Harry Reid Admits To Lying About Romney. Doesn't Care...."Romney didn't win, did he??"

Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post
Someone should punch HARRY in the eye....
And now the lying piece of garbage is going to retire to keep his own corruption under wraps. How sad Americans don't insist on a higher quality of representatives in Washington. That should take precedent over the repub/demo debate.

they did when I first started voting with Carter. today these people in the Government knows they have citizens not involved and doesn't care. they vote for a D or R and go back to watching American Idol

You can watch them continue with stuff like harry reid laughing in all our faces.
Like most of them today. worthless like tits on a bore.

did you see them HONORING teddy Kennedy today? the man who sucked off taxpayers tit all his life and also was the reason a woman drowned. I'm so disgusted with these people.

I was fortunate to be busy most of the day, so I wasn't subjected to too much of the idiocy. Kennedy was a reprobate... and worthy of nothing buy disdain.
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post
Someone should punch HARRY in the eye....

I'm of the notion someone already did. that isn't no treadmill accident. they lie so much who the fuck really knows
Like most of them today. worthless like tits on a bore.

did you see them HONORING teddy Kennedy today? the man who sucked off taxpayers tit all his life and also was the reason a woman drowned. I'm so disgusted with these people.

I was fortunate to be busy most of the day, so I wasn't subjected to too much of the idiocy. Kennedy was a reprobate... and worthy of nothing buy disdain.

You were lucky actually. I wanted to puke listening to Obama and democrats "honoring' his pathetic life. people better wake up to this Government OR LET them take over their lives.
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post
Someone should punch HARRY in the eye....

I'm of the notion someone already did. that isn't no treadmill accident. they lie so much who the fuck really knows

Someone clearly beat his ass... there's no question about it.
We've come a long way...down. We got rid of a President for 18 minutes of missing tape, because he was covering up an indiscretion. Now we clap for Hillary, regardless of her plethora of indiscretions, because party is more important than integrity.
Last edited:
Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post
Someone should punch HARRY in the eye....

I'm of the notion someone already did. that isn't no treadmill accident. they lie so much who the fuck really knows

Someone clearly beat his ass... there's no question about it.
Kinda proves the case the mob owns him doesn't it? It's been known for years but now it's proven. So the question is who do they have in line next?
How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.

Nonsense... More deceit advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.
This is why I call you rubes goldfish. Because you have the same memory retention as a goldfish.

So you literally are an imbecile. I'd be lyin' if I said that came as a surprise.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Reid didn't lie.

Romney never did prove he paid his taxes.

He flat out refused and the right let him get away with it.

If Romney had paid his taxes, he would not have had to hide his tax returns.
Yet everyone involved with this administration seems to owe income taxes to the government. Al Sharpton owes millions, so he didn't pay taxes. What does Obama ask him to do? Lie about what's going on in Ferguson. Make up a bunch of shit up about cops. Now young blacks are using Ferguson as an excuse to shoot at cops, and an excuse to beat up white people.

Far as this is concerned the Obama administration regularly commits fraud, and the lie about Mitt Romney is just one more that has been exposed as a fraud. Because you agree with committing fraud, you are a fraud. A morally corrupt turd.
EXACTLY where is Reid's lie?

Mittens did not "prove he paid his taxes".

In FACT, just the opposite. And the gullible RWs just ate it up.
He didn't have to prove that Reid was lying. It's up to Reid to prove what he said. And now that he's admitted it wasn't true, there's no need to prove something that was made up.
Little Luddy has essentially lost his credibility, and cannot complain about lying politicians on the right, because he condones lying politicians on the left.
Little Luddy has essentially lost his credibility, and cannot complain about lying politicians on the right, because he condones lying politicians on the left.

that's one reason I put him ignore. He's a true blue party cult member. Nothing they do can be wrong in his little world
They should but they won't. DISGUSTING what this government has become. Especially the Progressive/dem party. They are leading us into the gutter.

