Harry Reid Admits To Lying About Romney. Doesn't Care...."Romney didn't win, did he??"

How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.

Just as Al Gore handed Willie Horton to the Republicans.
How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.

How quickly do leftists like you work to deflect to other people that have zero to do with this thread.

For pete's sakes, stop it.
Romney faces tax questions after debate attacks on Gingrich - CNN.com

Gingrich has cut the lead held by Romney in Florida and also caught the former Massachusetts governor in a national poll released Monday. One reason for the changing dynamic is Romney's uncertain response to calls for him to release his tax returns.

He first said he would do so in April, but under increasing pressure from opponents and some supporters, Romney agreed to do so on Tuesday.

Asked about what people should expect, Romney said he expected to face questions about details of his wealth but added: "I pay all the taxes that are legally required and not a dollar more."
If Reid were not lying people would begin to question whether he had survived the alleged accident.
Newt's marxist rhetoric handed Mitt's head on a silver platter to the DNC. I said so at the time he was making the attacks, and it is just as true now as it was then.
How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.

How quickly do leftists like you work to deflect to other people that have zero to do with this thread.

For pete's sakes, stop it.

I believe they are paid to do it. how small they should feel
And what is your deal trying to spam other people's threads, g5? Can you stop being a parrot and actually state your own argument? Pretty please?
after reading some of the replies saying that Romney shoulda proved that he had paid taxes I really don't wonder about why the country is like it is . Country is corrupt and is getting worse !!
Reid didn't lie.

Romney never did prove he paid his taxes.

He flat out refused and the right let him get away with it.

If Romney had paid his taxes, he would not have had to hide his tax returns.

So if your dear leader hadn't gone to college as a foreign student he wouldn't need the hide his college records? I love your logic!!!!
Reid didn't lie.

Romney never did prove he paid his taxes.

He flat out refused and the right let him get away with it.

If Romney had paid his taxes, he would not have had to hide his tax returns.

Obama and the Dems haven't thrown him in jail yet for not paying? Why not?
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post

Guess what, that interview is not a law suite free zone, and I hope Mitt goes after his ass.
think that REID had immunity because he was in the Senate and on the floor , dingy harry could say anything he liked 'oktexas' . Don't quote me but I think that's how it works , could be wrong !!
Reid didn't lie.

Romney never did prove he paid his taxes.

He flat out refused and the right let him get away with it.

If Romney had paid his taxes, he would not have had to hide his tax returns.

So if your dear leader hadn't gone to college as a foreign student he wouldn't need the hide his college records? I love your logic!!!!

just the other day Hillary's thesis on Saul Alinsky was brought up and the article from NBC said it was kept HIDDEN while Billy boy was president...
and when I asked why did they need to hide it? I was told from someone here..... to protect it from PARTISAN hacks asking stupid questions....with this type of the uninvolved, servant like people to one party. we are doomed
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post

Harry Reid is a Leftist, therefore Harry Reid is a liar. The two are synonymous. Such is the nature of evil.
Someone should soften up that eye some more.

He's worthless...

Like most of them today. worthless like tits on a bore.

did you see them HONORING teddy Kennedy today? the man who sucked off taxpayers tit all his life and also was the reason a woman drowned. I'm so disgusted with these people.
When it comes to politicians, the bar can't be set too low because there is no low to which they can't limbo.
"Listen, I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops." - Jeffery Pelt, Hunt For Red October
And now the lying piece of garbage is going to retire to keep his own corruption under wraps. How sad Americans don't insist on a higher quality of representatives in Washington. That should take precedent over the repub/demo debate.

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