Harry Reid: “Anarchists have taken over in congress” (VIDEO)


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Harry Reid: "Anarchists have taken over in congress" (VIDEO) | The Libertarian Republic

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress. Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues. “We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate. People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”

We will not be slaves anymore!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMYNfQlf1H8]Les Mis "Do You Hear The People Sing" - YouTube[/ame]
The tea party is whatever the GOP needs them to be. They'll be dumped when the time is right.
'No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP' -TIME. a disgrace...A catastrophe in and out of power. ty Sean Rushbeck...

The inmates have taken over the GOP asylum...
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Reid should have called them what they really are, fascists.

No..They are doing what their constituents sent them to do. Stop the liberal agenda in Washington.
Too many times you libs in your frustration have stated that the purpose of the Congress is to pass items on the President's agenda.
Well, here is a dose of reality. It doesn't work that way.
That's why there are three branches of government and not just one.
The War Party No Longer? Neoconservative Influence on Republicans Declining | Connecting the Dots, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.com

Kristol’s camp has been visibly shaken by the Republican defections on national security. “National security is different from internal matters of the government,” he told a Fox News host, defending the NSA. “We’re dealing with foreign threats here.” Meanwhile, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), one of the major Republicans still allied with the hawks, famously derided Amash and Senator Paul as “wacko birds” after the latter’s filibuster. Rep. Peter King (R-NY), a leading Islamophobe among the Republican coalition, chimed in saying it was “disgraceful that so many Republicans voted to defund the NSA program.”

It is in this climate of neoconservative decline that we face the upcoming possible vote on Syria military action resolutions – which has been indefinitely delayed due to the recent potential diplomatic breakthrough. Although no vote has yet taken place, it is expected to be a massive defeat for neoconservatives like Kristol and others who have been urging Obama to strike Syria. At the end of August, Kristol’s Weekly Standard published a letter of “foreign policy experts” – largely American neoconservatives like Kristol and Elliot Abrams – urging President Obama to intervene in the Syrian civil war. The letter seemed perhaps more persuasive with the Obama administration than with the congressional Republicans these pundits traditionally influenced.

Actual article has good embedded links.
Harry Reid: "Anarchists have taken over in congress" (VIDEO) | The Libertarian Republic

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday said “anarchists” have taken over Congress. Reid (D-Nev.) said Tea Party Republicans are preventing progress on an energy efficiency bill by offering amendments on ObamaCare and other unrelated issues. “We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” Reid said on the Senate floor. They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate. People who don’t believe in government — and that’s what the Tea Party is all about — are winning, and that’s a shame.”

We will not be slaves anymore!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMYNfQlf1H8]Les Mis "Do You Hear The People Sing" - YouTube[/ame]

The first time I ever heard the phrase anarchist really used to address people living today was when Juliano Mer Khamis was murdered. And his brothers kept being referred to as Anarchists. And I read about his life and the life of his mother, and I thought what beautiful people they were. They poured their life into giving hope to children in a theatre in a Palestinian refugee camp. So, I cannot but hear the word anarchist but that I think about them. I always wondered what happened to his father, said to have been raised as a Palestinian Christian, his mother an Israeli Jew. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juliano_Mer-Khamis
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When is the 2/3 of the radical left wing government going to stop whining about the other 3rd? It's amazing that the Obama administration can't seem to lead his own Country much less the world. My advice to Reid....lead, follow or get the fuck out of the way but quit whining., it's getting embarrassing.
Like we need more government mandates to tell manufactures to make machines that won't do their intended job so they use less energy. Anybody tried to buy a dishwasher that will actually clean and dry dishes, I'm not sure one exist. And when you call the mfg to complain they say to blame it on energy efficiency standards. I took two back before I found one that was half way acceptable. So keep your commie bill harry, we don't need it.
WOW Harry Reid is calling folks anarchists??

Is that the same Harry Reid who has loads of bills sent by the "anarchists" in the House gathering dust on his desk??

The same Harry Reid who said that anything they send is DOA??

Guess anyone with half a brain can see sho the real anarchist is and it ain't anyone in the House.
Like we need more government mandates to tell manufactures to make machines that won't do their intended job so they use less energy. Anybody tried to buy a dishwasher that will actually clean and dry dishes, I'm not sure one exist. And when you call the mfg to complain they say to blame it on energy efficiency standards. I took two back before I found one that was half way acceptable. So keep your commie bill harry, we don't need it.


Harry's no commie.

And the Tea Party are either terrorists who want to kill their hostage, the American Government..or fascists who want total control.

That's the only thing to gather from their "my way or hiway" attitude.
Most of the left agree with him, if you stand for the constitution, freedom and liberty you are an anarchist, fascist, or some other nutty name progressives love to label those who dare disagree with their bullshit.
Tell us again how this government isn't BECOMING HOSTILE towards the people in this country?

you better open your eyes

Dirty Harry is the biggest corrupted mob scum in all of Congress...
Most of the left agree with him, if you stand for the constitution, freedom and liberty you are an anarchist, fascist, or some other nutty name progressives love to label those who dare disagree with their bullshit.

What part of monkeying around with the full faith and credit of the United States is "Standing for the Constitution".
What part of 17 trillion FRN in debt is in the constitution? How about over 120 trillion in unfunded liability? If anyone is monkeying around with the faith and credit of the US, it's the spenders who refuse to stop.

Senator Reid..............


Well, actually I hope he's right...................

That he can't get anything done................

Sniff Sniff.......................

It give's me goose pimples..............

Most of the left agree with him, if you stand for the constitution, freedom and liberty you are an anarchist, fascist, or some other nutty name progressives love to label those who dare disagree with their bullshit.

What part of monkeying around with the full faith and credit of the United States is "Standing for the Constitution".

Exactly, that's what reid and his ilk are doing and it doesn't.

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