Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

HHmmmm.... Domestic terrorists..... Looking back into history, I imagine that an America claimed to be a British colony, and having England forcing TAXES. LAWS and REGULATIONS on the colonists, WITHOUT the colonists having a F'N word to say about what was being shoved down their throats, and having said colonists RESIST these unjustified acts, should classify THEM as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.... Seems the correlation between Bundy and the FOUNDING FATHERS is quite similar, and without STRONG MEN of resolve and fairness, taking actions against ESTABLISHED, UNJUST LAW, THIS VERY COUNTRY, would NOT be here as we know it today!.... Next time some scumbag says something stupid about the patriots standing up for OUR RIGHTS, remind the bastard where HE came from, and what he would be today without those REVOLUTIONARIES!.... They won't understand it, they're brain dead, Kool-Aid drinkers, that only want to take from earners, but gentlemen, you and others WILL get it. Thank you FOUNDING DOMESTIC TERRORISTS for what you did, the laws you broke, and the tyranny you were able to overthrow, may WE THE PEOPLE be as effective today!

The founders believed in the right to property, not the right to steal stuff off someone else's property.

He didn't steal anything off someone else's property, he's part of WE THE PEOPLE, and grazed cattle there that for decades were allowed to roam anywhere and eat anything! Did any of us VOTE for these changes, did Congress approve this as a Federal law, or were they simply IMPLAMENTED by the BLM on there own, just as the EPA does?
Wrong yet again!!!!

They were IMPLANTED by St Ronnie!!! Why do you think they are called the Reagan grazing fees??????

Executive Order 12548 -- Grazing Fees

February 14, 1986

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in order to provide for establishment of appropriate fees for the grazing of domestic livestock on public rangelands, it is ordered as follows:

Section 1. Determination of Fees. The Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior are directed to exercise their authority, to the extent permitted by law under the various statutes they administer, to establish fees for domestic livestock grazing on the public rangelands which annually equals the $1.23 base established by the 1966 Western Livestock Grazing Survey multiplied by the result of the Forage Value Index (computed annually from data supplied by the Statistical Reporting Service) added to the Combined Index (Beef Cattle Price Index minus the Prices Paid Index) and divided by 100; provided, that the annual increase or decrease in such fee for any given year shall be limited to not more than plus or minus 25 percent of the previous year's fee, and provided further, that the fee shall not be less than $1.35 per animal unit month.

Sec. 2. Definitions. As used in this Order, the term:

(a) ``Public rangelands'' has the same meaning as in the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 (Public Law 95 - 514);

(b) ``Forage Value Index'' means the weighted average estimate of the annual rental charge per head per month for pasturing cattle on private rangelands in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service from the June Enumerative Survey) divided by $3.65 and multiplied by 100;

(c) ``Beef Cattle Price Index'' means the weighted average annual selling price for beef cattle (excluding calves) in the 11 Western States (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and California) for November through October (computed by the Statistical Reporting Service) divided by $22.04 per hundred weight and multiplied by 100; and

(d) ``Prices Paid Index'' means the following selected components from the Statistical Reporting Service's Annual National Index of Prices Paid by Farmers for Goods and Services adjusted by the weights indicated in parentheses to reflect livestock production costs in the Western States: 1. Fuels and Energy (14.5); 2. Farm and Motor Supplies (12.0); 3. Autos and Trucks (4.5); 4. Tractors and Self-Propelled Machinery (4.5); 5. Other Machinery (12.0); 6. Building and Fencing Materials (14.5); 7. Interest (6.0); 8. Farm Wage Rates (14.0); 9. Farm Services (18.0).

Sec. 3. Any and all existing rules, practices, policies, and regulations relating to the administration of the formula for grazing fees in section 6(a) of the Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 shall continue in full force and effect.

Sec. 4. This Order shall be effective immediately.

Ronald Reagan

The White House,

February 14, 1986.
These old fuckers never die. They don't have the ACA. They live quite literally forever. Once they find a way to reverse aging, maggots like Reid will be the first in line.
As I said, once the Right sinks their teeth into a lie they will never let go no matter what bullshit they have to make up to conflate the lie.

That is a completely different solar project that does not involve the Chinese. It is on the Moapa RESERVATION and does not involve the Welfare Cowboy at all. No land was sold and the natives will run the solar farm that is on THEIR property.

