Harney county residents express gratitude to the Bundys

These terrorists should be shackled and marched away, like the people who's land their grandparents stole.

Oregon residents in packed town hall want armed militia to leave | PBS NewsHour

Ranchers and other longtime residents said theyfelt their concerns, including land use issues and employment after the decline of the timber industry in Oregon, haven’t been talked about on a national scale until the armed men took over the federal building.

Still, a majority of speakers said they would like the refuge occupiers to leave. Early in the meeting, Harney County Sheriff David Ward asked for a straw poll of who would like the militants to peacefully return to their homes. Nearly every hand in the room shot up.

Multiple residents volunteered to travel with Ward to the refuge Thursday morning and ask the militants to go.

“Someone from Harney County, or a group of us, needs to tell them we recognize what you’ve done, but it’s time for you to go home to your families,” said county resident Rob Frank.

The citizens of Harney County want the militia to leave. Already the loopy asses are fighting among themselves.
The 3%s have shown up and have created an outside perimeter. I hope the locals will as well. I think they will.

Oregon standoff: Idaho group arrives to 'secure perimeter, prevent Waco-style situation'

the feds should send in drones to put the trash down once and for all

I love how progressives in one breath can talk about going the nuclear route in this case and in the next tell me it's okay to import terrorist.

You fuckers are certifiable ...
ROADS! Did you say Roads?

There is likely one dirt track suitable for 4 wheel drive. The area is popular with bird watchers so the road is optional.
Why don't you just show how fucking stupid your truly are. There are goodly number of paved roads in the area.
Drones are fun to watch, except usually for the watched.

They can be neutralized to a certain extent,especially if you know they're there.
Yup, and when the feds realize what is happening, the next group are rocket armed.

Cant hit what you cant see....
And the second our government starts to use drones and rockets on our own citizens this country will explode.
When that happens the 3% now becomes 15%......
It would be a very bad move.....and besides,Barry will be gone and things will start to change for the better.
That's your opinion and a poor one at that. The Hammonds have left, the county residents want the militia to leave, and the feds and states are not letting anyone in. Nothing to see.
That's your opinion and a poor one at that. The Hammonds have left, the county residents want the militia to leave, and the feds and states are not letting anyone in. Nothing to see.

Which is how it will end despite your desirers to see a little of this on American citizens...
That's your opinion and a poor one at that. The Hammonds have left, the county residents want the militia to leave, and the feds and states are not letting anyone in. Nothing to see.

Let's hope they sober up before driving ...

This just cracked me up. Really shows the caliber of these domestic terrorist wannabes. Their whole show just fizzled out, ended before it got started.


If the miscreants don't leave pretty soon, they will just close off all access, and electricity, and wait them out. Then they should be arrested on charges of sedition, criminal trespass, and any other charge that is appropriate. Also so should search for outstanding warrants. And if any have felony records, there is the little matter of a felon with a gun. All sentences consectutive, not concurrent. Time to end this nonsense.

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