Harris: Of course we must regulate how much meat Americans are eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
what the hell do you think regulate means you idiot
Just one problem. She did not say "regulate"

You fricken clowns should learn to pay attention.
Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
Dude!! That is what the Townhall headline said that she said. Now show us where she actually said it. You don't think much for someone who calls themselves a thinker
"banning certain behaviors" when she was discussing eating habits which is at 1:08 in the video which I'm sure you didn't watch

banning is regulating you fucking idiot
No the idiocy is all yours. The tittle of the thread and of the Townhall write up is "Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating" That is a lie. She never said it

Townhall also lied with this gem "She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits"

Nothing was said about the government forcing changes to diets. She did say something about "banning certain behaviors" but you don't know what that means. It may well have referred to the behavior of the government in matter such as subsidizing cattle ranchers. If is beyond stupid to think that anyone is actually tell you what to eat unless you wind up in the big house.
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.

then why regulate? of course they are going to try to limit what people will eat. They will put a another damn tax on the meat so people can afford it even less. Regulate = $$$$
Food is not taxed Bubba
She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
what the hell do you think regulate means you idiot
Just one problem. She did not say "regulate"

You fricken clowns should learn to pay attention.
Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
Dude!! That is what the Townhall headline said that she said. Now show us where she actually said it. You don't think much for someone who calls themselves a thinker
I posted a link to the video of her saying she wanted the government to use incentives and to ban certain behaviors in regard to diet

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
see post 182
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
What she DID say was all equally stupid and I look forward to the political ads pointing out the sheer lunacy of your party.

So you admit she didn't say that, good for you. Nothing she was saying about was sheer lunacy, most of US citizens are overweight and not healthy.
Even if true how is someones personal diet ANY OF HER FUCKING BUSINESS???
Actually it is when diet becomes a public health issue and when agriculture has a negative effect on the environment
The questioner does not say that.
The questioner said 'reduce consumption of red meat' by 'changing the guidelines'. What does that mean? it means making meat unavailable. It's all it can mean. how else will she reduce consumption. She isn't going to change my eating habits unless, she does something to limit my ability to buy it. or, you're so much smarter than me what would that look like where she doesn't impose her shit on me?

LOL. only in bizzaro world. We have guidelines now that ban nothing.
as always, you didn't answer the question I asked, the questioner said reduce consumption, harris said yes. I asked you to state how she would stop me from consuming meat like I do today? why did you deflect punk?

She wouldn't. She didn't say she would. That was your Paranoia speaking.
Still no honesty, when a video shows it at the 58 second mark, then at 1:08 she says banning, and you deny it’s there when it is, confirms you’re a dick
see post 182 Popeye
what the hell do you think regulate means you idiot
Just one problem. She did not say "regulate"

You fricken clowns should learn to pay attention.
Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
Dude!! That is what the Townhall headline said that she said. Now show us where she actually said it. You don't think much for someone who calls themselves a thinker
I posted a link to the video of her saying she wanted the government to use incentives and to ban certain behaviors in regard to diet

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
see post 182
The government doesn't ban its own behaviors

WHat do you think a politician means when she says we want to ban certain behaviors?

She means she wants to force you to do something differently than you are doing it now.

WHen will you people ever learn the government does not care about you as much as it cares about controlling you
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
What she DID say was all equally stupid and I look forward to the political ads pointing out the sheer lunacy of your party.

So you admit she didn't say that, good for you. Nothing she was saying about was sheer lunacy, most of US citizens are overweight and not healthy.
Even if true how is someones personal diet ANY OF HER FUCKING BUSINESS???
Actually it is when diet becomes a public health issue and when agriculture has a negative effect on the environment

WHat would be better for the environment is if people stopped wasting food.

We waste 220 billion dollars on food we throw out.

SO now think of all the land, time, fossil fuels, chemicals, electricity etc used to grow process and deliver all that food to the people just so they can throw it out.

MAybe we should ban that behavior too
Kameltoe should be in favor of "eating meat"...

After all, it got her where she is today!!!
Just one problem. She did not say "regulate"

You fricken clowns should learn to pay attention.
Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
Dude!! That is what the Townhall headline said that she said. Now show us where she actually said it. You don't think much for someone who calls themselves a thinker
I posted a link to the video of her saying she wanted the government to use incentives and to ban certain behaviors in regard to diet

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
see post 182
The government doesn't ban its own behaviors

WHat do you think a politician means when she says we want to ban certain behaviors?

