Harris accepts CNN debate invitation for October 23

We would be better off under Harris than we would under Trump. Don't start repeating that garbge about how prosperous we were because that prosperity had nothing to do with trump.
True, that was President Obama’s prosperity during Trump’s failed time in office – prosperity that Trump managed to run into the ground.
The fact that Harris has accepted the debate only goes to show that she and CNN have another hit job cooked up.
Trump knows that another debate disaster during early voting and when most voters are completing their mail in ballots, just days before the General Election, would doom his bid for office.

Trump is in face a coward.
Trump knows that another debate disaster
Another? When was his first? I count the ABC debate as pretty much a tie, neither one distinguished themselves well, but Trump left the viewer with the Kamela Killer Thought: If all these things Kamala is promising to fix are so important that she will fix them, then WHY HASN'T SHE ALREADY DONE SO OR IS DOING SO RIGHT NOW THESE PAST FOUR YEARS?

Trump is in face a coward.
Right. That must be why Trump has acquiesced TWICE now 2 for 2 in meeting Biden's AND Harris' demands to meet by THEIR rules on THEIR networks while she refuses to meet on Trump's terms? Who did you say the coward was?
Trump lost that debte. The ass whipping he took was so drastic that his cult members are crying about how it was 1 on 3.
Kamal can do an interview on CNN and Trump can do an interview on FOX/NEWSMAX the same night at the same time by themselves with their own commentators asking the questions.
Missourian, you don't believe that Trump clobbered Kamala?
I think Trump got his message across much better that Harris did.

She focused on trivialities like Trump's rallies while Trump talked about policy how the Biden/Harris regime was destroying the country.

Trump's favor ability after the debate INCREASED with independents...Harris' did not.

Plus, ABC was biased AF...and that became the story.

Trump could have done better...but the polls tell us Harris didn't do enough...and the ambush journalism of ABC gives Trump the perfect out from giving Harris another opportunity.

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