Harris laughs when asked question about suffering Ukrainian war refugees

Serious question, given her vapid body of work thus far aren't you the least bit embarrassed you helped install her?

It's almost like you tell your kid to mow the lawn and he goes two blocks over and mows someone else's lawn, when asked why the kid just laughs like it's the most normal thing in the world.
You should be embarrassed by Pence's behaviour during Trump's term. Pence finally wised up that Trump is a lowlife slimeball who threw him under the bus for failing to help him overturn the election.

But, all good anyway right?
Nice try

She shared a laugh with the Polish President as they couldn’t decide who should answer the question
Nice try

She shared a laugh with the Polish President as they couldn’t decide who should answer the question
And does that explain her ridiculous non-answer about “a friend in need is a friend indeed” - said with a giggle? She is totally clueless.

Unreal that we have some left wingers defending this brainless affirmative action pick.
And does that explain her ridiculous non-answer about “a friend in need is a friend indeed” - said with a giggle? She is totally clueless.

Unreal that we have some left wingers defending this brainless affirmative action pick.

She was laughing at the Polish President not the question
How's this gem nostra?
Puede ser una imagen de 3 personas y texto que dice AMA ND UNDOTION TION CLINTON INDATI The Obama and Clinton foundations are fundraising to HELP UKRAINE. Trump is fundraising to BUY HIMSELF a new plane. American compassion VS. American greed. @7VERITAS4 OCCUPY DEMOCRATS
Asks Haiti how “fundraising” from the Clinton Foundation “helps”.
She was laughing at the Polish President not the question
And she continued laughing as she answered the question with a totally non-answer that an 8th grader could have come up with.

No, she was laughing because she was asked a tough question, and she always laughs when she knows she’s been caught with her pants down. It’s a nervous reaction.

Next time, the Dem should pick the best-qualified, not a POC for no other reason than skin color. Same goes for the SCOTUS. Placing race requirements on job holders is racist.

Harris is an idiot who slid by her whole life due to her skin color, and her talents on her knees.
My god that Ho is an embarrassment to this country.

The rest of the world thinks we are a country of morons with Joe Potatohead as President and the Ho as a VP.

Any American would fell embarrassed to go abroad knowing Americans are the laughing stock of the world now.
She was laughing, most likely due to her uncomfort w/the question.

Probably wasn't authorized to give a definitive answer.

Not the best look, but certainly leaps and bounds ahead of the last Buffoon who ran the country.
Not my fault that Spanky Trump adores Putin.
Well here's the deal.....the Democrats greased the skids for Russia to takeover Ukraine back in 2014....but Trump put a roadblock up on that deal. He wasn't willing to sell out an important ally, so they made up Russian Collusion to prevent him from doing his job and exercising his authority. Clinton and Obama disarmed Ukraine and sent them blankets when Russia invaded Crimea. They got them to get rid of their nukes on the assurance that they would jump to their defense if Russia ever tried anything. Biden literally told Russia he wasn't going to stop him if he attacked.
The only reason Putin invaded Ukraine is because our Democrat presidents made sure that Ukraine couldn't prevent it with the threat of nukes. Then Biden opened the gate and let Russia in like he lets everybody else in thru our Southern borders. He told him that he wasn't going to do anything to stop him.

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Would it have been possible for Biden to find a dumber VP?

On Thursday, speaking in Poland, Vice President Kamala Harris displayed her vast knowledge of geography as she initially described herself on the “northern flank” of the NATO alliance.

Harris stated, “I am here, standing here on the northern flank, on the eastern flank, talking about what we have in terms of the eastern flank and our NATO allies, and what is at stake at this very moment, what is at stake this very moment are some of the guiding principles around the NATO alliance.”

They had to find someone dumber than Joe, and I'm sure it wasn't easy.
The herd can't wait to line up, card in hand as their boy gives them another hosing.

A sucker born every minute & two to take them. Trump & David Dennison.
Pot, meet kettle.

Ask yourself why Hillary was selling our Uranium to Russia?
Why did Obama turn over our manned space program to Russia?

Who was really Putin's friend?

Friggen idiot. :slap:

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Biden is secretly behind the Ukraine invasion....while paying lip-service to it's condemnation.

He doesn't want to do anything to prevent it or end it.

Just remember.....whatever Biden says.....the opposite is usually true.

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