.

Fascinating how leftists are now right out in the open saying, "Wow, I made a claim and it was refuted! That means I WIN!!!" It was only a matter of time before their whole no-evidence-acknowledged, lack-of-reality worldview led to this.

Since you've been so kind as to be honest about your "I exist, therefore I'm always right" viewpoint, that saves a lot of time I don't have to waste pretending you're a human being. FLUSH!
Wow, still no reply on the directly observed data thingy. Me guesses that he can't answer it without looking like a booby
And the whining continues.

Go find another thread to flame trolls. Put up a thread that reads Yay, We Win, then flame away.

I promise I won't post to it so you can feel especially good. Deniers of scientific reality not needed here. Find the Ben Carson pyramid grain storage thread and wail on. Or the Flat Earth Society. Plenty for you to do elsewhere, please take advantage of all that the website has to offer.
Last edited:
Wow, nothing gets the ankle biters on message boards going more than trying to refute 10,000 PH.D's, then citing 'this guy, go read about him'.

Global Warming deniers, I didn't post this to debate you, I'm not sure why that doesn't register with you but that is the truth. I ignore you. You have nothing of value to offer on this subject, THE SCIENCE WAS SETTLED 15 YEARS AGO. Go find a snowball to throw at Congress. You post endless charts of this and that, just like Flat Earthers produce charts supporting their nonsense.

But its nonsense.

There are people that can only be brought dragging and screaming into a new reality because its too scary. I understand. And because I do I'm not interested in discussion with someone that operates solely on fear.

The science is settled, there is no debate.

You seem to need someone to declare you 'the winner' for whatever thread you post to. Knock yourself out. Give each other gold stars on your papers.

The science on Global Warming was settled 15 years ago. I don't care who doesn't believe it, the scientific community of the human race settled it.

There is only one thing left to do, slow and then stop it. The political will is still not there though if you read the OP and the link posted you will see there are cracks developing that may allow the human race to face this head on at some point in the near future. MAY. We aren't there by a long shot.

So go post up in the Flamer forum. Nothing you have to say interests me. Sorry.

Fascinating how leftists are now right out in the open saying, "Wow, I made a claim and it was refuted! That means I WIN!!!"

You refuted nothing. On the contrary, all of your moronic anti-science denier cult myths have been debunked by the actual scientific facts. Your cult of reality denial is an insane little astroturfed creation of the fossil fuel industry propaganda pushers and you rightwingnut AGW deniers are their dupes and stooges.

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