Harry Reid Illegaly Gave Granddaughter $17,000 of Campaign Money

I guess OFA hasn't sent out any talking points to its toadies yet.

Not the first dimocrap poster.

An old trick used by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is 'Censorship By Omission'. Which is to just simply ignore bad news, don't give it any recognition and pretend it's not there until another outrage arises. Hopefully, one committed by a Conservative or other Patriotic American but more often, just another lie or theft by another dimocrap. But hopefully, for them, they can work up a defense based on lies (their entire existence is based on lies) and cloud the evidence with lies.

Our resident dimocraps use the same tactics and won't engage in a thread when one of their own is caught in the act and a suitable lie has yet to be formulated

Which explains why so many threads in here go one-post-and-out.

What say you, dimocraps?

Willing to admit what I've always said -- ? Your party isn't a political party, it is a criminal enterprise.

THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is just a simple fact of life. dimocraps are thieves and liars. Top to bottom.

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