Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

When I first saw that pictures of some guy with a shot gun crouched down up on what appeared to be a viaduct, I figured that uber-patriot gun nuts had latched on to the controversy as a way to engage in their wish fulfillment that they're somehow protecting the nation. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if one of those guys might take a pot shot at a fed after nursing at a pint bottle of Jack Daniels.

Perhaps the thing that's the most disturbing is the sheer number of conservatives who are itching for a confrontation that results in shots being fired. That's what they actually want. How sick is that?

not sick....just itching to get our freedoms back....

which is why the dimwits have been scrambling like weasels to take our guns away....

Nobody is trying to take your guns away. But the NRA and the arms industry together sure manage to sell a lot of memberships and guns by fanning the flames of those fears.
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Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

Exactly right.

Terrorism | Define Terrorism at Dictionary.com

Defined, terrorism is the use or implied possibility of violence to intimidate, coerce or resist government or govern.

These protestors showed up with assault rifles, in an attempt to push back law enforcement officers, who have a valid court order to enforce. Its the pure definition of terrorism, and that is what they did.
Some on the right truly are itching for an armed conflict between "patriots" and government.

THEY don't want to be involved; They want OTHERS to be involved, and they want it to look like the government started it.

They so badly want that to happen. We all know its true, and it should be treason.
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

Exactly right.

Terrorism | Define Terrorism at Dictionary.com

Defined, terrorism is the use or implied possibility of violence to intimidate, coerce or resist government or govern.

These protestors showed up with assault rifles, in an attempt to push back law enforcement officers, who have a valid court order to enforce. Its the pure definition of terrorism, and that is what they did.

state-sponsored terrorism - definition of state-sponsored terrorism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

See how that works?
When I first saw that pictures of some guy with a shot gun crouched down up on what appeared to be a viaduct, I figured that uber-patriot gun nuts had latched on to the controversy as a way to engage in their wish fulfillment that they're somehow protecting the nation. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if one of those guys might take a pot shot at a fed after nursing at a pint bottle of Jack Daniels.

Perhaps the thing that's the most disturbing is the sheer number of conservatives who are itching for a confrontation that results in shots being fired. That's what they actually want. How sick is that?

not sick....just itching to get our freedoms back....

which is why the dimwits have been scrambling like weasels to take our guns away....

Nobody is trying to take your guns away. But the NRA and the arms industry together sure manage to sell a lot of memberships and guns by fanning the flames of those fears.

you're kidding right...?

hell even grade school children are arrested for having squirt guns...
Your fantasy scenario didn't happen much to your disappointment. You're the sick one.

Oh, I think they were itching for a REAL confrontation. No doubt that's why the Feds withdrew because the confrontation was trained professional LE versus armed civilians whose behavior screams out that they wanted shots fired. I base that assessment on a report I heard that said the Feds told the crowd to stop advancing or they might shoot, and they kept on coming. Hey, anyone who continues to advance on LE after being warned to stop is not thinking rationally about what they're doing and the consequences of their actions. Those are not the kind of people anyone should trust with semiautomatic weapons in a standoff.

Plain and simple the Feds withdrew because they were outnumbered.

The number of people was not the critical factor since large numbers of people can and do behave civilly in public gatherings, even at protests. The critical issue was a combination of a high state of emotional agitation in the crowd which was undoubtedly egged on by Bundy AND certain media outlets (like talk radio) who are more motivated by ratings than reality, and a lot of untrained people with weapons who seemed to think this was a replay of the Battle of Bunker Hill.
right, they were itching

so showing support, and standing up to an army of armed government is now called, itching for a fight.

If one had started this administration could claim another Waco where that had 74 Amercian citizens 18 of them children that our government KILLED

I'm sure all the supporters went there with itchy dreams of dying

gawd the dramatics of some of you...protesting the government was cool when it's being done to a Republican administration...now look, they call you terrorist and itching for a fight

that is what's sick about this and all of you defending this government
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Reid, and many of his fellow Big Government Dems, view anyone who disagrees with them as terrorists.

This is why so many agencies have their own SWAT teams. All poised to be used against political enemies.

Dozens of federal agencies now have Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams to further an expanding definition of their missions. It’s not controversial that the Secret Service and the Bureau of Prisons have them. But what about the Department of Agriculture, the Railroad Retirement Board, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Office of Personnel Management, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? All of these have their own SWAT units and are part of a worrying trend towards the militarization of federal agencies — not to mention local police forces.

“Law-enforcement agencies across the U.S., at every level of government, have been blurring the line between police officer and soldier,” journalist Radley Balko writes in his 2013 book Rise of the Warrior Cop. “The war on drugs and, more recently, post-9/11 antiterrorism efforts have created a new figure on the U.S. scene: the warrior cop — armed to the teeth, ready to deal harshly with targeted wrongdoers, and a growing threat to familiar American liberties.”...