Try again.

As we revealed last Friday in an article that became the #1 news story in the world for 24 hours, the BLM specifically stated that it wanted Bundy and his cattle out of the area as part of the agency’s “regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone.”

The BLM attempted a cover-up by deleting documents exposing the plan from its web site, but fortunately contributors at the Free Republic were able to save them for posterity.

Others have attempted to whitewash the situation by suggesting that the solar farm development was only limited to the shelved 2012 deal between Sen. Reid and Chinese-owned ENN Energy Group in Laughlin, Nev., but by reading the BLM’s own documents it is quite obvious that this is not the case.

“The BLM’s current action builds on the Western Solar Energy Plan, a two-year planning effort conducted on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Energy to expand domestic energy production and spur development of solar energy on public lands in six western states,” the BLM announced in a March 14 press release. “The Western Solar Energy Plan provides a blueprint for utility-scale solar energy permitting in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah by establishing Solar Energy Zones with access to existing or planned transmission, incentives for development within those Solar Energy Zones, and a process through which to consider additional Solar Energy Zones and solar projects.”

“The Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone is the first of several pilot plans to be developed by the BLM,” the press release added.

In summary, the BLM, acting under Sen. Reid’s corrupt interests, wants Cliven Bundy out of the 600,000 acre Gold Butte area so the agency can use the land for future solar projects and de facto buffer zones surrounding the solar farms.
Wrong again, but keep trying.

From a local Nevada paper and not the :asshole: Alice Jones.

Facts that disprove conspiracy theory about Harry Reid, Cliven Bundy and solar power - Las Vegas Sun News

Another project comes close. But not that close: Bundy’s home in the Mojave desert is closer to the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, a corridor that has been slated for renewable energy development. The BLM is planning a mitigation strategy that may stretch toward the area where Bundy has been grazing his cows. But even there, the maps don’t match up closely enough to suggest that Bundy’s specific grazing land was the intended site of a solar facility. Also, the Chinese company ENN had not been planning a facility in the Dry Lake area.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: The Las Vegas Sun Times endorsed Harry Reid for Senator.... now isn't that a coincidence? Just another example of the corruptness and lies spread in Nevada for Reid!

Harry Reid for Senate - Las Vegas Sun News

Try addressing this....the BLM specifically stated that it wanted Bundy and his cattle out of the area as part of the agency’s “regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone.”....I'm sure if your interested, by following the links in the article I posted you can find that SCRUBBED website page!
A better question is why is Lou Boobs lying?

First of all, the Chinese ENN solar project was CANCELLED a year ago!!!!!!! And secondly, as Boobs said, the solar project was in SOUTHERN Nevada, 100 miles South of the Welfare Cowboy's ranch in fact!!!!!

Please try not to show your stupidity as this article states Reid "BROKE GROUND" only last month 35 miles away from the Bundy ranch!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who was exposed last Friday as the mastermind behind theBureau of Land Management’s persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, can be seen in this March 2014 photo breaking ground for a new solar farm near the Bundy Ranch, emphasizing that the senator’s plan for solar projects in Nevada wasn’t just limited to the shelved solar farm near Laughlin.

Signaling the first day of construction of the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project, which is about 35 miles from the Bundy homestead in Bunkerville, Nevada, Sen. Reid joined representatives from the Moapa Band of Paiutes, executives from First Solar, Inc. and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the groundbreaking ceremony on March 21.

Flashback: Sen. Reid Breaks Ground for Nevada Solar Farm Near Bundy Ranch | INFOWARSTEAM.US

Getting closer and closer to HIS GOAL!!!

Would you fools quit linking to Infowars as a source?
A better question is why is Lou Boobs lying?

First of all, the Chinese ENN solar project was CANCELLED a year ago!!!!!!! And secondly, as Boobs said, the solar project was in SOUTHERN Nevada, 100 miles South of the Welfare Cowboy's ranch in fact!!!!!

Please try not to show your stupidity as this article states Reid "BROKE GROUND" only last month 35 miles away from the Bundy ranch!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who was exposed last Friday as the mastermind behind theBureau of Land Management’s persecution of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, can be seen in this March 2014 photo breaking ground for a new solar farm near the Bundy Ranch, emphasizing that the senator’s plan for solar projects in Nevada wasn’t just limited to the shelved solar farm near Laughlin.

