Harry Reid Admits To Lying About Romney. Doesn't Care...."Romney didn't win, did he??"

How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.

Nonsense... More deceit advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Gingerich's PAC produced the video "When Mitt Romney came to town". Nothing that was said or done to Romney during the Presidential campaign comes close to what his fellow Republicans did to him during Primary season.

Republicans eat their own.

this thread is on Harry Reid. stop condoning their behavior. I don't care what party they are from
Reid didn't lie.

Romney never did prove he paid his taxes.

He flat out refused and the right let him get away with it.

If Romney had paid his taxes, he would not have had to hide his tax returns.

Reid's a lying scumbag and I'm glad the Mafia is beating his ass for not carrying enough drugs for them
Here's another fine example of someone YOU elected into government using their positions of power to ignore our laws and abuse you the (citizen taxpayer)


Rep. Gutierrez' Gov’t Website Offers ‘Do Not Deport Me’ Cards
March 30, 2015 - 11:58 AM

By Eric Scheiner

Rep. Luis Gutierrez’ (D-Ill.) official congressional website is offering downloads of “Do not deport me” cards.

Gutierrez’s congressional homepage, www.gutierrez.house.gov, is currently featuring a video on his “Family Defender Toolkit.” The toolkit includes a downloadable card that says, “Do not deport me because I am eligible for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) or DAPA (Deferred Action for Parental Accountability).”

all of it here:
Rep. Gutierrez Gov t Website Offers Do Not Deport Me Cards CNS News
How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.
So you have no problems with people and lies?look that guy did it so I can also.
That mentality ended in third grade for most people.
So you have no problems with people and lies? look that guy did it so I can also.
Especially when the Dems are lying in the first place when they claim "That guy did it".

They are able to gin up "justification" for their own lies with no basis in fact.

All in a day's work for the Party of No Truth.
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Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.
Was it Josef Stalin after WWII who said, "The truth??? The truth is whatever serves the Soviet Union!" ?

More and more similarities between the Democrat Party and the Soviet Union keep appearing.
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.
Was it Josef Stalin after WWII who said, "The truth??? The truth is whatever serves the Soviet Union!" ?

More and more similarities between the Democrat Party and the Soviet Union keep appearing.

I didn't really start noticing how dishonest Democrats were becoming until Bush was elected, and when a lying politician has a press that rarely questions them, they can say and do any damn thing they dreamed of and get away with it.
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.
Was it Josef Stalin after WWII who said, "The truth??? The truth is whatever serves the Soviet Union!" ?

More and more similarities between the Democrat Party and the Soviet Union keep appearing.

I didn't really start noticing how dishonest Democrats were becoming until Bush was elected, and when a lying politician has a press that rarely questions them, they can say and do any damn thing they dreamed of and get away with it.

I'd say around Bush is when they had fully infiltrated the Democrat with filthy progressives. And as we see with Dirty Harry, filthy, corrupted, and nasty makes up that whole party now. Obama administration is one of the most corrupted tyrannical out of control I've ever seen. I doubt we the people can get them back under control. they just do whatever the hell they want
The Great Progressive Progression:

Democratic Party
Democrat Party
Demunnist Party

But what's the next stop?
Reid didn't lie.

Romney never did prove he paid his taxes.

He flat out refused and the right let him get away with it.

If Romney had paid his taxes, he would not have had to hide his tax returns.

Ok, so.. why do you have sex with children?

Now, prove that you don't.
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.
Was it Josef Stalin after WWII who said, "The truth??? The truth is whatever serves the Soviet Union!" ?

More and more similarities between the Democrat Party and the Soviet Union keep appearing.

I didn't really start noticing how dishonest Democrats were becoming until Bush was elected, and when a lying politician has a press that rarely questions them, they can say and do any damn thing they dreamed of and get away with it.

I'd say around Bush is when they had fully infiltrated the Democrat with filthy progressives. And as we see with Dirty Harry, filthy, corrupted, and nasty makes up that whole party now. Obama administration is one of the most corrupted tyrannical out of control I've ever seen. I doubt we the people can get them back under control. they just do whatever the hell they want

They're angels compared Bush merry pack of thieves. Cheney made billions on government contracts with Haliburton during the Iraq war and after Katrina. Cheney and Rumsfeld both made fortunes from government contracts with companies they owned during the time they served in government. Makes one wonder if the Iraq war wasn't fought just to line their pockets.

Every government has its share of jerks and assholes but recent Republican governments have a particularly odious record of screwing over the American people to their own financial benefit and you people kiss their rings for it.

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