The United States of SWAT? | National Review Online
Oh, I think they were itching for a REAL confrontation. No doubt that's why the Feds withdrew because the confrontation was trained professional LE versus armed civilians whose behavior screams out that they wanted shots fired. I base that assessment on a report I heard that said the Feds told the crowd to stop advancing or they might shoot, and they kept on coming. Hey, anyone who continues to advance on LE after being warned to stop is not thinking rationally about what they're doing and the consequences of their actions. Those are not the kind of people anyone should trust with semiautomatic weapons in a standoff.

Plain and simple the Feds withdrew because they were outnumbered.

The number of people was not the critical factor since large numbers of people can and do behave civilly in public gatherings, even at protests. The critical issue was a combination of a high state of emotional agitation in the crowd which was undoubtedly egged on by Bundy AND certain media outlets (like talk radio) who are more motivated by ratings than reality, and a lot of untrained people with weapons who seemed to think this was a replay of the Battle of Bunker Hill.

And you probably believe that Custer was a master tactician at Little Big Horn.......
Oh, I think they were itching for a REAL confrontation. No doubt that's why the Feds withdrew because the confrontation was trained professional LE versus armed civilians whose behavior screams out that they wanted shots fired. I base that assessment on a report I heard that said the Feds told the crowd to stop advancing or they might shoot, and they kept on coming. Hey, anyone who continues to advance on LE after being warned to stop is not thinking rationally about what they're doing and the consequences of their actions. Those are not the kind of people anyone should trust with semiautomatic weapons in a standoff.
You overlook the fact that the feds were outnumbered at that point.
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Why didn't Harry Reid show up in Bunkerville and call them domestic terrorists to their faces and tell them to disband and go home?
It TRIPLED under his regime and St Ronnie REJECTED the SPENDING cuts that Dole and the Dems agreed to because Reagan refused to make cuts to the worthless "Star Wars" boondoggle. I guess that makes YOU the liar!
The Dems offered tax cuts? I call bull.

snopes.com: Who Increased the Debt?
Ronald Reagan:
Took office January 1981. Total debt: $848 billion
Left office January 1989. Total debt: $2,698 billion
Percent change in total debt: +218%
The fiscal year begins Oct 1, not Jan 1. You are dishonestly using Carter's budget to reduce Reagan's.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

09/30/1981 - $997,855,000,000.00
09/29/1989 - $2,857,430,960,187.32
Percent increase in total debt: +286%

And Reagan nixed the bipartisan spending cut deal because it cut the military Star Wars waste of money.

Dole Urges Reagan To Join Budget Dealings - Chicago Tribune

Last month, a bipartisan majority of the Senate Budget Committee approved a fiscal 1987 plan that would reduce President Reagan`s defense request by $25 billion and raise taxes by $18.7 billion.
The White House promptly said the plan was unacceptable and conservative senators have agreed, protesting that the committee`s budget cuts too much from defense spending
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Perhaps the thing that's the most disturbing is the sheer number of conservatives who are itching for a confrontation that results in shots being fired. That's what they actually want. How sick is that?
It's sick that you think it's what they want.

Really? See how easy it is to make you fools look like fools?

It's what I want. I can't wait. I've spent my entire life awaiting this moment, and it's almost here. Broke no laws in doing so. This country is gone and when it starts falling to pieces there are millions of us coming from the other direction with pay back. I am a future terrorist and proud of it.

And he ain't talking about the Easter Bunny.
Perhaps the thing that's the most disturbing is the sheer number of conservatives who are itching for a confrontation that results in shots being fired. That's what they actually want. How sick is that?
It's sick that you think it's what they want.

Really? See how easy it is to make you fools look like fools?

It's what I want. I can't wait. I've spent my entire life awaiting this moment, and it's almost here. Broke no laws in doing so. This country is gone and when it starts falling to pieces there are millions of us coming from the other direction with pay back. I am a future terrorist and proud of it.

And he ain't talking about the Easter Bunny.

Don't get scared. R.C. only speaks for himself.
so fucking what....? of course there are 'grazing fees' on BLM land.....

however Bundy does not recognize the land he grazes on as belonging to the Feds....but as Nevada State land....

get the difference....? Reagan actually supported the Sagebrush Wars and states rights....
Only in campaign speeches, just like he was against federal deficits in campaign speeches. No federal legislation was passed transferring federal land to the states during St Ronnie's regime, and he tripled the national debt.
Reagan was a lying bullshit artist.

Reagan was called a 'Sagebrush Rebel' for good reasons....

