Harris laughs when asked question about suffering Ukrainian war refugees

Too bad nobody on our side got to see the interpreter's notes that Trump confiscated after his love fest alone with Putin. Our intel agencies don't know what was discussed but you can bet your ass Putin's does.

There's your boy.

Who killed Kennedy?
Harris will now own the MAGA herd over a chuckle.

Mass hysteria will be the order of the day for the next week in the red capped mob.
How will she “own” those who want to Make America Great Again? Please explain. She is an embarrassment. Like you. Who do you own?
How will she “own” those who want to Make America Great Again? Please explain. She is an embarrassment. Like you. Who do you own?
We saw your MAGA brand in action on Jan.6.

No thanks. You're nothing but a gang of fucking traitors.
WTF? I just saw the video. She is a certifiable moron! Good God, the Democrats have served up the worst President and Vice President in the history of the country.
Yep, that's how much people wanted Trump gone. America voted for a feeble fuck and a total bumbass just to get rid of Trump... Sadly the GOP thinks Trump has enough support to get elected again. We need better people from both parties or there won't be a United states very soon.
Harris will now own the MAGA herd over a chuckle.

Mass hysteria will be the order of the day for the next week in the red capped mob.
Oh brother.

Hey, newsflash - it's not the red capped mob you have to worry about.

It's all the other people.

The Brits, the Germans, the Poles, the Chinese...

Especially the Chinese. The "other" red capped mob. (tm)
It has been well established for some time now that she is in way over her head.
She is embarrassing.
She'll spew out a bunch of words, and you'll go away trying to figure out what the fuck she was actually trying to say.
How's this gem nostra?
Puede ser una imagen de 3 personas y texto que dice AMA ND UNDOTION TION CLINTON INDATI The Obama and Clinton foundations are fundraising to HELP UKRAINE. Trump is fundraising to BUY HIMSELF a new plane. American compassion VS. American greed. @7VERITAS4 OCCUPY DEMOCRATS

Here we go again. More mass hysteria from the MAGA herd.
Serious question, given her vapid body of work thus far aren't you the least bit embarrassed you helped install her?

It's almost like you tell your kid to mow the lawn and he goes two blocks over and mows someone else's lawn, when asked why the kid just laughs like it's the most normal thing in the world.
When asked this very serious question about how the U.S. might help the Ukrainian war refugees, the affirmative action pick - whose only qualification was that she was a female Black - burst into laughter. Finally, knowing she had to say SOMETHING, she finally made the callous remark, while still giggling, “a friend in need is a friend indeed, huh?”

This is why you don’t hire unqualified people for the sole reason that they’re black. She’s a complete idiot.

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At this point its really not unreasonable to believe this administration could cause a complete and global world war.

scary times.

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