Hard Reality Approaches...

Humanity has never been known for its foresight. One way or another, it's a species not long for this world, or any other...
The problem is all nations would have to work together and we know that's not going happen. Humans lack the capacity for really long range planning which would be necessary. 5 years is about extent of any plan.
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You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Your OP quoted a PhD?? That's news to me.. Go read it again... It's a bunch of political hackery and UN press releases agitating for next begging festival..

Do you know the difference between scientific debate and that crap??
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Yes, we do post real facts. Your "real scientists" tell you that the world is about to end. I have shown you that there have been MANY times when the Earth was warmer and not one single catastrophe that they scream is about to happen ever has. That is a fact. Feel free to post up a fact that supports your side and I will be happy to post up one that refutes it.

That's how science works and I too have a PhD in geology so I fully understand how the scientific method works. Clearly you don't.

What exactly about 10,000 PH.D's is so hard to understand. You lose, big time, no contest, no debate, the debate ended 15 years ago for the global scientific community. There is no debate any more. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society, there is no debate anymore about that either. Their credentials are meaningless to any discussion because they cannot accept reality.

Reality isn't an abstract concept that everyone just gets to put out there on their own terms. You don't believe in gravity? I'm not interested, that debate was also settled by the scientific community long ago. No debate. Any opposing opinions are superfluous and to be ignored. Don't believe in germs because you can't see them? No debate, sorry. You can rail on as long as you want, that was also settled in the scientific community long ago.

Global Warming is real and accelerating, that was settled by the scientific community long ago. There is no debate.

Try the religion forum as denial seems to have become a religion these days.
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...

Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Yes, we do post real facts. Your "real scientists" tell you that the world is about to end. I have shown you that there have been MANY times when the Earth was warmer and not one single catastrophe that they scream is about to happen ever has. That is a fact. Feel free to post up a fact that supports your side and I will be happy to post up one that refutes it.

That's how science works and I too have a PhD in geology so I fully understand how the scientific method works. Clearly you don't.

What exactly about 10,000 PH.D's is so hard to understand. You lose, big time, no contest, no debate, the debate ended 15 years ago for the global scientific community. There is no debate any more. There are PH.D's in the Flat Earth Society, there is no debate anymore about that either. Their credentials are meaningless to any discussion because they cannot accept reality.

Reality isn't an abstract concept that everyone just gets to put out there on their own terms. You don't believe in gravity? I'm not interested, that debate was also settled by the scientific community long ago. No debate. Any opposing opinions are superfluous and to be ignored. Don't believe in germs because you can't see them? No debate, sorry. You can rail on as long as you want, that was also settled in the scientific community long ago.

Global Warming is real and accelerating, that was settled by the scientific community long ago. There is no debate.

Try the religion forum as denial seems to have become a religion these days.

No, it's not. In fact the 97% meme has been debunked more times than I care to think about. Furthermore I suggest you look up the logical fallacy "Appeal to Authority". Then I suggest you look up "CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION". That should get you started towards understanding how science works and how totally the climatologists have failed to follow the scientific method. Which I also suggest you look up.
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...

Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.

I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..
You don't have facts, you have tired reposted ad nauseum nothing.

If you check the link in the OP it is what is important. You and the rest of the denier cult simply do this same thing on every single thread about Global Warming.

Yes we know. You don't like reality. Fair enough.

Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...

Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.

I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..

Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.
Wrong. We HAVE been posting facts. Facts that you refuse to acknowledge which is simply stupid. Do you understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?

You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...

Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.

I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..

Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.

This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.
You repeat the same thing over and over and over, which has been refuted by real scientists everywhere. I'm not interested in YOU saying you know more than the PH.D's, the hard evidence from PH.D's outweighs anything in your head by light year. There is a Mt. Everest of facts and evidence against you.

You DON"T post facts, you post what you hear are facts that have been lawyered to fit your pre-determined desired outcome.

Type them into a text document so you can sit there and reread them over and over and feel good. No problem.

Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...

Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.

I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..

Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.

This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.

So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.
Charts I posted showing higher resolution CO2 studies? I gave you the link.. What's wrong with them? Besides blowing away the hackery of claiming CO2 were never even close to today in recent history. Can you read a GRAPH? If not --- stop posting them...

Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.

I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..

Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.

This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.

So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.

No, I follow the scientific method which trumps appeals to authority any day of the week. Way to go silly person you're an insult to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a thinker. You are a parrot.
Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose.

I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..

Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.

This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.

So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.

No, I follow the scientific method which trumps appeals to authority any day of the week. Way to go silly person you're an insult to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a thinker. You are a parrot.

So citing the entire body of PH.D's in science is 'appeal to authority'. And in your mind there is no authority. So wouldn't citing 10,000 heart surgeons that use the same technique as an authority be an 'appeal to authority'?

A fallacy is a mistaken belief, one based on unsound argument. And your opinion is that it is an unsound argument to cite the entire scientific body of the human race.

Good luck with that.
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I like those odds.. :cool-45: Even if they are only in your head. When you hear these 10,000 PhDs speaking --- do they tell you what the temperature anomaly will be in 2065 to within a degree? Certainly they don't all agree.

Go read some Bray and von Storch surveys of their opinions..

Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.

This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.

So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.

No, I follow the scientific method which trumps appeals to authority any day of the week. Way to go silly person you're an insult to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a thinker. You are a parrot.

So citing the entire body of PH.D's in science is 'appeal to authority'. And in your mind there is no authority. So wouldn't citing 10,000 heart surgeons that use the same technique as an authority be an 'appeal to authority'?