Reagan battled the environmental extremists...yet he was a true environmentalist himself....but he included people in the equation...

Reagan supported private property rights....and supported states rights to determine what to do with their own lands....to free them from the tyranny of Washington, D.C.....
Actually he called himself that, and it was all talk and no action.
Perhaps the thing that's the most disturbing is the sheer number of conservatives who are itching for a confrontation that results in shots being fired. That's what they actually want. How sick is that?
It's sick that you think it's what they want.

Really? See how easy it is to make you fools look like fools?

It's what I want. I can't wait. I've spent my entire life awaiting this moment, and it's almost here. Broke no laws in doing so. This country is gone and when it starts falling to pieces there are millions of us coming from the other direction with pay back. I am a future terrorist and proud of it.

And he ain't talking about the Easter Bunny.

Don't worry son, homos aren't my concern.

Someday your plastic little world is going to come crashing down. When it does, I hope you're armed.

And I meant every word I said so you can quote that as much as you want because I'd die before I'd ever take back one vowel. By the US governments definition I'm a fucking terrorist without having ever done worse than a misdemeanor. I wear that like a badge of honor. None of us are planning to attack the gubmint but we'll die before we'll let some government contracted assassins in police owned SWAT gear run the place over. Your former Iraqi rapists with a police decal were sorely out numbered, LOL.
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The fiscal year begins Oct 1, not Jan 1. You are dishonestly using Carter's budget to reduce Reagan's.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

09/30/1981 - $997,855,000,000.00
09/29/1989 - $2,857,430,960,187.32
Percent increase in total debt: +286%
They weren't my numbers but I notice you didn't include inflation. And like I said, the Dems played a huge role in it, your denial is dishonest.
And Reagan nixed the bipartisan spending cut deal because it cut the military Star Wars waste of money.

Dole Urges Reagan To Join Budget Dealings - Chicago Tribune

Last month, a bipartisan majority of the Senate Budget Committee approved a fiscal 1987 plan that would reduce President Reagan`s defense request by $25 billion and raise taxes by $18.7 billion.
The White House promptly said the plan was unacceptable and conservative senators have agreed, protesting that the committee`s budget cuts too much from defense spending
Which isn't what you said. You said the Dems couldn't pass tax cuts because Ronald wouldn't cut "Star Wars", which is a childish term for it anyway. How dishonest.
Some on the right truly are itching for an armed conflict between "patriots" and government.

THEY don't want to be involved; They want OTHERS to be involved, and they want it to look like the government started it.

They so badly want that to happen. We all know its true, and it should be treason.


What should be treason, exactly?

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
Oh, I think they were itching for a REAL confrontation. No doubt that's why the Feds withdrew because the confrontation was trained professional LE versus armed civilians whose behavior screams out that they wanted shots fired. I base that assessment on a report I heard that said the Feds told the crowd to stop advancing or they might shoot, and they kept on coming. Hey, anyone who continues to advance on LE after being warned to stop is not thinking rationally about what they're doing and the consequences of their actions. Those are not the kind of people anyone should trust with semiautomatic weapons in a standoff.
You overlook the fact that the feds were outnumbered at that point.

So? If the Federal Gov't was interesting in a confrontation, they could have just stayed there and given the crowd just enough rope to metaphorically hang themselves. Hell, any recording of events likely would have shown the Feds as taking a defensive posture and only responding when they were threatened.
The fiscal year begins Oct 1, not Jan 1. You are dishonestly using Carter's budget to reduce Reagan's.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding - Annual 1950 - 1999

09/30/1981 - $997,855,000,000.00
09/29/1989 - $2,857,430,960,187.32
Percent increase in total debt: +286%
They weren't my numbers but I notice you didn't include inflation. And like I said, the Dems played a huge role in it, your denial is dishonest.
And Reagan nixed the bipartisan spending cut deal because it cut the military Star Wars waste of money.

Dole Urges Reagan To Join Budget Dealings - Chicago Tribune

Last month, a bipartisan majority of the Senate Budget Committee approved a fiscal 1987 plan that would reduce President Reagan`s defense request by $25 billion and raise taxes by $18.7 billion.
The White House promptly said the plan was unacceptable and conservative senators have agreed, protesting that the committee`s budget cuts too much from defense spending
Which isn't what you said. You said the Dems couldn't pass tax cuts because Ronald wouldn't cut "Star Wars", which is a childish term for it anyway. How dishonest.
No, I said Dole and the Dems came to a spending cut agreement that Reagan nixed because he didn't want his Star Wars spending cut from his military budget. So the Dem promised and GOP agreed upon spending cuts were shot down by Reagan, not the Dems as you falsely claimed.

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