Harris Publicly Called For FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Over Sexual Assault Accusations - Runs From Reporters When Asked About Cuomo


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

"Madame Vice President, do you have any comment on Gov. Cuomo?" the reporter asked.
Harris walked out of the briefing room without responding to the question.

Sometimes what is NOT said speaks a lot louder and says a lot more than what IS said...

She is just awful.

Though she did listen to Snoop and Tupac in college....in the 1980s. :rofl:
Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

"Madame Vice President, do you have any comment on Gov. Cuomo?" the reporter asked.
Harris walked out of the briefing room without responding to the question.

Sometimes what is NOT said speaks a lot louder and says a lot more than what IS said...

Much ado about nothing. She's the Vice President now. Not a sitting US Senator (anymore). As Senator, it was within her purvue to request such information about said scumbag (Kavanaugh). I think everyone knows Cuomo is a scumbag.
But..good of you to apply the ole double standard (not questioning the other dude's shenanigans and his VP basically whitewashing it). Way to be consistent. :)
But..good of you to apply the ole double standard (not questioning the other dude's shenanigans and his VP basically whitewashing it). Way to be consistent. :)
Nobody is consistent - haven't you noticed, yet?
Haven't you noticed that nothing is being solved and that all we do here is troll each other?
Do you think you are going to shame people to see things your way?
Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

"Madame Vice President, do you have any comment on Gov. Cuomo?" the reporter asked.
Harris walked out of the briefing room without responding to the question.

Sometimes what is NOT said speaks a lot louder and says a lot more than what IS said...


She didnt run from the question.
She was clearly walking away before he even asked.
But..good of you to apply the ole double standard (not questioning the other dude's shenanigans and his VP basically whitewashing it). Way to be consistent. :)
Nobody is consistent - haven't you noticed, yet?
Haven't you noticed that nothing is being solved and that all we do here is troll each other?
Do you think you are going to shame people to see things your way?

I don't care if you see things my way or not. I care about two things. 1) Policy 2) Policy results. The rest is just ideology and opinion. Hence the pointing out of the ole double standard. Good for your side but when its my side you'll make a stink. Runs in both directions. I don't have any illusions that Trump supporters will be consistent. Inconsistency and incompetence were a hallmark of his administration. But adoration for him speaks to the cult like nature of his followers. There are plenty of folders on this site where you can discuss topics without all the "shaming". This folder?..ain't one of them. :)
Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

"Madame Vice President, do you have any comment on Gov. Cuomo?" the reporter asked.
Harris walked out of the briefing room without responding to the question.

Sometimes what is NOT said speaks a lot louder and says a lot more than what IS said...

Hard to get her to participate in a controversy that cannot benefit her or the administration? Damn. I knew she would get smarter every day.
Much ado about nothing. She's the Vice President now. Not a sitting US Senator (anymore).

Yes, she is no longer an insignificant extremist senator - the most extreme in the Senate - and a Presidential candidate only 2% of all DEMOCRATS wanted as President. She is now the Vice President of the United States....yet some would argue she is the PRESIDENT since she has taken over President Biden's job of talking with world leaders and other duties ... which makes her and such extremist views that much more dangerous.
Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

Check out Harris’ reaction when asked about the Cuomo scandal

"Madame Vice President, do you have any comment on Gov. Cuomo?" the reporter asked.
Harris walked out of the briefing room without responding to the question.

Sometimes what is NOT said speaks a lot louder and says a lot more than what IS said...

Well she is a self serving ****.. There is not one thing respectable about her
Much ado about nothing. She's the Vice President now. Not a sitting US Senator (anymore).

Yes, she is no longer an insignificant extremist senator - the most extreme in the Senate - and a Presidential candidate only 2% of all DEMOCRATS wanted as President. She is now the Vice President of the United States....yet some would argue she is the PRESIDENT since she has taken over President Biden's job of talking with world leaders and other duties ... which makes her and such extremist views that much more dangerous.

She was a moderate in the Senate. Exact reason why Biden chose her to be his running mate. If not for the people she chose to run her campaign and the requisite funding that vanished because of said campaign missteps, she was my pick to get the nomination.

Oh yeah..and BIDEN is President. :)
Much ado about nothing. She's the Vice President now. Not a sitting US Senator (anymore).

Yes, she is no longer an insignificant extremist senator - the most extreme in the Senate - and a Presidential candidate only 2% of all DEMOCRATS wanted as President. She is now the Vice President of the United States....yet some would argue she is the PRESIDENT since she has taken over President Biden's job of talking with world leaders and other duties ... which makes her and such extremist views that much more dangerous.

She was a moderate in the Senate. Exact reason why Biden chose her to be his running mate. If not for the people she chose to run her campaign and the requisite funding that vanished because of said campaign missteps, she was my pick to get the nomination.

Oh yeah..and BIDEN is President. :)
No Biden is resident, Selected not elected
She was a moderate in the Senate.

BS - she was named the most far leftist / extremist in the Senate.

Again, she was so far left and unwanted only 2% of DEMOCRATS wanted her to be President during the Democratic primaries.

Stop making shit up, snowflake.
Much ado about nothing. She's the Vice President now. Not a sitting US Senator (anymore).

Yes, she is no longer an insignificant extremist senator - the most extreme in the Senate - and a Presidential candidate only 2% of all DEMOCRATS wanted as President. She is now the Vice President of the United States....yet some would argue she is the PRESIDENT since she has taken over President Biden's job of talking with world leaders and other duties ... which makes her and such extremist views that much more dangerous.
Not a fan of hers, when she was running for President in the primaries, but as a key team member of the Biden administration, she is doing alright. I was pretty sure working for a moderate like President Biden as part of a "no drama" administration would tone down some of her lesser instincts and encourages thoughtful on topic responses and evaluations. Working for somebody like Joe probably has that effect on people. She showed good judgement not taking the bait to discuss something not on topic that had no potential to be of value to her, the administration or anybody else, no matter what she could have come up with. You guys are starting to seem really frustrated, not being able to get one liners to jump on from this administrations highest people. Trump drama days are gone. Get used to it.
Much ado about nothing. She's the Vice President now. Not a sitting US Senator (anymore).

Yes, she is no longer an insignificant extremist senator - the most extreme in the Senate - and a Presidential candidate only 2% of all DEMOCRATS wanted as President. She is now the Vice President of the United States....yet some would argue she is the PRESIDENT since she has taken over President Biden's job of talking with world leaders and other duties ... which makes her and such extremist views that much more dangerous.

Yes, Easy, attack the black woman as an "extremist" when she was one of the most conservative Democratic Senators out there - a former Attorney General in California, under fire for her "law and order administration.

Now you're trying to paint this most conservative of Democrats as a dangerous leftist extremist. Let's see, ladder climbing whore didn't work for you. "Lock 'em up" conservative didn't work for you. So now you're trying "leftist extremist".

Why don't you explain to us all what makes the former Attorney General of the State of California,, who instituted law and order programs adopted by states across the nation, such a dangerous leftist radical?


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