Signaling the first day of construction of the Moapa Southern Paiute Solar Project, which is about 35 miles from the Bundy homestead in Bunkerville, Nevada, Sen. Reid joined representatives from the Moapa Band of Paiutes, executives from First Solar, Inc. and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power for the groundbreaking ceremony on March 21.

Flashback: Sen. Reid Breaks Ground for Nevada Solar Farm Near Bundy Ranch | INFOWARSTEAM.US

Getting closer and closer to HIS GOAL!!!

Would you fools quit linking to Infowars as a source?

When you fools stop using the N.Y. Times!
As we revealed last Friday in an article that became the #1 news story in the world for 24 hours, the BLM specifically stated that it wanted Bundy and his cattle out of the area as part of the agency’s “regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone

The BLM attempted a cover-up by deleting documents exposing the plan from its web site, but fortunately contributors at the Free Republic were able to save them for posterity.

Others have attempted to whitewash the situation by suggesting that the solar farm development was only limited to the shelved 2012 deal between Sen. Reid and Chinese-owned ENN Energy Group in Laughlin, Nev., but by reading the BLM’s own documents it is quite obvious that this is not the case.

“The BLM’s current action builds on the Western Solar Energy Plan, a two-year planning effort conducted on behalf of the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Energy to expand domestic energy production and spur development of solar energy on public lands in six western states,” the BLM announced in a March 14 press release. “The Western Solar Energy Plan provides a blueprint for utility-scale solar energy permitting in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico and Utah by establishing Solar Energy Zones with access to existing or planned transmission, incentives for development within those Solar Energy Zones, and a process through which to consider additional Solar Energy Zones and solar projects.”

“The Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone is the first of several pilot plans to be developed by the BLM,” the press release added.

In summary, the BLM, acting under Sen. Reid’s corrupt interests, wants Cliven Bundy out of the 600,000 acre Gold Butte area so the agency can use the land for future solar projects and de facto buffer zones surrounding the solar farms.
Wrong again, but keep trying.

From a local Nevada paper and not the :asshole: Alice Jones.

Facts that disprove conspiracy theory about Harry Reid, Cliven Bundy and solar power - Las Vegas Sun News

Another project comes close. But not that close: Bundy’s home in the Mojave desert is closer to the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, a corridor that has been slated for renewable energy development. The BLM is planning a mitigation strategy that may stretch toward the area where Bundy has been grazing his cows. But even there, the maps don’t match up closely enough to suggest that Bundy’s specific grazing land was the intended site of a solar facility. Also, the Chinese company ENN had not been planning a facility in the Dry Lake area.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: The Las Vegas Sun Times endorsed Harry Reid for Senator.... now isn't that a coincidence? Just another example of the corruptness and lies spread in Nevada for Reid!

Harry Reid for Senate - Las Vegas Sun News

Try addressing this....the BLM specifically stated that it wanted Bundy and his cattle out of the area as part of the agency’s “regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone.”....I'm sure if your interested, by following the links in the article I posted you can find that SCRUBBED website page!
They are infinitely more credible than the little sissy Alice Jones!

And there is absolutely no mention of the Welfare Cowboy or his farm or property in your link.

Try again.
Wrong again, but keep trying.

From a local Nevada paper and not the :asshole: Alice Jones.

Facts that disprove conspiracy theory about Harry Reid, Cliven Bundy and solar power - Las Vegas Sun News

Another project comes close. But not that close: Bundy’s home in the Mojave desert is closer to the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone, a corridor that has been slated for renewable energy development. The BLM is planning a mitigation strategy that may stretch toward the area where Bundy has been grazing his cows. But even there, the maps don’t match up closely enough to suggest that Bundy’s specific grazing land was the intended site of a solar facility. Also, the Chinese company ENN had not been planning a facility in the Dry Lake area.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: The Las Vegas Sun Times endorsed Harry Reid for Senator.... now isn't that a coincidence? Just another example of the corruptness and lies spread in Nevada for Reid!

Harry Reid for Senate - Las Vegas Sun News

Try addressing this....the BLM specifically stated that it wanted Bundy and his cattle out of the area as part of the agency’s “regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone.”....I'm sure if your interested, by following the links in the article I posted you can find that SCRUBBED website page!
They are infinitely more credible than the little sissy Alice Jones!

