Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years

Harry Reid should be charged with loitering, what the fuck is he doing in the Senate besides getting us downgraded?
Romney recently told ABC News that he couldn't recall if there were years when he paid below the 13.9 percent tax rate that he paid in 2010. Although he said he was "happy to go back and look," his campaign declined to do just that.

From the OP link.
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

how many members of Obamas administration are tax cheats?
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.
More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

In order to believe this I have to believe that Reid is on speaking terms with a Bain investor who had access to Romney's private tax returns.

Sounds reasonable.
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

Republicans are proud of what Romney did.

Animal abuse - funny

bullying - hilarious

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSYw9Q5gpPA]Bullying: Why Liberals & Democrats are Hypocrites - YouTube[/ame]

lying - so what

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqKnVr3I9q8]7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes (obama lies) - YouTube[/ame]

Romney and the Republicans share values.

We sure do... God, Country and Family
By Sam Stein and Ryan Grim

WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has what he says is an informed explanation for why Mitt Romney refuses to release additional tax returns. According a Bain investor, Reid charged, Romney didn't pay any taxes for 10 years.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Huffington Post from his office on Capitol Hill, Reid saved some of his toughest words for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. Romney couldn't make it through a Senate confirmation process as a mere Cabinet nominee, the majority leader insisted, owing to the opaqueness of his personal finances.

More: Harry Reid: Bain Investor Told Me That Mitt Romney 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

Republicans are proud of what Romney did.

Animal abuse - funny

bullying - hilarious

lying - so what

Romney and the Republicans share values.

Obama -- ate dog, not funny; told publisher he was born in Kenya, first ever credit downgrade
So a Bain investor who Reid will not name told him Romney did not pay taxes for ten years really. Putting aside the unnamed source for a moment to ask the question since tax returns are private how would this unnamed source know anything about Romney's taxes? So according to Reid a unnamed source somehow got to see Romney's private tax returns and told him Romney did not pay taxes for ten year's yeah I call bullshit on this.

Romney's been asked directly, if there were any years he did not pay taxes...in a national interview.

And he avoided answering the question.
First a link to your claim he was asked and avoided answering that question would be nice second if avoiding answering a question was proof of something every politician in the country Democrat and Republican would be running for cover.
I have been told by a 'reliable source', that Shitting Bull is actually a Lithuanian prostitute, and not a Native American.

My source is just as believable as the OP's.

probably more so....anyone who thinks Dean is a great American.....well i think you get what im saying....
So a Bain investor who Reid will not name told him Romney did not pay taxes for ten years really. Putting aside the unnamed source for a moment to ask the question since tax returns are private how would this unnamed source know anything about Romney's taxes? So according to Reid a unnamed source somehow got to see Romney's private tax returns and told him Romney did not pay taxes for ten year's yeah I call bullshit on this.

Romney's been asked directly, if there were any years he did not pay taxes...in a national interview.

And he avoided answering the question.

He was not, he was asked if there were any years he paid a lower tax rate than he did in 2010. He replied he wasn't sure.
Over 8 percent unemployment for 3 1/2 years and 4 trillion dollars in debt for our grandchildren to get there, that is all you need to know about Romney's income tax.

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