Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

right, and when Palin was having a few embarrassing moments, the left made her the poster boy for all of the GOP. (in other words, all Republicans read scripts from the palms of their hands).

palin is not a boy, and she did not have embarrassing moments.

You are not a Republican, only a far right wing reactionary TeaP.

We want you TeaPs to stop lying and act normal.
who ever thought that we would live to see a day when any average american just wants to go to work to either become succsessful/create jobs, or to support his family, and yet they get ridiculed by the far left who's priority is to rid them of all the money they have saved.
Harry Reid is a white Mormon, and the "majority leader" and a person of extreme power.
He shouldn't be talking about a minority like that. He must think he's superior.
"I wonder what will be carved into Harry Reids gravestone?..."

"Here lie the bones of Harry Reid,

A grave where many a Yank has peed,

And when the graveyard smells like shit,

The caretakers come here to look for it
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in other words, harry reid then assumes that all hispanics are laughing stocks, right?

No, not all, just Ted.

According to the liberal theory developed under the Obama Administration, if you attack an Hispanic politician, then you are a racist who is attacking all Hispanics.

Good point! If you attack a liberal who happens to be some ethnicity other than white then you're attacking them because they're that ethnicity. How could I forget? I was just thinking about when outrageous people on the left have simply denied Cruz the right to claim to be Hispanic because he dares to disagree with their twisted ideas.
I can just picture stray dogs choosing to poop on Reids grave sight. In the same manner Wolves poop/pee in places to claim their territory.
Reid on Obama "a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one,'

Im guessing Reid heard the "where's yo dollah' speech
Has anyone ever seen such a polarizing hate filled administration? I don't recall a senate majority leader ever talking about a sitting senator that way. Harry Reid should have been charged with treason when he blurted out "the war (in Iraq) is lost" or forced to undergo medical tests at that time. He is either a criminal or he is out of his mind.

the Democrat party of old is dead and gone...it is now filled with hate, hostility, and Division..

They have to keep the people divided in this country in order for them to win anything..

they need to change the name to something else, there is nothing Democratic about them
Harry Reid is a monumental bag of douche.


Who gives a rat's twat what that lowlife motherfucking asshole scumbag cocksucker has to say about Sen. Cruz or about anybody else for that matter?
So much for Reid proclaiming to be a Democrat, he has never addressed the high employment crisis along with a plan to create 300K-500K jobs a month. The GOP has, but fallen on deaf rats.
Reid is a drug mule who used his position in the Senate to enrich himself. The police would also like to question him regarding a series of murdered prostitutes missing from the Las Vegas strip

Do you have evidence for this?:eusa_boohoo:

You mean like "Romney is a tax evader"? Yeah, my evidence is just as solid

Investigation: Mitt Romney?s Offshore Accounts, Tax Loopholes, and Mysterious I.R.A. | Vanity Fair
From the socialist - parasitic standpoint that is true.

Imagine a Jew in Nazi Germany trying to repeal or amend the final solution. He would have been labeled by the Fuhrer and his cohorts as "Witzfigur"


Because Obamacare and the Final Solution are totally the same thing.

They are BOTH tyrannical government mandates.

You're comparing apples to rotten bananas.

Obamacare is intended to bring healthcare to those that don't have it (I'm not here to argue how it went right now, save that for a more relevant topic).
The Final Solution was the plan to annihilate the Jewish people from Europe.

That's a pretty fucking big difference if you ask me.

Also, the Final Solution was not a mandate. It didn't require you to purchase or obtain gas chambers to kill nearby Jews or anything like that.

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