Top Conservative Radio Host: Harry Reid Needs to Be Censured by US Senate (VIDEO)
Posted by Jim Hoft on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 8:39 PM

Former Majority Leader Harry Reid justified lying about Romney’s taxes on the Senate floor. Reid repeatedly accused Mitt Romney of not paying taxes for over a decade. Today Reid excused his lies telling CNN’s Dana Bash, “He didn’t win, did he?”

Tonight, top conservative radio host and author Dana Loesch, told Megyn Kelly that Harry Reid should face censure by the US Senate for his shameless lies about Mitt Romney.

Until he steps down, until he is done with his seat, he is going to be celebrated and everyone is going to speak of him so fondly. He is leaving behind a record of destruction in the senate… Enough is enough and he needs to be censured for this. Honestly I’m not going to be surprised if that never happens because there are no ethics, there is no morality. You have a party, as I said, that just wants to win. They don’t care who they throw under the bus. They don’t care of the truthfulness of it. They don’t care about the morality. The reason we are in the situation we are in, in politics, in the United States, is because of people like Harry Reid and people with more zeal than ethics.

all of it with video here:
Top Conservative Radio Host Harry Reid Needs to Be Censured by US Senate VIDEO The Gateway Pundit
Sorry bout that,

Harry Reid is being defended by liberal spokesmen over a admitted lie that helped Obama beat Mitt Romney. The only excuse that libs have for Harry Reids bold-faced lie about Mitt Romney not paying taxes, was "They All Lie!!"

In other words, Republicans are evil bastards and any lie you make up about them is justified. The ends justify the means.


Reid: No Regrets Lying About Mitt's Taxes Because 'Romney Didn't Win, Did He?'
By Tom Blumer | March 31, 2015 | 1:57 PM EDT

So Harry Reid knew he was lying about Mitt Romney not paying taxes for ten years when he made the claim in 2012 from the lawsuit-free zone known as the floor of the U.S. Senate, but didn't care.

That's what one must conclude from Reid's response to CNN's Dana Bash about that statement. Asked on the network's New Day program if he regrets what he said, Reid responded: "Romney didn't win, did he?" Rather than question Reid's outrageously cynical "end justifies the means" mentality, Bash's edited interview moved on to another topic.

March 31, 2015

DANA BASH: You're a polarizing figure, and a lot of Republicans actually blame you personally for the way Congress and Washington in general has gotten so highly partisan in the past couple of years.

HARRY REID: That's interesting. I served as the whip for a long time, and the Republicans were effusive in their praise for me.

BASH: That was before he used the Senate Floor to go after GOP megadonors the Koch brothers and accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes with no evidence.

VIDEOTAPE OF REID ON SENATE FLOOR: Let him prove he's paid taxes. Because he hasn't.

REID (returning to current interview): No, I don't regret that at all. The Koch brothers. No one would help me, they were afraid they'd go after them. So I did it on my own. That's what I felt I had to do.

BASH: So no regrets about Mitt Romney, the Koch Brothers? Some people have even called it "McCarthyite."

REID: Well, they can call it whatever they want. Romney didn’t win, did he?
Reid No Regrets Lying About Mitt s Taxes Because Romney Didn t Win Did He

Harry Reid s appalling defense of his attack on Mitt Romney s tax record - The Washington Post

1. Sack of shit!


Hardcore partisan ideologues lie regularly, and they don't feel any shame over it.

Part of the pathology.

The end justifies the means for zealots.

The only question is why so many place so much faith in these people.


Agree, and we have these people RUNNING our lives and country...until the people gets FED UP with it and them. they will continue laughing while steamrolling over us
How quickly we forget it was Newt Gingrich who handed this issue to the Democrats on a silver platter. Newt was the one who attempted to paint Mitt as a tax dodging, thieving exploiter of the workers. He practically wrote the DNC's anti-Mitt ads for them.

Nonsense... More deceit advanced as a means to influence the ignorant.

Gingerich's PAC produced the video "When Mitt Romney came to town". Nothing that was said or done to Romney during the Presidential campaign comes close to what his fellow Republicans did to him during Primary season.

Republicans eat their own.

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