A fallacy is a mistaken belief, one based on unsound argument. And your opinion is it is an unsound argument to cite the entire scientific body of the human race.

Good luck with that.

Yes, it is. Here is the breakdown checklist for appeals to authority. If even one of these points is checked the appeal to authority fails. Look at point number 6. Are the experts biased? Well well, they ALL receive money for their continued support of the fraud (for that is what it is) so they fail that point immediately.

See how that works?

  1. Has the authority been identified?
  2. Is their area of expertise legitimate?
  3. Does the authority have sufficient expertise in the subject at hand?
  4. Is the claim made by the authority within their area(s) of expertise?
  5. Is there sufficient agreement among the other experts in the subject?
  6. Is the authority significantly biased?

Appeal To Authority Breakdown
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

Um, how does he know what was and wasn't seen on Earth for the last million years? No one was here to see it, much less leave a record.
For the same reason we know there was dinosaurs and an Ice Age. It's called Science.
Earth in 'uncharted territory' on global warming

"Concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are now reaching levels not seen on Earth for more than 800,000, maybe even one million years," WMO chief Michel Jarraud told reporters.

"This means we are now really in uncharted territory for the human race," he warned.

Denying it doesn't even matter anymore, all deniers are doing is delaying action that could possibly avert catastrophe, which is now inevitable. Something wicked this way comes.

Um, how does he know what was and wasn't seen on Earth for the last million years? No one was here to see it, much less leave a record.
For the same reason we know there was dinosaurs and an Ice Age. It's called Science.

Except that the particular claim made is a deliberate misinterpretation of the FULL volume of work on the subject. And the historical records include the individual proxy studies with HIGHER resolution that show the statement to be misleading -- if not false..
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Them -- 10,000 PH.D's.
You -- 1.

You lose. No debate.

This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.

So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.

No, I follow the scientific method which trumps appeals to authority any day of the week. Way to go silly person you're an insult to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a thinker. You are a parrot.

So citing the entire body of PH.D's in science is 'appeal to authority'. And in your mind there is no authority. So wouldn't citing 10,000 heart surgeons that use the same technique as an authority be an 'appeal to authority'?

A fallacy is a mistaken belief, one based on unsound argument. And your opinion is it is an unsound argument to cite the entire scientific body of the human race.

Good luck with that.

Yes, it is. Here is the breakdown checklist for appeals to authority. If even one of these points is checked the appeal to authority fails. Look at point number 6. Are the experts biased? Well well, they ALL receive money for their continued support of the fraud (for that is what it is) so they fail that point immediately.

See how that works?

    • Has the authority been identified?
    • Is their area of expertise legitimate?
    • Does the authority have sufficient expertise in the subject at hand?
    • Is the claim made by the authority within their area(s) of expertise?
    • Is there sufficient agreement among the other experts in the subject?
    • Is the authority significantly biased?
Appeal To Authority Breakdown
No, what I see is another of Mr. Westwall's lies.

So, if you work for a government, a university, or a scientific organization like Woods Hole, you are biased. But if you work for Exxon, or any other energy corporation, you will not be biased. Sorry fellow, most scientists have more ethics than that.
Its you against 10,000 PH.D's.

You lose. No debate.
This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.
So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.

Westwall's pretensions of knowing more and understanding science better than the entire world scientific community are indeed hilarious. It's called being severely afflicted by the Dunning-Kruger Effect...
I pointed out a number of times, it is no use talking to these people. They reside in circular illogic that seeks no truth. It is intellectual dishonesty and using the word 'intellectual' is being extremely generous. Their whole argument is 'cuz'.
This is called moronic. Just so you know. This is also called an "Appeal to Authority" which is a fundamental logic fail, so no...it is you who lost.

So for you there is no authority, except you, who gets to declare yourself smarter than 10,000 PH.D's.

Ok Newman, go with that.

No, I follow the scientific method which trumps appeals to authority any day of the week. Way to go silly person you're an insult to the memory of Sir Isaac Newton. He was a thinker. You are a parrot.

So citing the entire body of PH.D's in science is 'appeal to authority'. And in your mind there is no authority. So wouldn't citing 10,000 heart surgeons that use the same technique as an authority be an 'appeal to authority'?

A fallacy is a mistaken belief, one based on unsound argument. And your opinion is it is an unsound argument to cite the entire scientific body of the human race.

Good luck with that.

Yes, it is. Here is the breakdown checklist for appeals to authority. If even one of these points is checked the appeal to authority fails. Look at point number 6. Are the experts biased? Well well, they ALL receive money for their continued support of the fraud (for that is what it is) so they fail that point immediately.

See how that works?

    • Has the authority been identified?
    • Is their area of expertise legitimate?
    • Does the authority have sufficient expertise in the subject at hand?
    • Is the claim made by the authority within their area(s) of expertise?
    • Is there sufficient agreement among the other experts in the subject?
    • Is the authority significantly biased?
Appeal To Authority Breakdown
No, what I see is another of Mr. Westwall's lies.

So, if you work for a government, a university, or a scientific organization like Woods Hole, you are biased. But if you work for Exxon, or any other energy corporation, you will not be biased. Sorry fellow, most scientists have more ethics than that.

Yes, that is the definition of bias moron. If your funding is dependent on your continued support how could it be any other way? Your supreme idiocy knows no bounds.
I pointed out a number of times, it is no use talking to these people. They reside in circular illogic that seeks no truth. It is intellectual dishonesty and using the word 'intellectual' is being extremely generous. Their whole argument is 'cuz'.

No, our argument is based on verifiable historical FACT. Yours is based on computer derived fiction. Sadly you're so dumb you don't understand the difference.

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