Harry Reid Calls Bundy Supporters 'Domestic Terrorists'

Harry Reid is the senior senator from the only state in the Union that the US BOMBED with Atomic weapons repeatedly. I think explains a lot..

That explains his higher than normal voice.

I think his acorns have shriveled up.
No policeman in America hereafter will ever see or hear mentioned the 'don't tread on me' flag without thinking of those two slain officers.

That "Don't tread on me" Flag is the Gadsen. The actual ORIGINAL flag of the colonies and the revolution before the current flag was in place.

I PROUDLY wave the Gadsen along with the American Flag on my property - as do most US Ships at Sea. That proud symbol of defiance didn't commit those murders - those freaks of nature did.

This whole argument confirms my theory that leftists have had self-preservation instincts bred right out of them. Could never imagine that their govt could become wholly dysfunctional and unconcerned for civil liberties. Or might be reading your posts and analyzing content at this very moment..

They really lack any awareness of the POWER and the ABUSE of that power that has lit the fuse for this discussion.. Just look at all the other headlines that got WIPED by this unfortunate crime. Which would they rather discuss? Abuse of responsibility for veteran healthcare? The Prez releasing the future govt of Afganistan without Congressional approval of the DETAILS? NO -- they want to talk about convienient electoral political pivot points -- like the Tea party or flag symbols.

And Repubs are stupid enough to fall for the distraction..
No policeman in America hereafter will ever see or hear mentioned the 'don't tread on me' flag without thinking of those two slain officers.

That "Don't tread on me" Flag is the Gadsen. The actual ORIGINAL flag of the colonies and the revolution before the current flag was in place.

I PROUDLY wave the Gadsen along with the American Flag on my property - as do most US Ships at Sea. That proud symbol of defiance didn't commit those murders - those freaks of nature did.


Typical Nazi response. Fuck you.
Okay, so the government is all-powerful and tyrannical. What are any of you going to do about it? You can't kill cops because that would make you exactly like those two pieces of shit in Las Vegas who you've spent so much time denouncing. You won't use your guns to fight against the tyrannical government because you'd be going to war against the US military which you love and support with all of your red-blooded American hearts, so what then?

Vote in another Republican President? Are they going to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act that expanded Federal powers? Are they going to end the drug war which has already been used as an excuse to violate the Constitution and use US Army soldiers in domestic law enforcement?

It's like you people don't think that you share responsibility for society being in this mess. Is that really how you all feel? Are you seriously considering Jeb Bush for a possible 2016 Presidential candidate? Do you still think that the name Bush is worthy of the White House?
Bundy supporters took up sniper positions on a bridge and aimed their military assault weapons at officers of the law.

You bet they are terrorists.

What do you call people who actually pull the trigger on cops or write songs about killing cops?
This whole argument confirms my theory that leftists have had self-preservation instincts bred right out of them. Could never imagine that their govt could become wholly dysfunctional and unconcerned for civil liberties. Or might be reading your posts and analyzing content at this very moment..

They really lack any awareness of the POWER and the ABUSE of that power that has lit the fuse for this discussion.. Just look at all the other headlines that got WIPED by this unfortunate crime. Which would they rather discuss? Abuse of responsibility for veteran healthcare? The Prez releasing the future govt of Afganistan without Congressional approval of the DETAILS? NO -- they want to talk about convienient electoral political pivot points -- like the Tea party or flag symbols.

And Repubs are stupid enough to fall for the distraction..

You may be onto something, there.
That "Don't tread on me" Flag is the Gadsen. The actual ORIGINAL flag of the colonies and the revolution before the current flag was in place.

I PROUDLY wave the Gadsen along with the American Flag on my property - as do most US Ships at Sea. That proud symbol of defiance didn't commit those murders - those freaks of nature did.


Typical Nazi response. Fuck you.

So the police are "Nazis" you can use your guns on?

Dear Gun-Grabbers:

You cannot have America's guns.


The Rest of the Country
Amen, Harry! Domestic scum attracks domestic scum! They banded together to support a welfare rancher who refused to pay his grazing fees after freeloading off government lands for 20 years while everyone else had to pay their fees and taxes. A bunch of deranged psychos waving their don't tread on me flags.

Gee, Reid was right on every count! No wonder the DittoTards have been programed to hate him.

Yup, Obamacare victims are liars, and YOU stink... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
The guys that showed up in support of Bundy are not terrorists of any sort, domestic or otherwise.

We have a real problem with terrorists and have spent 1 trillion dollars fighting them and still have not won.
One unit of the Mississippi National Guard could have wiped out the motley crew that was at the Bundy ranch.

But the Mississippi National Guard didn't wipe them out and two of them got away to commit an act of terrorism at a later date, which they did. And at least a couple of the"guys" that showed up in support of Bundy were in fact terrorist. We just don't have an exact number, yet.

The toothless wonders that showed up at Bundy's ranch would not last 2 days against terrorists.
Okay, so the government is all-powerful and tyrannical. What are any of you going to do about it? You can't kill cops because that would make you exactly like those two pieces of shit in Las Vegas who you've spent so much time denouncing. You won't use your guns to fight against the tyrannical government because you'd be going to war against the US military which you love and support with all of your red-blooded American hearts, so what then?

Vote in another Republican President? Are they going to repeal the USAPATRIOT Act that expanded Federal powers? Are they going to end the drug war which has already been used as an excuse to violate the Constitution and use US Army soldiers in domestic law enforcement?

It's like you people don't think that you share responsibility for society being in this mess. Is that really how you all feel? Are you seriously considering Jeb Bush for a possible 2016 Presidential candidate? Do you still think that the name Bush is worthy of the White House?

Yes the right wing talks a mean game about conservatism all the while they backed the Patriot Act, support the fraud of a War on Drugs and are more worried about the gay boogeyman and abortion than balancing the budget.
The largest social program in 50 years, Gramps and Granny's all you can eat DOPE buffet was sponsored by Bush and Republicans.
This whole argument confirms my theory that leftists have had self-preservation instincts bred right out of them. Could never imagine that their govt could become wholly dysfunctional and unconcerned for civil liberties. Or might be reading your posts and analyzing content at this very moment..

They really lack any awareness of the POWER and the ABUSE of that power that has lit the fuse for this discussion.. Just look at all the other headlines that got WIPED by this unfortunate crime. Which would they rather discuss? Abuse of responsibility for veteran healthcare? The Prez releasing the future govt of Afganistan without Congressional approval of the DETAILS? NO -- they want to talk about convienient electoral political pivot points -- like the Tea party or flag symbols.

And Repubs are stupid enough to fall for the distraction..

You may be onto something, there.

Somewhere along the line, the American Left has jettisoned all that useful H.D. Thoreau -- Walden Pond individual sovereignty and skepticism of Government Power as LIBERALS and replaced it with a wanton desire to gain and wield power to punish dissidents and meddle with minutae. That's why I'm more of a Liberal than most of the Left on this board. And why the libertarian movement draws just as much support from true Liberals as it does from Conservatives.
What a smuck. Another one that is noted

Bring out that NDAA document and we'll wipe the floor with it


the militia thugs took up arms against their government, and threatened civilians with armed stops...

i'd say that's terrorism.

you have a problem with a law/ challenge it in court.

if a group of armed blacks were standing in front of section 8 housing refusing to leave or pay for their housing while training guns on federal officers, they'd have been shot dead and you'd be cheering.

but it's the loony posse comitatus neo-confederate insurrectionist, white christian supremacists, so it's ok, right?

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