And there is absolutely no mention of the Welfare Cowboy or his farm or property in your link.

Try again.

Only more credible to subversives that can't refute it.

And where did I get that quote except from the article linked to? And the screen shot of the DELETED BLM webpage is there, big as your inflated ego!

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: The Las Vegas Sun Times endorsed Harry Reid for Senator.... now isn't that a coincidence? Just another example of the corruptness and lies spread in Nevada for Reid!

Harry Reid for Senate - Las Vegas Sun News

Try addressing this....the BLM specifically stated that it wanted Bundy and his cattle out of the area as part of the agency’s “regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone.”....I'm sure if your interested, by following the links in the article I posted you can find that SCRUBBED website page!
They are infinitely more credible than the little sissy Alice Jones!

And there is absolutely no mention of the Welfare Cowboy or his farm or property in your link.

Try again.

Only more credible to subversives that can't refute it.

And where did I get that quote except from the article linked to? And the screen shot of the DELETED BLM webpage is there, big as your inflated ego!

Dry Lake is nowhere near Bunkerville. It is 35 miles Southwest of the Welfare Cowboy with the Moapa Valley and the Moapa Reservation in between. Try looking at a map rather than listening to assholes like Jones or the freepers.
Last edited:
They are infinitely more credible than the little sissy Alice Jones!

And there is absolutely no mention of the Welfare Cowboy or his farm or property in your link.

Try again.

Only more credible to subversives that can't refute it.

And where did I get that quote except from the article linked to? And the screen shot of the DELETED BLM webpage is there, big as your inflated ego!

Dry Lake is nowhere near Bunkerville. It is 35 miles Southwest of the Welfare Cowboy with the Moapa Valley and the Moapa Reservation in between. Try looking at a map rather than listening to assholes like Jones or the freepers.

Well first the Chinese plant was supposed to be 225 miles away, and now we have a ground breaking 35 miles away, and we have a BLM webpage that states Bundy by name to be dispatched, and you think there is nothing to it....Can I sell you a swimming pool cheap in the Himalayas?
I realize we're way off in the woods beyond this point, intellectually, as is usually the case with the core contingent of rightwing imbeciles we have around here,

but let's just check in on the Constitution:

The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Thanks Ben Franklin. Have anything useful to add? Scum like you shouldn't be giving props to the constitution that you hate dirt bag.

Shows you exactly why the nutters were wrong, and you defend the nutters. Low information tool, you.
Those fees go to the taxpayer? I've yet to receive a check in the mail.

The cops stop patrolling your streets?

Lights go out?

Water stop running?

Roads and bridges, disintegrate?

Can't get a drivers license because the DMV closed down?

Garbage piling up?

Let's give it a go. Me an others can survive, the weak government dependents not so much


Nah, you would be the first the gangsters would eliminate.
When Vigilante writes "As we revealed last Friday in an article that" he is not telling you that it is a lie from Alex Jones and Info Wars.
When Vigilante writes "As we revealed last Friday in an article that" he is not telling you that it is a lie from Alex Jones and Info Wars.

Still nothing to refute it, I see. Bet you believe the Manchurian muslim's birth cert too! :badgrin:
Reid and the libs call anyone who don't agree with them terrorists.

Nothing new here. It's just what leftist scum say all the time.

Where the hell is Reid during the crisis.............Where was he at as the Fed owns over 81.1% of Nevada's land..............Perhaps he was at a Communist rally telling everyone how good Gov't is today.

Over cows, the feds bring in 200 feds...................Their power will not be opposed. You will be assimulated.

That's not true at all.

If you use violence..or the threat of violence to further a political agenda?

That's terrorism.

No, it's called doing what our founding fathers expect us to have done. But sooner. We are failing miserably in getting our house in order


Our founding fathers had to handle a tax rebellion in 1794 and George Washington, as president, raised an army of thousands and put down the rebellion, some terrorists were arrested and later pardoned by Washington. America has had a number of rebellions by some of of its own citizens some large and some small, the Whiskey Rebellion was our first. It was not the last, however, the largest being the Civil War. Was the bonus army of the Great Depression a rebellion? If not, MacArthur went in anyway causing a death or two.
Only more credible to subversives that can't refute it.

