Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

and dont forget what Reid said about all of those dying children a few weeks ago. who is next on his chitlist? White Jews? White Italians? White Hispanics? Lesbian Seagulls and Penguins?
Harry Reid In A Nutshell: I am uneducated, Hate having to work for a living, I really really like Dick Durbin, and F****K the middle class, they make too much money and I am taking it to buy me an apt in DC and to keep 10 Million in my bank account.
Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

From the socialist - parasitic standpoint that is true.

Imagine a Jew in Nazi Germany trying to repeal or amend the final solution. He would have been labeled by the Fuhrer and his cohorts as "Witzfigur"


Because Obamacare and the Final Solution are totally the same thing.

They are BOTH tyrannical government mandates.

EDIT: Not to mention that Nazi Germany was a dictatorship and therefore such a thing couldn't have happened anyways.

Adolf was LEGALLY ELECTED to power . He considered the victory a MANdate.

Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

That may very well be, but as a resident of Nevada, people don't think any more than that of Harry Reid here either.

Really! I find that hard to believe. I used to live in Nevada. Reid was absolutely adored. Everything was the "Harry Reid" something or other. The Harry Reid Pantry for free food. The Harry Reid/UNLV medical clinic". That's when I realized that Reid would have to either retire or die in office before he was no longer a Nevada Senator. He has loaded Nevada with so much pork, that he could never be voted out of office.
Has anyone ever seen such a polarizing hate filled administration? I don't recall a senate majority leader ever talking about a sitting senator that way. Harry Reid should have been charged with treason when he blurted out "the war (in Iraq) is lost" or forced to undergo medical tests at that time. He is either a criminal or he is out of his mind.
Harry Reid, so much free time on his hands, counting his money(ahh,,tax payer millions} and god only knows what he is viewing on the net. Thank God most of us can clear our web history. Just ask Anthony Weiner.
Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

That may very well be, but as a resident of Nevada, people don't think any more than that of Harry Reid here either.

Really! I find that hard to believe. I used to live in Nevada. Reid was absolutely adored. Everything was the "Harry Reid" something or other. The Harry Reid Pantry for free food. The Harry Reid/UNLV medical clinic". That's when I realized that Reid would have to either retire or die in office before he was no longer a Nevada Senator. He has loaded Nevada with so much pork, that he could never be voted out of office.

Harry Reid is by no means "adored" as much as he is tolerated. The Republicans could have gotten rid of him in 2010 if they had not nominated that whack-a-doodle chick who was even less tolerable than him. His approval rating was in the crapper when he got reelected. It still is.
Good to see so many anti-Harry Reid wackos chiming in. If it weren't for Harry Reid I'm not so sure the Obama administration would be so successful right now as far as passing Obamacare and many other of Obama's courageous goals. A shout out to Nancy Pelosi also. Go Harry Reid... keep on kicking r-wing tea party ass. :eusa_clap:
in other words, harry reid then assumes that all hispanics are laughing stocks, right?

No, not all, just Ted.

According to the liberal theory developed under the Obama Administration, if you attack an Hispanic politician, then you are a racist who is attacking all Hispanics.

There you go again... stereotyping and playing the race-card again. Don't you r-wingers ever get tired of that ploy?
I wonder what will be carved into Harry Reids gravestone? I do know what most of us would want to see on Pelosi's gravestone , probably something pertaining to the wicked witch of the west.
I wonder what will be carved into Harry Reids gravestone? I do know what most of us would want to see on Pelosi's gravestone , probably something pertaining to the wicked witch of the west.

"Herein lies the scumbag who SECRETLY enacted Obamacare.

He was also the first one to die after an Obama Hellcare death panel concluded that he wasn't worth saving."



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