Harris: Of course we must regulate how much meat Americans are eating

I can’t remember the last time I bought anything in the grocery store, I hunt for all the meat my family and I consume. My wife and daughters takes care of a huge garden and do a lot of canning...
That being said, it’s none of my business or anyone else’s business what anyone chooses to eat or not to eat. People need to stay the fuck out of people’s personal lives…
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
No.....she just wants to intentionally drive up the costs.

This is part of the plan.

Democrats drive up the cost of living and then complain about low living--wages.

Because Tariff's don't do that........or so the argument goes.
tariff's don't affect you, just don't, you can't point to something that cost you more. go ahead, try!

Got nothing eh? I figured. Dude, if you can’t be honest, then you’re just a dick
Kamala got a big mouthful of Willie Brown's meat, didn't she?
"She agreed with a questioner who argued Americans should be eating less meat and that the government should force them into other dietary habits."

The questioner does not say that.
The questioner said 'reduce consumption of red meat' by 'changing the guidelines'. What does that mean? it means making meat unavailable. It's all it can mean. how else will she reduce consumption. She isn't going to change my eating habits unless, she does something to limit my ability to buy it. or, you're so much smarter than me what would that look like where she doesn't impose her shit on me?

LOL. only in bizzaro world. We have guidelines now that ban nothing.
as always, you didn't answer the question I asked, the questioner said reduce consumption, harris said yes. I asked you to state how she would stop me from consuming meat like I do today? why did you deflect punk?

She wouldn't. She didn't say she would. That was your Paranoia speaking.
Still no honesty, when a video shows it at the 58 second mark, then at 1:08 she says banning, and you deny it’s there when it is, confirms you’re a dick
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Liberals want to control everything you do, including what you eat. Assholes!
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
No.....she just wants to intentionally drive up the costs.

This is part of the plan.

Democrats drive up the cost of living and then complain about low living--wages.

Because Tariff's don't do that........or so the argument goes.
Depends on the source.
Excise taxes do it......as well as raising the cost of feed corn, which is why we have Ethanol in our gas.
So it doesn't even matter that she didn't say what the OP claimed huh??

Trumpers are pathetic....

So if you dislike Harris because she is an awful human being then you’re a “Trumper”? What a pathetic loser you are.
But you ARE a Trumper. Why so sensitive about it?

I am? No, you foreign troll. I am a registered independent. I do not belong to any party like some sheep. I stated publicly on this forum that I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard, whom the Democrat party shunned after she blasted Harris. You, however are a foreign troll and an uneducated one at that.
How you are registered doesn't mean a damn thing. You will defend the Orange Oligarch with your dying breath. You're a Trumper through and through.

The irony of you saying you'd support another favorite of Russian trolls is hysterical.

Case in point. You ignored this portion of my post. How do you explain that? You foreign troll witch.

I stated publicly on this forum that I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard, whom the Democrat party shunned after she blasted Harris.

You can bold all the text you want to, but it doesn’t make you less of a Trumper. (Neither does saying you’d vote for Russia’s new Jill Stein)
So if you dislike Harris because she is an awful human being then you’re a “Trumper”? What a pathetic loser you are.
But you ARE a Trumper. Why so sensitive about it?

I am? No, you foreign troll. I am a registered independent. I do not belong to any party like some sheep. I stated publicly on this forum that I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard, whom the Democrat party shunned after she blasted Harris. You, however are a foreign troll and an uneducated one at that.
How you are registered doesn't mean a damn thing. You will defend the Orange Oligarch with your dying breath. You're a Trumper through and through.

The irony of you saying you'd support another favorite of Russian trolls is hysterical.

Case in point. You ignored this portion of my post. How do you explain that? You foreign troll witch.

I stated publicly on this forum that I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard, whom the Democrat party shunned after she blasted Harris.

You can bold all the text you want to, but it doesn’t make you less of a Trumper. (Neither does saying you’d vote for Russia’s new Jill Stein)

So you're deranged. Thank you for the admission. You foreign trolls amuse me.

That is all.
gags me yuk
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
This is just more of your dishonest horseshit that mimics the Townhall screed. She said nothing of the kind. You are either knowingly lying, or are so stupid that you just read the headline published by that right wing rag and decided it was accurate without reading further.

THIS is what she said.....from your own link:
Kamala Harris says Americans need to be "educated about the effect of our eating habits on our environment," and says she would change the dietary guidelines to reduce the amount of red meat you can eat. #ClimateTownHall

Changing "guidelines" is not regulating meat consumption
Progressives like yourself are spineless motherfuckers, who cannot tolerate anybody that disagrees with them. So shut the fuck up you worthless kunt
I don't tolerate liars
Congratulations.......you sound like a Republican
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
What she DID say was all equally stupid and I look forward to the political ads pointing out the sheer lunacy of your party.

So you admit she didn't say that, good for you. Nothing she was saying about was sheer lunacy, most of US citizens are overweight and not healthy.
Even if true how is someones personal diet ANY OF HER FUCKING BUSINESS???
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
what the hell do you think regulate means you idiot
Just one problem. She did not say "regulate"
No she just said incentives and bans on certain behaviors

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How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
what the hell do you think regulate means you idiot
Just one problem. She did not say "regulate"

You fricken clowns should learn to pay attention.
Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating
Dude!! That is what the Townhall headline said that she said. Now show us where she actually said it. You don't think much for someone who calls themselves a thinker
I posted a link to the video of her saying she wanted the government to use incentives and to ban certain behaviors in regard to diet

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How could we not control the lives of our serfs in this level of detail?

Kamala Harris: Of Course We Must Regulate How Much Meat Americans Are Eating

She did not say she was going to limit meat intake.
What she DID say was all equally stupid and I look forward to the political ads pointing out the sheer lunacy of your party.

So you admit she didn't say that, good for you. Nothing she was saying about was sheer lunacy, most of US citizens are overweight and not healthy.
Even if true how is someones personal diet ANY OF HER FUCKING BUSINESS???
Democrats scream Nazi at every turn......then turn around and act like Nazis 24/7.
If you liberals insist conservatives stay the hell out of a women's womb then best you stay the fuck out of my stomach

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