And where did I get that quote except from the article linked to? And the screen shot of the DELETED BLM webpage is there, big as your inflated ego!

Dry Lake is nowhere near Bunkerville. It is 35 miles Southwest of the Welfare Cowboy with the Moapa Valley and the Moapa Reservation in between. Try looking at a map rather than listening to assholes like Jones or the freepers.

Well first the Chinese plant was supposed to be 225 miles away, and now we have a ground breaking 35 miles away, and we have a BLM webpage that states Bundy by name to be dispatched, and you think there is nothing to it....Can I sell you a swimming pool cheap in the Himalayas?
Well, I said 100 miles away, so obviously you can't judge distance very well.

None of the Welfare Cowboy's property is onsite of any solar project. Just look at a map!
Dry Lake is nowhere near Bunkerville. It is 35 miles Southwest of the Welfare Cowboy with the Moapa Valley and the Moapa Reservation in between. Try looking at a map rather than listening to assholes like Jones or the freepers.

Well first the Chinese plant was supposed to be 225 miles away, and now we have a ground breaking 35 miles away, and we have a BLM webpage that states Bundy by name to be dispatched, and you think there is nothing to it....Can I sell you a swimming pool cheap in the Himalayas?
Well, I said 100 miles away, so obviously you can't judge distance very well.

None of the Welfare Cowboy's property is onsite of any solar project. Just look at a map!


Reid and his son, Rory, were both deeply involved in a deal with the Chinese-owned ENN Energy Group to build a $5 billion solar farm in Laughlin, Nevada. But that is roughly 177 miles away from Bundy’s 150-acre ranch in Bunkerville, Nev., and 213 miles from the federally owned Gold Butte area where Bundy ‘s cattle graze, according to Google Maps.

Is Harry Reid Involved? Seven Answers to Seven Questions You?re Probably Asking Right Now About the Nevada Rancher Situation | Video | TheBlaze.com

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPndJ4fuL9g]Feds Desperate to Hide Harry Reid Link to Bundy Land Grab - YouTube[/ame]
Well first the Chinese plant was supposed to be 225 miles away, and now we have a ground breaking 35 miles away, and we have a BLM webpage that states Bundy by name to be dispatched, and you think there is nothing to it....Can I sell you a swimming pool cheap in the Himalayas?
Well, I said 100 miles away, so obviously you can't judge distance very well.

None of the Welfare Cowboy's property is onsite of any solar project. Just look at a map!


Reid and his son, Rory, were both deeply involved in a deal with the Chinese-owned ENN Energy Group to build a $5 billion solar farm in Laughlin, Nevada. But that is roughly 177 miles away from Bundy’s 150-acre ranch in Bunkerville, Nev., and 213 miles from the federally owned Gold Butte area where Bundy ‘s cattle graze, according to Google Maps.

Is Harry Reid Involved? Seven Answers to Seven Questions You?re Probably Asking Right Now About the Nevada Rancher Situation | Video | TheBlaze.com

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPndJ4fuL9g"]Feds Desperate to Hide Harry Reid Link to Bundy Land Grab - YouTube[/ame]
So you are saying the Welfare Cowboy grazes his cows 36 miles away from his ranch. 213-177 :cuckoo:
Well, I said 100 miles away, so obviously you can't judge distance very well.

None of the Welfare Cowboy's property is onsite of any solar project. Just look at a map!


Reid and his son, Rory, were both deeply involved in a deal with the Chinese-owned ENN Energy Group to build a $5 billion solar farm in Laughlin, Nevada. But that is roughly 177 miles away from Bundy’s 150-acre ranch in Bunkerville, Nev., and 213 miles from the federally owned Gold Butte area where Bundy ‘s cattle graze, according to Google Maps.

Is Harry Reid Involved? Seven Answers to Seven Questions You?re Probably Asking Right Now About the Nevada Rancher Situation | Video | TheBlaze.com

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPndJ4fuL9g"]Feds Desperate to Hide Harry Reid Link to Bundy Land Grab - YouTube[/ame]
So you are saying the Welfare Cowboy grazes his cows 36 miles away from his ranch. 213-177 :cuckoo:

He has 600,000 acres to graze on, 36 miles out there is nothing! :eusa_boohoo:

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