She means she wants to force you to do something differently than you are doing it now.

WHen will you people ever learn the government does not care about you as much as it cares about controlling you
Horseshit! The government most certainly does regulate itself. Congress and the courts determine what the Administrative branch can and cannot do. Administrative agencies were crated by statue have developed administrative codes that specify how their mandate is implemented .Get real
She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
What she DID say was all equally stupid and I look forward to the political ads pointing out the sheer lunacy of your party.

So you admit she didn't say that, good for you. Nothing she was saying about was sheer lunacy, most of US citizens are overweight and not healthy.
Even if true how is someones personal diet ANY OF HER FUCKING BUSINESS???
Actually it is when diet becomes a public health issue and when agriculture has a negative effect on the environment

WHat would be better for the environment is if people stopped wasting food.

We waste 220 billion dollars on food we throw out.

SO now think of all the land, time, fossil fuels, chemicals, electricity etc used to grow process and deliver all that food to the people just so they can throw it out.

MAybe we should ban that behavior too
Actually I agree that waste is a huge problem
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.

then why regulate? of course they are going to try to limit what people will eat. They will put a another damn tax on the meat so people can afford it even less. Regulate = $$$$
Food is not taxed Bubba

They will. one way or another the cost will be passed down to the consumer
Meats gone up since the trade war, tramp is limiting it on his own. Also veggies, fruits, pretty much everything.
Meats gone up since the trade war, tramp is limiting it on his own. Also veggies, fruits, pretty much everything.

The trade war is temporary. Eventually we will make new agreements with China, as they are being hurt more than we are.
Meats gone up since the trade war, tramp is limiting it on his own. Also veggies, fruits, pretty much everything.

The trade war is temporary. Eventually we will make new agreements with China, as they are being hurt more than we are.

The great negotiator.......see which country he can hurt more. Bravo.

Neither is giving them everything they want, good negotiations. They are aggressive and require companies to give them technology in exchange for trade access with them for one. Getting China to give in would be a lot easier if Trump didn't have to fight on two fronts. China on one side and Democrats stabbing him in the back... so yeah, it might be tough convincing China that we can stand strong on a position.
Meats gone up since the trade war, tramp is limiting it on his own. Also veggies, fruits, pretty much everything.
China is rapidly building its military. As their power becomes more massive and the sheer number of large naval military vessels needed for them to keep their sea lanes open as their business ventures infiltrate every part of the globe, you will see what being submissive really means. In just a few years they have completed on air craft carrier completing a second soon and couple years from now two more will enter service. Those two will be nuclear powered. They learn fast. and they steal faster from us. Of course we have given them technology to. And you know who did that....
Meats gone up since the trade war, tramp is limiting it on his own. Also veggies, fruits, pretty much everything.

The trade war is temporary. Eventually we will make new agreements with China, as they are being hurt more than we are.

The great negotiator.......see which country he can hurt more. Bravo.

Neither is giving them everything they want, good negotiations. They are aggressive and require companies to give them technology in exchange for trade access with them for one.

No, they required technology to be able to use their cheap labor. That's negotiating and the businesses agreed to it so why should it not be upheld? The U.S. companies wanted something, the Chinese wanted something and they negotiated an agreement. So where is the problem? That's free market capitalism, right?

Getting China to give in would be a lot easier if Trump didn't have to fight on two fronts. China on one side and Democrats stabbing him in the back... so yeah, it might be tough convincing China that we can stand strong on a position.

Why is Trump fighting free market capitalists?
Meats gone up since the trade war, tramp is limiting it on his own. Also veggies, fruits, pretty much everything.
China is rapidly building its military. As their power becomes more massive and the sheer number of large naval military vessels needed for them to keep their sea lanes open as their business ventures infiltrate every part of the globe, you will see what being submissive really means. In just a few years they have completed on air craft carrier completing a second soon and couple years from now two more will enter service. Those two will be nuclear powered. They learn fast. and they steal faster from us. Of course we have given them technology to. And you know who did that....


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